Link to Video Library in excel
Video Library Topics
Under each topic is a variety of subtopics of videos.
The video library is a compilation of almost 500 videos that may be used in early childhood intervention pre-service courses or in-service training. Each video contains the following relevant information:
- Title with a description
- Link to video
- Suggested citation
- Length of the video
- EI/ECSE standard
- DEC Recommended Practice
Topic | Subtopic | Suggested Citation | Title/Description | Developed By… | Link to Video | Length of Video | Year Video was Created | Age | Setting | Intervention | EI/ECSE Standards | DEC Recommended Practices | Notes for the Instructor | Other Notes |
Development | Disability Specific | Michigan Medicine. (2012, May 4). What is Spina Bifida? [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asl-c1zmHmk | What is Spina Bifida?: Describes rate of incidence, when and how Spina Bifida develops in a fetus and prevention. | University of Michigan Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment Center | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asl-c1zmHmk | 3:13 | Uploaded May 4, 2012 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Early CHOICES. (2020 November 18 ). "What Advocacy Means to Me" with Sandy Ginther [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TlwqJtvkJg&list=PLRFbj7RcOrU1eg1is9nWt-MVxz2vyg5ZQ&index=24 | "What Advocacy Means to Me" with Sandy Ginther: Sandy Ginther, parent, early childhood expert and inclusion advocate, shares her story of advocating for inclusion for her now-adult daughter who has Down syndrome. | Early Choices | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TlwqJtvkJg&list=PLRFbj7RcOrU1eg1is9nWt-MVxz2vyg5ZQ&index=23 | 4:55 | Uploaded November 18, 2020 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. | F10. Practitioners inform families about leadership and advocacy skill-building opportunities and encourage those who are interested to participate. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Pathways. (2018). 2 Month Old Baby Typical and Atypical Development - Side by Side Comparison [Video]. Pathways Foundation. https://pathways.org/watch/2-month-old-typical-and-atypical-motor-development/ | 2 Month Old Baby Typical & Atypical Development Side by Side: Using technical language, description of the development of movement is described. A demonstration in a lab, illustrates the muscle activation in a 2 month old baby that is meeting gross motor milestones and a baby that is not meeting milestones. Relevance to functional activities is mentioned, however the demonstration is from a lab. | Pathways | https://pathways.org/watch/2-month-old-typical-and-atypical-motor-development/ | 7:23 | Uploaded December 11, 2018 | Birth-3 | n/a | Developmental Therapist | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | A8 Practitioners use clinical reasoning in addition to assessment results to identify the child's current levels of functioning and to determine the child's eligibility and plan for instruction. | Note the use of the phrases "typical baby" and "atypical baby." Talk with students about the importance of practitioners using People First Language and how the words practitioners choose to use have a significant impact on families and children. | |
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | CafeMom Studios. (2012, April 19). 2 Year Old Girl with Down Syndrome: The McClintic Family - Our Special Life-Episode 3[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&list=PL1EEAB6AF07198EE2&v=uPy2WsHAls8&feature=youtu.be | 2 Year Old Girl with Down Syndrome: The McClintic Family - Our Special Life - Episode 3: A mom discusses her vision for her daughter's future and the importance of setting expectations high. | https://youtu.be/uPy2WsHAls8?list=PL1EEAB6AF07198EE2 | 6:43 | Uploaded April 19, 2012 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | |||
Development | Disability Specific | March of Dimes. (2017). 2017 National Ambassador: Ismael Torres-Castrodad [Video]. March of Dimes. https://www.marchofdimes.org/videos/aupplBdR49w | 2017 National Ambassador: Ismael Torres-Castrodad: Ismael Torres-Castrodad of San Juan, Puerto Rico was born five weeks premature. Ismael’s story emphasizes the serious and complex problem of late preterm birth, (between 34-36 weeks of pregnancy). His story will resonate with millions of families because more than 70 percent of all preterm babies are born in this late preterm time frame. | March of Dimes | https://www.marchofdimes.org/videos/aupplBdR49w | 5:20 | Uploaded January 8, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 1.3: Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. |
Development | Early Learning and Development | Pathways. (2018) 4 Month Old Baby Typical and Atypical Development - Side by Side Comparison [Video]. Pathways. https://pathways.org/watch/4-month-old-typical-and-atypical-motor-development/ | 4 Month Old Baby Typical & Atypical Development Side by Side: Using technical language, description of the development of movement is described. A demonstration in a lab, illustrates the muscle activation in a 4 month old baby that is meeting gross motor milestones and a baby that is not meeting milestones. Relevance to functional activities is mentioned, however the demonstration is from a lab. | Pathways | https://pathways.org/watch/4-month-old-typical-and-atypical-motor-development/ | 7:01 | Uploaded December 20, 2018 | Birth-3 | n/a | Physical Therapist | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | A8 Practitioners use clinical reasoning in addition to assessment results to identify the child's current levels of functioning and to determine the child's eligibility and plan for instruction. | Note the use of the phrases "typical baby" and "atypical baby." Talk with students about the importance of practitioners using People First Language and how the words practitioners choose to use have a significant impact on families and children. | |
Development | Early Learning and Development | Pathways. (2018) 6 Month Old Baby Typical and Atypical Development - Side by Side Comparison [Video]. Pathways. https://pathways.org/watch/6-month-old-typical-atypical-motor-development-side-side-comparison/ | 6 Month Old Baby Typical & Atypical Development Side by Side: Using technical language, description of the development of movement is described. A demonstration in a lab, illustrates the muscle activation in a 6 month old baby that is meeting gross motor milestones and a baby that is not meeting milestones. Relevance to functional activities is mentioned, however the demonstration is from a lab. | Pathways | https://pathways.org/watch/6-month-old-typical-atypical-motor-development-side-side-comparison/ | 7:26 | Uploaded December 21, 2018 | Birth-3 | n/a | Physical Therapist | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | A8 Practitioners use clinical reasoning in addition to assessment results to identify the child's current levels of functioning and to determine the child's eligibility and plan for instruction. | Note the use of the phrases "typical baby" and "atypical baby." Talk with students about the importance of practitioners using People First Language and how the words practitioners choose to use have a significant impact on families and children. | |
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | TED [TEDx Talks]. (2016, October 19). Jenna Kanell: A Bee Showed Me That Limits are Lies[Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm-7_wAz8yM | A Bee Showed Me That Limits Are Lies | Jenna Kanell: Explores the question "What would we be capable of, if no one told us we had limitation?" | TED | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm-7_wAz8yM | 13:30 | Uploaded October 19, 2016 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | |||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Sesame Street in Communities. A Child's Perspective of a Traumatic Experience [Video]. Sesame Street in Communities. https://sesamestreetincommunities.org/activities/responses-trauma-age-age-video/ | A Child’s Perspective of a Traumatic Experience: An animated short of a child's perspective of witnessing domestic violence. | Sesame Street in Communities | https://sesamestreetincommunities.org/activities/responses-trauma-age-age-video/ | 1:56 | Uploaded October 5, 2017 | Birth-5 Years | Home Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | A4 Practitioners conduct assessments that include all areas of development and behavior to learn about the child’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2020). A Home Visit with Ares' Family [Video]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/ti-service.asp | A Home Visit with Ares' Family: Speech-language pathologist Lindsay Miketa delivers an early intervention home visit during the COVID-19 pandemic. The video illustrates the experience of a family new to early intervention that has only received home visits via video conferencing. The story is accompanied by insightful observations offered by Lindsay and Ares' parents, Jacqueline and Daniel. | Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center | https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/ti-service.asp | 9:03 | May 5, 2020 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Speech & Language Therapist | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families 'lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | F1. Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. F6 Practitioners engage the family in opportunities that support and strengthen parenting knowledge and skills and parenting competence and confidence in ways that are flexible, individualized, and tailored to the family's preferences. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2017). A Home Visit with Esaias's Family: Coaching with Family-Guided Routines-Based Intervention [Video]. Center of Development and Disability, University of New Mexico. http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | A Home Visit with Esaias's Family: Coaching with Family-Guided Routines-Based Intervention: A Speech and Language Pathologist and a mother work together during early intervention visits, both describe the benefits of using a coaching approach. Reviews SS-OO-PP-RR (setting the stage, observation and opportunities to embed, problem solving and planning, reflection and review). | Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program, Developmental Disabilities Supports Division, New Mexico Department of Health & Early Childhood Learning Network Division, Center of Development and Disability, University of New Mexico Health Services Center | http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | 10:59 | ©2017 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Speech and Language Pathologist | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Families | Edelman, L. (2017). A Home Visit with Hailey's Family: Learning to Coach with FGRBI [Video]. Center for Development and Disability, University of New Mexico. http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | A Home Visit with Hailey's Family: Learning to Coach with FGRBI: An early interventionist describes her work with Hailey and her parents. She describes her transition to using a coaching approach called SS-OO-PP-RR and the benefits of coaching with Family Guided Routines Based Intervention. | Center for Development and Disability, University of New Mexico | http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | 10:56 | December 7, 2017 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Other | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement intervention. | ||
Teaming// Families | Collaborating and Teaming with Families/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Edelman, L. & Smith, P. (2014). A Home Visit with Kris and Kiyah [Video]. Florida State University Communication and Early Childhood Research and Practice Center. http://dmm.cci.fsu.edu/IADMM/videoexamples/KrisKiyah.html | A Home Visit with Kris and Kiyah: Special education teacher Peg joins Kiyah and her father, Kris on a home visit. Peg supports Kris to embed opportunities for Kiyah to learn and participate in the family's everyday activities such as getting ready for childcare and taking a walk. | Iowa Department of Education, Early ACCESS & Florida State University Communication and Early Childhood Research and Practice Center | https://vimeo.com/113852064 | 10:52 | December 7, 2014 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Teacher | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacitates. TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement intervention. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | Edelman, L., Mathany, K., Ngo, P., & Hill, C. (2016). A Mother's Voice: Technology and Inclusion [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/AMothersVoiceTechnology | A Mother's Voice: Technology and Inclusion: Kate Mathany shares her experiences using technology to make inclusion possible for her daughter Getty and discusses how embracing inclusion can help teachers become better at what they do. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/AMothersVoiceTechnology | 3:57 | November 17, 2016 | 3-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. E4 Practitioners work with families and other adults to identify each child's needs for assistive technology to promote access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Development/Families | Influences that Support or Constrain Development or Learning / Family-Centered Early Intervention | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2015). A Parent's Perspective on Inclusion in Early Childhood. [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/ParentsPerspectiveOnInclusion | A Parent's Perspective on Inclusion in Early Childhood: Video 2 of 2: Janelle Rethwisch talks about her perspective on inclusion for her daughter Lydia, in early childhood and beyond. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/ParentsPerspectiveOnInclusion | 5:31 | April 28, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 2.3 Candidate engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment , individualized planning, intervention, instruction and transition process. | F7 Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes for goals. | ||
Families/Teaming | Family-Centered Early Intervention / Collaboration and Teaming with Families | CADRE. (n.d.). A Tale of Two Conversations [Video]. The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education. https://www.cadreworks.org/resources/tale-two-conversations-study-guide | A Tale of Two Conversations: A two-part video showing actors playing a parent of a child with special needs and a school administrator. The meeting was requested by the parent and takes place in the administrator’s office. Take One shows the parent and administrator talking about the child’s special education program. They are talking, but not listening. Their communication is unproductive. Take Two shows each person using more effective communication skills. | The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE) | https://www.cadreworks.org/resources/tale-two-conversations-study-guide | Part 1, 6:09 Part 2, 7:29 | September 17, 2019 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families' professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles;' and community partners and agencies. | F3 Practitioners are responsive to the family's concerns, priorities, and changing life circumstances. F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Development | Disability Specific | This Extra Gift. (2020 February 1). A typical day in the life of our 2 year old daughter with Down Syndrome[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQr16gyXz70 | A typical day in the life of our 2 year old daughter with Down Syndrome: Illustrates a typical day in Eva's life from waking up in the morning until bed at night. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQr16gyXz70 | 11:53 | Uploaded February 1, 2020 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 1.3: Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. |
Intervention and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | Puckett Institute. (2017, September 7). Adapting Children's Learning Opportunities[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YILJN0upryQ | Adapting Children's Learning Opportunities: Adaptations that facilitate children accessing materials and activities within their daily environments are illustrated. | Puckett Institute | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YILJN0upryQ&feature=youtu.be | 2:40 | Uploaded September 7, 2017 | Birth-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | E3 Practitioners work with the family and other adults to modify and adapt the physical, social, and temporal environments to promote each child’s access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | American Academy of Pediatrics. (2016). American Academy of Pediatrics Announces New Safe Sleep Recommendations to Protect Against SIDS [Video]. Safe and Healthy Children's Coalition. http://www.safehealthychildren.org/american-academy-of-pediatrics-announces-new-safe-sleep-recommendations-to-protect-against-sids/ | American Academy of Pediatrics Announces New Safe Sleep Recommendations to Protect Against SIDS : A family shares their personal experience of losing a child to SIDS and the importance of following the American Academy of Pediatric Guidelines for safe sleep. | American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) | http://www.safehealthychildren.org/american-academy-of-pediatrics-announces-new-safe-sleep-recommendations-to-protect-against-sids/ | 2:08 | October 23, 2016 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Interactions, Intervention and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Communication and Early Childhood Research and Practice Center. [CEC-RAP]. (2015, September 19). An Early Intervention Reflects on Making the Shift to the Coaching Model [Video]. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/139807351 | An Early Interventionist Reflects on Making the Shift to the Coaching Model: An Early ACCESS early interventionist reflects on her participation in the Iowa Distance Mentoring Model, how she made the shift to using a coaching model, and what she likes about using it. | Florida State University Communication and Early Childhood Research and Practice Center | https://vimeo.com/139807351 | 2:00 | September 19, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | Occupational Therapist | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS3 Practitioners gather and use data to inform decisions about individualized instruction. | ||
