Standard 5: Sample Syllabi
This sample syllabus provides ideas for resources, activities, readings, and assignments, aligned with the Initial Practice-based Professional Preparation Standards for Early Interventionists/Early Childhood Special Educators (2020) and DEC Recommended Practices (2014). Consider state and university policies and add them as appropriate. This is a sample only and is not a complete syllabus; nor is it intended to suggest that the Standard would be addressed in only one course in the curriculum.
Standard 5: Learning Activities
The projects or assignments require learners to apply the practices/skills related to Standard 5: Application of Curriculum Frameworks in the Planning and Facilitation of Meaningful Learning Experiences. Since these are application activities, they most align with the evidence-based practices for adult learners of authentic learning, reflection, guidance, performance feedback, and follow-up activities. The sample learning activities are organized by the two Components for Standard 5.
Component 5.1 and 5.2
Reflective Journal and Summary: Maintain a journal and reflect on activities, interactions, and events in the practicum setting with the partner family, and partner preschool or early childhood classroom. Reflect on topics, readings, discussions, and class activities specific to Standard 5: Application of Curriculum Frameworks in the Planning and Facilitation of Meaningful Learning Experiences. The journal entries should demonstrate your self-awareness and self-reflection about your work with children and related roles within the practicum setting as well as professional growth within the knowledge areas addressed. A minimum of 15 different class readings (articles or chapters) should be cited in the journal. Write in the journal once a week, on average. The journal should be available for the instructor to look at during on-site visits.
Near the end of the semester, prepare a brief (2-4 page) summary of the major themes discussed in the journal and what was learned over the course of the semester. Consider the following types of questions when writing in the journal and preparing the summary:
What have I observed? What are the implications of the observation when reflecting on curriculum frameworks and meaningful learning experiences for children?
What worked (be specific with describing the experience)? What did not work? Why did or did not it work? What could I do differently? What are other ways to do this? How might that have influenced the outcome?
What beliefs did my actions reflect?
What did I do well? What areas do I need to improve?
What did I learn about the child, the family, and/or myself as an interventionist/educator?
How did I apply perspectives or ideas discussed in class and in the course readings to my work in the practicum setting? How effective are these ideas or perspectives? How comfortable am I applying the perspectives or ideas?
In what ways have my beliefs and/or perspective been challenged because of the class and the field experience?
In what ways have my beliefs or perspective been supported by this class and the experiences in the practicum?
Activity Plans with Family Partner: Prepare, implement, and evaluate three activity plans that incorporate collaboration with the partner family. The activities should allow children with varying abilities and learning needs to participate in meaningful ways.
The activities should be appropriate to the children’s age-related needs, respond to the interests of the child as observed by the student and discussed with the family, fit the definition of authentic activities, and occur within the context of the typical daily schedule. Consider a wide range of learning contexts and experiences such as free play activities (e.g., shoe store, washing babies, building roads and bridges), daily routines (e.g., brushing teeth, snack time), and community-based outings (e.g., grocery store, park, library).
Develop plans for the three activities, implement them, and provide a reflective evaluation of the implementation of each plan. Reflections should address recommended practices and guidelines provided in readings and class handouts and materials.
Activity Plans with Preschool/Classroom Partner
Prepare, implement, and evaluate three activity plans that incorporate collaboration with the partner preschool or classroom. The activities should allow children with varying abilities and learning needs to participate in meaningful ways.
The activities should be appropriate to the children’s age-related needs, respond to the interests of the child as observed by the student and discussed with the classroom teacher, fit the definition of authentic activities and occur within the context of the typical daily schedule. Consider a wide range of learning contexts and experiences such as free play activities (e.g., shoe store, washing babies, building roads and bridges), activities within learning centers (e.g., dramatic play, blocks, art, sensory), daily routines (e.g., snack time), field trips, circle time or large group activities, and small group activities.
Develop plans for the three activities, implement them, and provide a reflective evaluation of the implementation of each plan. Reflections should address recommended practices and guidelines provided in readings and class handouts and materials.
Component 5.2
Curriculum Modifications: Review one lesson in the partner preschool/classroom and provide two to three curriculum modifications that address issues or challenges that will support all abilities to access the lesson in a meaningful way. Modifications may include the use of assistive technology, alternative/augmentative communication devices, or special equipment; as well as modifications of the environment, materials, or activities; addressing child preferences; providing adult, peer, or invisible support; and addressing sensory/regulatory needs of the child.
Standard 5: Practicum Application
The Practicum Applications are examples of learning experiences designed to promote knowledge and skill development for each component of each standard. They are intended to be idea prompts for field-based assignments for preservice and professional development, and adapted as needed.
The Practicum Applications:
- Should be incorporated across the curriculum and within each standard,
- Represent the age range from birth through five,
- Are sequenced from observation and reflection to implementation of practices with supervision,
- Should be implemented across home, school, and community settings.
Component 5.1
Supporting Knowledge and Skill Development
Knowledge: Interview a toddler or preschool teacher to identify the curriculum implemented in that classroom, key components of the curriculum, and criteria used to select the curriculum, and then, reflect on the extent to which it seems to be evidence-based and culturally responsive.
Knowledge: Review the curriculum based on content domains used in a kindergarten field placement and discuss the evidence-based curriculum and its ability and cultural appropriateness for the setting.
Skill: Review a curriculum (e.g., literacy) being considered for a preschool program for its appropriateness for the children in the program, including cultural factors, in preparation for a preschool team meeting.
Skill: Develop a plan for a toddler with an IFSP in an Early Head Start or childcare classroom to embed the child and family’s cultural background and experiences in all aspects of the learning environment.
Component 5.2
Supporting Knowledge and Skill Development
Knowledge: Observe in a preschool classroom and reflect on how the learning environment and experiences adhere to the principles of universal design and any needed adaptations to allow for greater access and engagement of all children.
Knowledge: Observe an early intervention coaching session and reflect on the principles of universal design that were demonstrated, how they were applied in the learning environment, including materials, and the activities that were implemented, as well as any needed adaptations, to ensure that the learning experiences are developmentally challenging and engaging to the child.
Skill: Develop a lesson plan for a preschool classroom that incorporates the principles of universal design to facilitate access and engagement of all children in the group.
Skill: Plan for and assist with an early intervention coaching session in which the principles of universal design are applied to facilitate maximum access and engagement of the child.
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Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center | Framework for reflective questioning / The Coaching Quick Reference Guide - .pdf |
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Edelman, L. (2020). Planning for the Use of Video Conferencing for Early Intervention Home Visits during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Planning for the Use of Video Conferencing for Early Intervention Home Visits during the COVID-19 Pandemic |
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National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations - May Newsletter | Pyramid in the Time of COVID-19 |