Our Center is focused on building awareness that an integrated, comprehensive system of personnel development (CSPD) for the early childhood (EC) workforce in every state – one that is cohesive with state and national personnel standards, competencies, and recommended practices, will produce the most successful outcomes for children and families with disabilities.
How Improved CSPD Leads to Improved Outcomes
- States have high quality CSPD
- More EC leaders and practitionershave the requisite knowledge and skills
- Improved effectiveness of EI, ECSE, and EC services and supports
- Improved outcome for children and families

The ECPC Conceptual Framework
Bronfenbrenner’s (1977) ecological model of development provides the framework of our center activities as it acknowledges and accommodates multiple influences on a child’s development.
The scope and depth of ECPC TA activities consists of six rings of influence which collectively contribute to improved child and family outcomes.
The first ring of the framework is the early childhood workforce, who directly affect children’s development, and family well-being through the provisions of interactions, interventions and services.
An effective early childhood workforce infuses early childhood practices into services and programs for children and families, which is described in the second ring.