Development/Professionalism | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning/ Promoting Diversity and Equity through Cultural Competence | MIND in the Making & Vroom.(n.d.). An Experiment in Catching Social Bias[Video]. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/456230195/8768440076 | An Experiment in Catching Social Bias: Illustrates how children learn biases by watching the attitudes, words, mannerisms, and tone of voice of the adults in their lives. | MIND in the Making and VROOM | https://vimeo.com/456230195/8768440076 | 4:49 | Date unknown | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Interactions, Intervention and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Florida State University, Iowa Department of Education & UNC-Chapel Hill. (2020). An Illustration of Using the SS-OO-PP-RR Framework to Guide Home Visiting [Video]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/ti-service.asp?_sm_au_=iQVVqFmkJJp5fBBmBLQtvK7BJGKjp#grayson-c | An Illustration of Using the SS-OO-PP-RR Framework to Guide Home Visiting: Grayson’s parents, Niki and Matt, describe their experience with mobile coaching from their initial reluctance to their wholehearted acceptance of the approach with their EI provider Jenny. This video shares their family’s story and focuses on how the pandemic impacted their lives and their supports to their family including Grayson. | Florida State University Communication and Early Childhood Research and Practice Center (CEC-RAP) and Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) | https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/ti-service.asp?_sm_au_=iQVVqFmkJJp5fBBmBLQtvK7BJGKjp#grayson-c | 42:38 | April 2, 2020 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | Developmental Therapist | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS3 Practitioners gather and use data to inform decisions about individualized instruction. | ||
Development/Families | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning / Family-Centered Early Intervention | Early Intervention Training Program. [EITP Illinois]. (2016, March 25). International Adoption: An Overview of Developmental Considerations [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L75WbQFGjyM&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | An Overview of Developmental Considerations for the Internationally Adopted Child: Webinar reviews the history of international adoption, information on rates and statistics regarding international adaption today, what the adoption process is like from both the parent and child's perspective, the transition to home for both the parent and child, and medical comorbidities and developmental challenges. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://youtu.be/L75WbQFGjyM?list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | 1:06:35 | Uploaded March 25, 2016 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction.1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. | F1 Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interaction that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. F3 Practitioners are responsive to the family's concerns, priorities, and changing life circumstances.F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | ||
Development/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Early Learning and Development / Responsive Adult-Child Interactions | Edelman, L., and Greer, L. (2016). Angel at Lunch [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/AngelAtLunch | Angel at Lunch: Angel demonstrates a variety of mealtime and self-help skills. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/AngelAtLunch | 3;32 | Feburary 4, 2016 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 6.7 Candidates plan for, adapt, and improve approaches to interactions, interventions, and instruction based on multiple sources of data across a range of natural environments and inclusive settings | |||
Interactions, Intervention and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | JC Boushh. (2009 July 27). Animal School [Slideshow]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99JKYiMbLcQ | Animal School: An eye-opening analogy on how many view children and how to teach children with disabilities. | RaisingSmallSouls.com | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8limRtHZPs | 5:18 | Uploaded July 27, 2009 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 6.6: Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS1 Practitioners, with the family, identify each child's strengths, preferences, and interests to engage the child in active learning. | ||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS). (2016, October 6). Ann Turnbull Celebrates the 30th Birthday of Idea Part B, Section 619, and IDEA Part C [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZc5FEUw10g | Ann Turnbull Celebrates the 30th Birthday of IDEA: Ann Turnbull presents a historical perspective on public law as a parent of a child with a disability, an advocate & educator |
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) | https://youtu.be/iZc5FEUw10g | 6:21 | Uploaded October 6, 2016 | Childhood | n/a | Other | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidenced-based practices and decision-making. | L5 Leaders advocate for policies and resources that promote the implementation of the DEC Position Statements and Papers and the DEC Recommended Practices. | ||
Interactions, Intervention and Instruction | Inclusion | Edelman, L. (2011). Ari at Lunch. Desired Results [Video]. Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/AriAtLunch | Ari at Lunch: Ari, a preschooler with Down Syndrome, eats lunch with her friends. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/AriAtLunch | 5:03 | ©2011 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. | INT2 Practitioners promote the child’s social development by encouraging the child to initiate or sustain positive interactions with other children and adults during routines and activities through modeling, teaching, feedback, or other types of guided support. | ||
Assessment | Progress Monitoring | The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. (n.d.). Assessment and Progress Monitoring in Early Childhood[Webinar]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/assessment-progress-monitoring-early-childhood | Assessment and Progress Monitoring in Early Childhood: Discusses school readiness, monitoring the development of school readiness, response to intervention and two approaches to monitoring process. | The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/assessment-progress-monitoring-early-childhood | 27:55 | no date | 3-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 4.1: Candidates understand the purposes of formal and informal assessment, including ethical and legal considerations, and use this information to choose developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate, valid, reliable tools CEC/DEC EI/ECSE STD, C, & SE 2020 12 and methods that are responsive to the characteristics of the young child, family, and program. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations | Rachel Hope. (2015, February 20). Assistive Technology for Developmental Delays - Part 1 [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zosc8dEBf8 | Assistive Technology for Developmental Delays - Part 1: Describes developmental delays in young children, defines Assistive Technology, and suggests assistive technology tools to use with children with physical developmental delays. | PowToon | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Zosc8dEBf8 | 4:32 | Uploaded February 15, 2015 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 6.4: Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations | Rachel Hope. (2015, February 21). Assistive Technology for Developmental Delays - Part 2 [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FauUZhQXNNo | Assistive Technology for Developmental Delays - Part 2: Suggests assistive technology tools to use with children with communication, cognitive, and social and emotional delays. | PowToon | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FauUZhQXNNo | 5:05 | Uploaded February 21, 2015 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 6.4: Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. | |||
