Ted Burke
TA Consultant | Beyond the Box LLC
With over 25 years of experience in professional development, Ted Burke has created comprehensive, coordinated statewide training programs that have been recognized and chosen as models for presentation at the Division of Early Childhood’s Annual International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families for the past decade. He has showcased models of web-based training and leadership development at the Council for Exceptional Children’s Convention, Pacific Rim Conference, Conference of the International Society of Early Interventionists and the OSEP Leadership Conference.
Ted has been involved in training and professional development in the field of early intervention since 1993. During his career, Ted worked as an Early Intervention Systems Resource Specialist, Service Coordinator, Local Interagency Council Coordinator, Local Early Intervention Program Manager, Statewide Early Intervention Director, Professional Development Consultant and from 2002-2015 Director of the Early Intervention Training Program (EITP). During Ted’s time as Director, EITP provided professional development opportunities to over 90,000 participants through workshops, conferences, and online learning opportunities. Ted has worked with numerous states including Illinois, Kentucky, Arkansas, Hawaii and Ohio as a professional development consultant and his close relationships and effective collaborations with a multitude of organizations, agencies and programs serving young children and families is the cornerstone of his success in the field of professional development.
Ted is currently President of the Executive Board of Directors for the Division of Early Childhood (DEC). He has also served as the 2013/2014 DEC International Conference Chairman, an advisory member of the National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center’s Early Childhood Outcome Technical Assistance Cadre, steering committee member for the National Professional Development Center on Inclusion (NPDCI) and is one of the founding facilitators of the Early Intervention-Early Childhood Professional Development Community of Practice.

tburke@uchc.edu | |
Phone | 815.342.0399 |