Standard 4: Sample Syllabi
This sample syllabus provides ideas for resources, activities, readings, and assignments, aligned with the Initial Practice-based Preparation Standards for Early Interventionists/Early Childhood Special Educators EI/ECSE (2020) and DEC Recommended Practices (2014). Consider state and university policies and add them as appropriate. This is a sample only and is not a complete syllabus; nor is it intended to suggest that the Standard would be addressed in only one course in the curriculum.
Standard 4: Learning Activities
The projects or assignments require learners to apply the practices/skills related to Standard 4: Assessment Processes. Since these are application activities, they most align with the evidence-based practices for adult learners of authentic learning, reflection, guidance, performance feedback, and follow-up activities. The sample learning activities are organized by the four Components for Standard 4.
Component 4.1
Assessment Tool Review: Students conduct a review of an assessment tool – which may be a screening tool, a norm-referenced assessment, or a criterion-referenced assessment. The review should contain information about the intended purpose of the tool, target age range, domains assessed, reliability and validity information, a description of administration and scoring procedures, and a brief summary of the strengths and limitations of the instrument.
Component 4.2
Environmental Rating Scales: Students administer one of the following environmental rating scales: the FCCERS-3, the ITERS-3, or the ECERS-3, including scoresheet and profile. The completed scoresheet and profile will be accompanied by a summary of strengths and suggested classroom environment practices to target for change.
Component 4.3
Developmental Assessment and Assessment Report: With a cross-disciplinary team, students conduct a developmental assessment of an infant or young child (birth to 3) and write up the results in an integrated report complete with appropriate recommendations. Students are required to use multiple assessment methods, including one norm-referenced assessment tool (the Battelle Developmental Inventory is strongly recommended), and at least two authentic assessment methods (e.g. observation in the natural environment, parent/caregiver interview, informal observation tool). Formal assessments must be conducted in at least 2 developmental domains (social-emotional and cognitive development at a minimum) but the report should take into account development in all domains. No identifying information should be found anywhere in the assessment report.
Provide a report heading and the headings below.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION (Include identifying information that includes the child’s pseudonym name (e.g., pseudonym –“ child one”), age, grade, date of assessment, home language.)
DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSESSMENT (Briefly describe the assessment tool including its purpose.)
OBSERVATIONS (Describe the assessment environment. Briefly describe the child’s behavior during the assessment, if the assessment administration was valid, and if not why.)
ASSESSMENT RESULTS (Present scores and interpretations in an organized manner (visually). Provide a brief description of subtests and scores. List strengths and needs in each subtest.
RECOMMENDATIONS (Provide a brief description of what the scores suggest about the child’s skill development in relation to eligibility for special education under the category of Developmental Delay)
Provide a signature, name, and date at the bottom.
Component 4.4
IEP Simulation Activity
This activity involves three steps and each step builds student knowledge and skills about the IEP meeting and process, including the importance of actively involving the family. Prior instruction about the IEP process is required before implementing this activity.
Standard 4: Practicum Application
The Practicum Applications are examples of learning experiences designed to promote knowledge and skill development for each component of each standard. They are intended to be idea prompts for field-based assignments for preservice and professional development, and adapted as needed.
The Practicum Applications:
- Should be incorporated across the curriculum and within each standard,
- Represent the age range from birth through five,
- Are sequenced from observation and reflection to implementation of practices with supervision,
- Should be implemented across home, school, and community settings.
Component 4.1
Supporting Knowledge and Skill Development
Knowledge: Observe a child in the natural environment, keep data on target outcome(s), and summarize the results specific to the child’s progress in achieving developmental milestones.
Knowledge: Review an assessment instrument that is used in a field placement, identify the purpose of the measure, its psychometric properties, scoring procedures, and strengths and limitations, and reflect on its appropriateness for the purpose for which it is being used.
Knowledge: Observe a home visit in which an upcoming early intervention evaluation is discussed. Reflect on how the purpose of the assessment and the measure(s) to be used are discussed, as well as any related legal guidelines.
Skill: Administer a criterion-referenced measure and adjust items, as allowed, to address culture and other factors.
Skill: Assist in planning a preschool screening, including a selection of measure(s) designed for that purpose and with good psychometric properties.
Component 4.2
Supporting Knowledge and Skill Development
Knowledge: Observe the administration of an informal assessment with a child who uses an augmentative communication device and reflect on the strategies used to facilitate the assessment and how that may have impacted the results.
Knowledge: Observe the administration of a formal assessment and reflect on the evidence-based strategies employed in the administration of the measure.
Skill: Participate in a transdisciplinary play-based assessment, take observation notes for one developmental domain, and analyze notes to make recommendations.
Skill: Plan for and administer an informal assessment measure that includes parent interviews.
Skill: Plan for and administer a formal assessment measure that includes parent interviews.
Component 4.3
Supporting Knowledge and Skill Development
Knowledge: Observe a parent-teacher conference in which progress data is shared and reflect on the strength-based communication strategies utilized.
Knowledge: Observe an IFSP meeting focusing on the communication strategies employed to share the assessment results with the family and other professionals and reflect on the strategies that were effective in ensuring a strength-based approach and those that were less effective.
Knowledge: Observe an IEP meeting focusing on the communication strategies employed to share the assessment results with the family and other professionals and reflect on the strategies that were effective in ensuring a strength-based approach and those that were less effective.
Skill: Develop a strength-based, jargon-free report that summarizes assessment results and makes recommendations based on those results.
Skill: Assist in a home visit for the purpose of sharing assessment results with the family prior to an IEP or IFSP meeting.
Skill: Assist with a parent-teacher conference in which progress data is shared and reflect on your use of strength-based communication strategies.
Component 4.4
Supporting Knowledge and Skill Development
Knowledge: Observe an initial IFSP meeting and reflect on the role of the family in decision-making and how assessment data and legal guidelines were used to determine eligibility.
Knowledge: Observe an initial IEP meeting and reflect on the role of the family in decision-making and how assessment data and legal guidelines were used to determine eligibility.
Knowledge: Interview a family member to identify how they have been involved in developing and implementing their child’s individualized intervention plan and any preferences for different and/or additional types of involvement.
Skill: Develop with the family a plan to collect progress data for a child with an IFSP using authentic measures during family routines.
Skill: Develop with the team, including the family, a plan to collect progress data for a child with an IEP using authentic measures during preschool classroom routines.
Skill: Develop with the family an individualized intervention plan based on assessment data and IFSP outcomes.
Skill: Develop with the team, including the family an individualized instructional plan based on assessment data and IEP goals.
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TConsejos para Familias: .pdf Preparing for the Visit (Spanish) |
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