Assessment | Authentic Assessment | Edelman, L., Klish Fibbe, M., Johnson Eigsti & H. (Producers). (2009). Authentic Assessment in Early Intervention [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | Authentic Assessment in Early Intervention: Physical Therapist Megan Kish Fibbe describes and illustrates how authentic assessment practices enhance EI work with children and families. Focuses on the purposes and uses of observation in a home setting as an authentic assessment tool. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | 7:36 | ©2009 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Physical Therapist | 4.1 Candidates understand the purpose of formal and informal assessment, including ethical and legal considerations, and use this information to choose developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate, valid, reliable tools and methods that are responsive to the characteristics of the young child, family, and program. 4.2 Candidates develop and administer informal assessments and/or select and use valid, reliable formal assessments using evidence-based practices, including technology, in partnership with families, and other professionals. 4.4 Candidates, in collaboration with the families and other team members, use assessment data to determine eligibility, develop child and family-based outcomes/goals, plan for interventions and instruction, and monitor progress to determine efficacy of programming. 6.7 Candidates plan for, adapt, and improve approaches to interactions, interventions, and instruction based on multiple sources of data across a range of natural environments and inclusive settings. | A6: Practitioners use a variety of methods including observation and interviews to gather information from multiple sources including the child's family and other significant individuals in the child's life.A7: Practitioners obtain information about the child’s skills in daily activities, routines and environments such as home, center and community. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Wandsworth Local Offer. (2020, June 15). Autism Calming Strategies [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fND28VE0VxU | Autism Calming Strategies: Demonstration of five calming strategies including Five Finger Breathing, Bubble Breathing, Pretend You're a Giraffe, Pretend You're a Tortoise, and Make Lemonade. | Wandsworth Autism Advisory Service | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fND28VE0VxU | 4:30 | Uploaded June 15, 2020 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 6.4: Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. | INT1. Practitioners promote the child’s social-emotional development by observing, interpreting, and responding contingently to the range of the child's emotional expressions | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Netflix. (2020, April 17). Babies - Crawling - Full Episode - Netflix [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=1T3RHuPB_cg | Babies - Crawling - Full Episode - Netflix: From how they grow to how they go, three scientists find out that crawling is much more than just a transitional phase. | Netflix | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T3RHuPB_cg | 52:11 | Uploaded April 17, 2020 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2. Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families’ social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child’s development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Netflix. (2020, April 17). Babies - First Steps - Full Episode - Netflix [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1otGt99Rec | Babies - First Steps - Full Episode - Netflix: Scientists venture into the ways that walking changes a baby's world and unveil findings on neonatal reflexes, skeletal development and talking. | Netflix | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1otGt99Rec | 49:10 | Uploaded April 17, 2020 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2. Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families’ social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child’s development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Netflix. (2020, April 17). Babies - First Words - Full Episode - Netflix [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFtbXwnBRg8 | Babies - First Words - Full Episode - Netflix: Experts examine the rhythm and flow of language and explore how babies break down linguistic beats before they know how to speak |
Netflix | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFtbXwnBRg8 | 50:41 | Uploaded April 17, 2020 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2. Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families’ social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child’s development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development / Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Netflix. (2020 April 17). Babies-Love- Full Episode-Netflix [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOv5jDFtvsI | Babies - Love - Full Episode - Netflix: From nature to nurture, this docuseries explores the groundbreaking science that reveals how infants discover life during their very first year. | Netflix | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOv5jDFtvsI | 47:49 | Uploaded April 17, 2020 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2. Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families’ social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child’s development and learning across contexts. 1.3. Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2: Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. |
F5. Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Netflix. (2020, April 17). Babies - Sleep - Full Episode - Netflix [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJCL9LR6rJI | Babies - Sleep - Full Episode - Netflix: Researchers delve into sleep, a dynamic time for babies, with studies on twitching, apps and naps. | Netflix | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJCL9LR6rJI | 48:45 | Uploaded April 17, 2020 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2. Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families’ social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child’s development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, July 22). Baby Human- To Walk [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtZ91JuavxU&list=RD30lO3gXeoUs | Baby Human - To Walk: The development of movement is related to an infant's understanding of the world and his or her emotional life. Karen Adolph, a Developmental Psychologist, studies how children adapt their walking to changing physical environments. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/GtZ91JuavxU?list=RD30lO3gXeoUs | 6:37 | Uploaded July 22, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact that different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | A4 Practitioners conduct assessments that include all areas of development and behavior to learn about the child’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, July 22). Baby Human- To Walking Rolling Reaching [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncpgTfR7w0U | Baby Human To Walk Rolling Reaching: The development of movement is related to an infant's understanding of the world and his or her emotional life. Esther Thelen, a Developmental Psychologist, studies reaching from her lab. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/ncpgTfR7w0U | 8:08 | Uploaded July 22, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact that different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | A4 Practitioners conduct assessments that include all areas of development and behavior to learn about the child’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, September 23). Baby Human- To Relate Symbolism [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIK8SUDRXP8&list=PLU4QkAf6LLaPcAPZ_yqyTlINqKar852mr | Baby Human To Relate Symbolism: The infant's ability to engage in symbolic play, pretend and the interpretation of symbols is examined with a research lab and related to everyday experiences in learning. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/SIK8SUDRXP8?list=PLU4QkAf6LLaPcAPZ_yqyTlINqKar852mr | 11:06 | Uploaded September 23, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | A4 Practitioners conduct assessments that include all areas of development and behavior to learn about the child’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, August 17). Baby Human- To Talk the Language Explosion [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SX8kmXLyfU | Baby Human To Talk The Language Explosion: Describes the phenomenon of language learning - sound production, isolated words, and sentence formation. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/1SX8kmXLyfU | 9:21 | Uploaded August 17. 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | A4 Practitioners conduct assessments that include all areas of development and behavior to learn about the child’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, July 22). Baby Human- To Walk Cruising [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKE77zny-ss | Baby Human To Walk Cruising: The development of movement is related to an infant's understanding of the world and his or her emotional life. Karen Adolph, a Developmental Psychologist, studies infant understanding of unsafe situations in her lab. | Discovery Health Channel | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKE77zny-ss | 8:01 | Uploaded July 22, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact that different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | A4 Practitioners conduct assessments that include all areas of development and behavior to learn about the child’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, July 22). Baby Human - To Walk Depth Perception [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30lO3gXeoUs | Baby Human To Walk Depth Perception: The development of movement is related to an infant's understanding of the world and his or her emotional life. Self-propelled movement is related to peripheral vision and the understanding of depth perception. Various experiments, including visual cliff experiments, are shown. