Sue Killmeyer

ECPC Coordinator

Susan Killmeyer, M.Ed., Ph.D. is Assistant Professor (in residence) at the University of Connecticut where she serves as Coordinator for the Early Childhood Personnel Center. Susan worked for years in the Part C system in Pittsburgh, PA as an early intervention ECSE practitioner, TA provider, and tireless advocate for families living with homelessness, mental health challenges, and/or involved in the child welfare system. As a doctoral student at the University of Pittsburgh, she taught and supervised preservice EI/ECSE master’s level cohorts, collaborated on a variety of university-to-community projects, served as a LEND fellow for two years, and conducted research focused on caregiver-mediated social engagement intervention for toddlers with autism. After earning her degree, Susan served as National Director of Training at Child First, Inc. for 3 years before joining the ECPC team.

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