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/30lO3gXeoUs | 8:31 | Uploaded July 22, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact that different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | A4 Practitioners conduct assessments that include all areas of development and behavior to learn about the child’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, July 22). Baby Human- To Walk Sitting Crawling [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUewmrLZFPg | Baby Human To Walk Sitting Crawling: The development of movement is related to an infant's understanding of the world and his or her emotional life. Esther Thelen, a Developmental Psychologist, studies sitting and reaching in her lab. Karen Adolph, a Developmental Psychologist, studies infant depth perception in her lab. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/uUewmrLZFPg | 11:17 | Uploaded July 22, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact that different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | A4 Practitioners conduct assessments that include all areas of development and behavior to learn about the child’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests. | ||
Assessment | Authentic Assessment | National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities & National Center for Health Marketing. (2008). Baby Steps: Learn the Signs. Act Early [Video]. Centers for Disease and Prevention Control. https://www.cdc.gov/cdctv/lifestagesandpopulations/baby-steps-autism.html | Baby Steps “Learn the Signs. Act Early”: Highlights the importance of families observing their children in how they play, learn, speak and act (monitoring) and if they have a concern about their child's development to reach out to their pediatrician. Can be used as a public awareness campaign. |
National Center for Health Marketing, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities | https://www.cdc.gov/cdctv/lifestagesandpopulations/baby-steps-autism.html | 4:32 | Release Date September 22, 2008 | Birth-5 Years | Home Visit - Other | Other | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | A8 Practitioners use clinical reasoning in addition to assessment results to identify the child's current levels of functioning and to determine the child's eligibility and plan for instruction. | This video is grainy but the information is relevant. | |
Development | Early Learning and Development | Before Their First Words [Video gallery]. (n.d.). Pompeu Fabra University & Barcelona University. http://beforefirstwords.upf.edu/videos-gallery/ | Before Their First Words: Video Gallery: | Pompeu Fabra University and Barcelona University | http://beforefirstwords.upf.edu/videos-gallery/ | varies | May 27, 2015 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' cultural and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across context. | |||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | McWilliam R.A. [Robin McWilliam]. (2012, February 8). Beginning of the RBI [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM3Wrlfz-J8 | Beginning of the RBI: Animation video illustrating a conversation and interview between a mother and practitioner. The practitioner gathers information about the mom's day, the child's behaviors, and other family members behaviors. | R. A. McWilliam | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM3Wrlfz-J8 | 7:12 | Uploaded February 8, 2012 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Other | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities of families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | F1 Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interaction that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Snow, A. [Alana Snow]. (2015, October 14). Behaviorism: Part 2 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLaa8cgljKk | Behaviorism: Part 2: This video discusses behaviorists’ views on operant conditioning, reinforcement types, and reinforcement schedules. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLaa8cgljKk | 5:05 | Uploaded October 14, 2015 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact that different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. | ||||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Snow, A. [Alana Snow]. (2015, October 13). Behaviorism: Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvVaTy8mQrg | Behaviorism: Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner: An educational video about Behaviorism: Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, and B.F. Skinner. This video covers classical and operant conditioning. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvVaTy8mQrg | 4:57 | Uploaded October 13, 2015 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact that different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. | ||||
Interactions, Intervention and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2001). Blake's Story [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | Blake’s Story: This vignette illustrates how an occupational therapist worked with the family to embed some of Blake’s outcomes in shopping trips and make grocery shopping easier for mom. | JFK Partners, University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | 7:28 | ©2001 | 3-5 Years | Home Setting | Occupational Therapist | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | E1: Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to participation and learning experiences. | ||
Development/Families | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning / Family-Centered Early Intervention | WGBH Public Broadcasting Company & Achievement Gap Initiative, Harvard University. (2018). Boston Basics: Overview [Video]. Boston Basics. https://boston.thebasics.org/ | Boston Basics: The Boston Basics campaign provides a series of five videos of families being with their children during different aspects of their day. The narrator engages in conversation with parents to learn about their perspective on these five basics: (1) Maximize Love, Manage Stress, (2) Talk, Sing, and Point, (3) Count, Group, and Compare, (4) Explore through Movement and Play, (5) Read and Discuss Stories | Boston Basics | https://boston.thebasics.org/ | varies | Birth-5 Years | Home Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | |||
Development/Families | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning / Family-Centered Early Intervention | Vroom. (2015, March 10). Brain Building Basics [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/PB1Uo9nbIVU | Brain Building Basics: Look, follow, chat, take turns, and stretch are explained and demonstrated in the everyday moments of being a parent. | Vroom | https://youtu.be/PB1Uo9nbIVU | 3:02 | Uploaded March 10, 2015 | Birth-5 Years | Home Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | ||
Development / Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning / Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Brain Matters. (2020, January 28). Brain Matters Documentary - Early Childhood Development [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw_aVnlp0JY | Brain Matters documentary - Early Childhood Development: Describes that the experiences children are exposed to determine their chances for future success. Everyday situations such as play, relationships, language and nutrition are examined with a fresh scientific approach, aiming at a set of brain boosting skills and activities that can provide every child with the opportunity to thrive. |
Genisis Foundation | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw_aVnlp0JY | 59:51 | Uploaded January 28, 2020 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.3. Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2: Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development | |||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. (2015). Brandon's Story, A Mother's Voice [Video]. Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development. https://www.veipd.org/main/videos.html | Brandon’s Story, A Mother’s Voice: This Telly Award winning video features Brandon’s mother as she talks about the importance and impact of early intervention on her son’s life and on her family. You will also hear from Brandon, who is a teenager and talented musician. | Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University | https://www.veipd.org/main/videos.html | 8:15 | March 4, 2015 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidenced-based practices and decision-making. | L5 Leaders advocate for policies and resources that promote the implementation of the DEC Position Statements and Papers and the DEC Recommended Practices. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Office of Head Start. (n.d.). Breaking Through: Understanding Stress and Resilience in Young Children[Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/mental-health/article/understanding-stress-resilience-young-children-video-series | Breaking Through: Understanding Stress and Resilience in Young Children: Describes how high levels and stress can impact a child's lifelong health and wellbeing; a comprehensive program for children and their families who have experienced trauma and toxic stress; and the importance of screening and addressing trauma and toxic stress. | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/mental-health/article/understanding-stress-resilience-young-children-video-series | 21:28 | date unknown | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction.6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | A6 Practitioners use a variety of methods, including observation and interviews, to gather assessment information from multiple sources, including the child's family and other significant individuals in the child's life. INS9 Practitioners use functional assessment and related prevention, promotion, and intervention strategies across environments to prevent and address challenging behavior. | ||
Assessment | Functional Behavioral Assessment | Brendan After PBS [Video]. (n.d.). National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Pyramid/pbs/study.html#:~:text=Prior%20to%20implementing%20Positive%20Behavior%20Support%20%28PBS%29%2C%20Brendan,nothing%20seemed%20to%20work%20with%20their%20youngest%20son. | Brendan After PBS: Brendan is a very happy, energetic, young boy. Prior to implementing Positive Behavior Support (PBS), Brendan had severe challenging behavior. PBS was a match with the family’s routines and values and allowed Brendan’s parents to view their dreams and visions for their son as achievable. | National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) | https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Pyramid/pbs/study.html#:~:text=Prior%20to%20implementing%20Positive%20Behavior%20Support%20%28PBS%29%2C%20Brendan,nothing%20seemed%20to%20work%20with%20their%20youngest%20son. | 1:10 | Uploaded March 28, 2018 | 3-5 Years | Home Setting | n/a | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. |
INS9 Practitioners use functional assessment and related prevention, promotion, and intervention strategies across environments to prevent and address challenging behavior. | ||
Assessment | Functional Behavioral Assessment | Brendan Before PBS [Video]. (n.d.). National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Pyramid/pbs/study.html#:~:text=Prior%20to%20implementing%20Positive%20Behavior%20Support%20%28PBS%29%2C%20Brendan,nothing%20seemed%20to%20work%20with%20their%20youngest%20son. | Brendan Before PBS: Prior to implementing Positive Behavior Support (PBS), Brendan had severe challenging behavior. Brendan and his family were physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted and in desperate need of help. | National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) | https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Pyramid/pbs/study.html#:~:text=Prior%20to%20implementing%20Positive%20Behavior%20Support%20%28PBS%29%2C%20Brendan,nothing%20seemed%20to%20work%20with%20their%20youngest%20son. | 0:47 | Uploaded March 28, 2018 | 3-5 Years | Home Setting | n/a | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. |
INS9 Practitioners use functional assessment and related prevention, promotion, and intervention strategies across environments to prevent and address challenging behavior. | ||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 1 Introductions & Family Priorities [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Bri IFSP Video Chapter 1 Introductions & Family Priorities: Introduces the family and team members, reviews the purpose of the IFSP meeting, highlights the role of the service coordinator, and includes strategies to ensure families are at the center of the IFSP meeting. |
Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 8:02 | Uploaded November 9, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.1 Levels of Development- Communication [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.1 Levels of Development-Communication: Illustrates a discussion of Bri's development, beginning with her language and communication skills. The practitioners highlight Bri's strengths and encourages the family's input, seating the family at the center of the development of the IFSP. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 9:10 | Uploaded November 9, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.2 Levels of Development-Cognitive and Self-Help [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.2 Levels of Development-Cognitive and Self-Help: Illustrates a discussion about Bri's cognitive development and self-help skills. The practitioners highlight Bri's strengths and encourages the family's input, seating the family at the center of the development of the IFSP. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 9:03 | Uploaded November 9, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.3 Levels of Development- Motor and Social [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.3 Levels of Development-Motor and Social: Video 4 in a series of 10, illustrates a discussion about Bri's motor and social development. The practitioners highlight Bri's strengths and encourages the family's input, seating the family at the center of the development of the IFSP. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 9:59 | Uploaded November 10, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.1 Child Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.1 Child Outcomes: Illustrates the introduction of a discussion around child outcomes which include positive social-emotional skills, acquiring and using knowledge and skills, and taking appropriate actions to meet needs. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 8:21 | Uploaded November 9, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.2 Child Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.2 Child Outcomes: Illustrates a discussion around the first two child outcomes - positive social-emotional skills and acquiring and using knowledge and skills. Use of collaborative strategies is highlighted. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 9:59 | Uploaded November 9, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.3 Child Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.3 Child Outcomes: Illustrates a discussion around the third child outcome - taking appropriate actions to meet needs. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 7:12 | Uploaded November 9, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | ||||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.1 Family Centered Functional Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.1 Family Centered Functional Outcomes: Illustrates a discussion identifying family-centered functional outcomes. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 5:29 | Uploaded November 9, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.2 Family Centered Functional Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.2 Family Centered Functional Outcomes: Illustrates a discussion identifying strategies for meeting family-centered functional outcomes taking into account the families strengths and priorities. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 8:16 | Uploaded November 9, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.3 Family Centered Functional Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.3 Family Centered Functional Outcomes: Illustrates a discussion identifying strategies for meeting family-centered functional outcomes with a focus accessing community resources. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 9:31 | Uploaded November 9, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, and objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 5 Service Plan [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Bri IFSP Video Chapter 5 Service Plan: Illustrates a discussion surrounding the development of the IFSP. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 9:55 | Uploaded November 9, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Development/Families | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning / Family-Centered Early Intervention | Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. (2013). Building Adult Capabilities to Improve Child Outcomes: A Theory of Change [Video]. Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/building-adult-capabilities-to-improve-child-outcomes-a-theory-of-change/ | Building Adult Capabilities to Improve Child Outcomes: A Theory of Change: Illustrates the importance of developing the capacity of adults that have meaningful relationships with children as a mechanism for reducing the impact of adverse factors on growth and development. | Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/building-adult-capabilities-to-improve-child-outcomes-a-theory-of-change/ | 5:18 | Uploaded May 14, 2013 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | ||
Development/Families | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning / Family-Centered Early Intervention | UNICEF. (n.d.). Building Babies' Brains Through Play: Mini Parenting Master Class[Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/building-babies-brains-through-play-mini-parenting-master-class/ | Building Babies’ Brains Through Play: Mini Parenting Master Class: In this Mini Parenting Master Class from UNICEF, Center on the Developing Child Director Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., explains the importance of serve and return interactions like play—and how parents can use interactions with their child to facilitate brain development. | Unicef for Every Child | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/building-babies-brains-through-play-mini-parenting-master-class/ | 5:26 | Uploaded Feburary 25, 2019 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | Hilton/Early Head Start Foundation Training Program & Gary Christian Film & Video. (Producers). (2007). Building Relationships with Families: Session 3: When Concerns Arise: Learning from Families' Experiences [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-3-when-concerns-arise-learning-families-experiences | Building Relationships with Families: Session 3: When Concerns Arise: Learning from Families' Experiences: The video shares information from the perspectives of families, early care and education, and early intervention service providers on how to identify a possible delay in development or a disability in an infant or toddler. Families share how information, support, and resources were provided to them, and what was most helpful. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) & California Institute on Human Services Sonoma State University | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-3-when-concerns-arise-learning-families-experiences | 15:51 | ©2007 | Birth-3 | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | |||||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | Hilton/Early Head Start Foundation Training Program & Gary Christian Film & Video. (Producers). (2007). Building Relationships with Families: Session 4: Getting Services Started [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-4-getting-services-started | Building Relationships with Families: Session 4: Getting Services Started: The processes of early identification; referral to early intervention to determine eligibility for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C services; and support to families who are accessing services are reviewed. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) & California Institute on Human Services Sonoma State University | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-4-getting-services-started | 24.01 | ©2007 | Birth-5 | Home Setting | Other | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | F3 Practitioners are responsive to the family's concerns, priorities, and changing life circumstances. | ||
Families/Professionalism | Family-Centered Early Intervention / Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. (2007). Building Relationships with Families: Session 6: Opening Doors to Family Leadership [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-6-opening-doors-family-leadership | Building Relationships with Families: Session 6: Opening Doors to Family Leadership: Explores the diverse ways that families of infants and toddlers with disabilities can be leaders in their own family with their children, in programs, and in communities. | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-6-opening-doors-family-leadership | 19:08 | ©2007 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, and objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | F10 Practitioners inform families about leadership and advocacy skill-building opportunities and encourage those who are interested to participate. | ||
Families | Family Systems Theory | Hilton/Early Head Start Foundation Training Program & Gary Christian Film & Video. (Producers). (2007). Building Relationships with Families Session 9: Planning to Serve the Diego Family [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-9-planning-serve-diego-family | Building Relationships with Families: Session 9: Planning to Serve the Diego Family: The Diego family story allows participants to consider the family's cultural values and beliefs, experiences, and successes; and to think about how this relates to their work with young children with disabilities and their families in their communities. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-9-planning-serve-diego-family | 10.37 | ©2007 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | |||
Teaming | Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | Colorín Colorado. (2019). Building upon students strengths: The "Can Do" Approach [Video]. Colorín Colorado. https://www.colorincolorado.org/video/building-upon-student-strengths-can-do-approach | Building upon Students Strengths: The “Can Do” Approach: Lynn, a researcher and ELL Standards specialist at WIDA, discusses building on student’s strengths, interests, and preferences to plan instruction. | Colorín Colorado | https://www.colorincolorado.org/video/building-upon-student-strengths-can-do-approach | 1:27 | ©2019 | n/a | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | ||||
Interactions, Intervention and Instruction | Inclusion/ Presuming Competence and High Expectations | Easterseals Disability Film Challenge. (2015 April 21). Bumblebees - 2015 Disability Film Challenge Entry[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8c5N6BmCLo | Bumblebees - 2015 Disability Film Challenge Entry: A short film with an important message: never underestimate the ability of a person or child with a disability. | Easterseals | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8c5N6BmCLo | 4:00 | Uploaded April 21, 2015 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS1 Practitioners, with the family, identify each child's strengths, preferences, and interests to engage the child in active learning. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology. (n.d.). Button Batteries: Damaging if Swallowed, Put in Ears or Nose [Video]. HealthyChildren.org. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/prenatal/Pages/Alcohol-and-Pregnancy-Its-Just-Not-Worth-the-Risk-Video.aspx | Button Batteries: Damaging if Swallowed, Put in Ears or Nose: Each year, more than 3,000 button battery ingestions are reported in the US. Button batteries are the small round batteries found in small electronics. Kris R. Jatana, MD, FAAP, Associate Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at The Ohio State University & Nationwide Children's Hospital, explains the signs and symptoms of button battery ingestion—including when one is lodged in the ear canal or nose. | HealthyChildren.org | https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-home/Pages/Button-Batteries-Damaging-if-Swallowed-Put-in-Ears-or-Nose.aspx | 5:59 | Uploaded February 7, 2017 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Edelman, L. & Yamashita, L. (Producers). (2014). Cameron and Alexis Playing with Blocks [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | Cameron and Alexis Playing with Blocks: Cameron and Alexis demonstrate a variety of communication, social-emotional, problem-solving, fine-motor, imagination, and play skills in the block area. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | 4:25 | ©2014 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Interactions, Intervention and Instruction | Inclusion | Cleansheet. (2016 August 11). Canadian Tire "Wheels":60 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFuwUiHo-WI | Canadian Tire “Wheels” :60: Illustrates a child neighborhood of a child in a wheelchair create an experiences to ensure everyone is included. | Canadian Tire | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFuwUiHo-WI | 1:00 | Uploaded August 11, 2016 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | CDC Milestones in Action: Photos and Videos [Video & Photos]. (2020). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-in-action.html | CDC Milestones in Action: Photos and Videos: Milestones in Action is a photo and video library of photos and videos for the ages of 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 18 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, and 5 years. The number of videos for each age range varies with videos depicting developmental skills in the social-emotional, language/communication, cognitive, and motor developmental domains. | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-in-action.html | Varied | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | ||||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, September 11). CDE Baby Human to Feel 1 Facial Reactions [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyHnbU9pSvU | CDE Baby Human to Feel 1 Facial Reactions: The newborn's transition to a social being and growing ability to express emotion is reviewed. | Discovery Health Channel | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyHnbU9pSvU | 6:05 | Uploaded September 11, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, September 11). CDE Baby Human to Feel 2 Stimulation [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTylRr4kBoM | CDE Baby Human to Feel 2 Stimulation: A baby's ability to understand the emotions of others and the role of temperament in a baby's response to stimulation are reviewed. | Discovery Health Channel | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTylRr4kBoM | 8:24 | Uploaded September 11, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, September 11). CDE Baby Human to Feel 3 Temperament [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAmyt5gRd3k | CDE Baby Human to Feel 3 Temperament: Examines how young children's temperament determines their response to stimuli and risk. EEG studies examine brain response to stimuli. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/fAmyt5gRd3k | 8:47 | Uploaded September 11, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, September 11). Baby Human to Feel 4 Responses [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfYnwT2Nx7c | CDE Baby Human to Feel 4 Responses: Examines children's temperament in relation to their emotional responses and how parenting is heavily influenced by children's temperament. | Discovery Health Channel | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfYnwT2Nx7c | 8:07 | Uploaded September 11, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, September 11). CDE Baby Human to Feel 5 Coping [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9twzo8V6TQA | CDE Baby Human to Feel 5 Coping: Demonstrates the varying responses of individual children as they learn to cope independently with emotions such as frustration and fear. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/9twzo8V6TQA | 8:55 | Uploaded September 9, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, September 11). Baby Human to Feel 6 Self Conscious [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81EoaJMNay4 | CDE Baby Human to Feel 6 Self Conscious: The development of the self-conscious emotions, which includes embarrassment, shame and pride, is examined within a research lab and related to everyday experiences in learning. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/81EoaJMNay4 | 9:53 | Uploaded September 11, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, September 21). CDE Baby Human to Relate 1 Motion [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh22AJay_yY | CDE Baby Human To Relate 1 Motion: The understanding of motion and actions is examined in a research lab and related to everyday experiences in learning. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/Sh22AJay_yY | 6:13 | Uploaded September 21, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, September 21). Baby Human To Relate 3 Gazing [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkkJrqKnmcw | CDE Baby Human To Relate 3 Gazing: The development of gaze and following the focus of another's attention is examined within a research lab and related to everyday experiences in learning. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/JkkJrqKnmcw | 9:56 | Uploaded September 21, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, September 21). CDE Baby Human to Relate 5 Perspective [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfn1FRZSxgU&list=PLU4QkAf6LLaPcAPZ_yqyTlINqKar852mr | CDE Baby Human To Relate 5 Perspective: The ability to understand and relate to the perspective of others is studied within a research lab and related to everyday experiences in learning. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/mfn1FRZSxgU?list=PLU4QkAf6LLaPcAPZ_yqyTlINqKar852mr | 10:32 | Uploaded September 21, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, August 17). CDE Baby Human to Talk 1 Sounds [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g464VAomog | CDE Baby Human To Talk 1 Sounds: Reviews the infant's communication capacities, that begin before birth. Experiments conducted by Dr. Janet Werker demonstrate the newborns' preference for their native language. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/-g464VAomog | 7:55 | Uploaded August 17, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development/Families | Early Learning or Development / Family-Centered Early Intervention | wwjoshdew. (2011, January 9). Cerebral Palsy + Walking = Plenty of Falls [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxENA1grsNU | Cerebral Palsy + Walking = Plenty of Falls: Video 2 of 2. Abby, a three-year-old with has cerebral palsy, practices walking, while her dad encourages her independence and persistence. The video illustrates her exceptional pattern of walking but also aspects of her development that are following a normative pattern. | https://youtu.be/DxENA1grsNU | 2:56 | Uploaded January 9, 2011 | 3-5 Years | Home Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | |||
Development | Disability Specific | Raising Children Network (Australia). (n.d.). Cerebral Palsy: Overview and Diagnosis [Video]. Raising Children Network (Australia). https://raisingchildren.net.au/disability/videos/cerebral-palsy-overview | Cerebral Palsy: Overview and Diagnosis: Parents of children with cerebral palsy talk about spotting the early signs of cerebral palsy and getting a diagnosis. Also, professionals explain that cerebral palsy is a condition that affects the brain. They talk about the different types of cerebral palsy, the effects on children and some of the causes of cerebral palsy. | Raising Children Network (Australia) | https://raisingchildren.net.au/disability/videos/cerebral-palsy-overview | 6:45 | Page last updated October 12, 2018 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive Adult-Child Interactions | Zero to Three. (n.d.). Challenging Behaviors [Video]. Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/early-development/challenging-behaviors | Challenging Behaviors: Young children are also developing self-regulation—the ability to calm or regulate themselves when they are upset. Learn more about how to respond to challenging behaviors like crying, aggression, and defiance, and how to support your child’s development of self-control and self-regulation. | Zero to Three | https://www.zerotothree.org/early-development/challenging-behaviors | 4:52 | ©2015 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. |
INT1 Practitioners promote the child's social-emotional development by observing, interpreting, and responding contingently to the range of the child's emotions. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Center for Early Education and Development University of Minnesota. (2012). Child Development Care Story, Part 1: Brain Architecture [Video]. Center for Early Education and Development University of Minnesota. https://ceed.umn.edu/project-for-babies-videos/ | Child Development Core Story, Part 1: Brain Architecture: Experts in the field relate the importance of building a strong foundation of brain architecture to future learning. | University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development | https://ceed.umn.edu/project-for-babies-videos/ | 5:48 | Uploaded February 26, 2013 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Influences that Support and Constrain Development and Learning | Center for Early Education and Development University of Minnesota. (2012). Child Development Care Story, Part 2: Serve and Return [Video]. Center for Early Education and Development University of Minnesota. https://ceed.umn.edu/project-for-babies-videos/ | Child Development Core Story, Part 2: Serve and Return: The serve and return interactions between adults and young children as well as the link between responsive caregiving in the early years and building essential social, emotional, and attention skills necessary for later learning are discussed. | University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development | https://ceed.umn.edu/project-for-babies-videos/ | 4:53 | Uploaded February 22, 2013 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Center for Early Education and Development University of Minnesota. (2012). Child Development Care Story, Part 3: Stress [Video]. Center for Early Education and Development University of Minnesota. https://ceed.umn.edu/project-for-babies-videos/ | Child Development Core Story, Part 3: Stress: The chemical reaction to three levels of stress; positive, tolerable, and toxic are discussed in relationship to brain functioning. The impact of toxic stress on school performance and long-term health is emphasized. | University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development | https://ceed.umn.edu/project-for-babies-videos/ | 5:54 | Uploaded February 22, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Center for Early Education and Development University of Minnesota. (2012). Child Development Care Story, Part 4: Pay Now or Pay Later [Video]. Center for Early Education and Development University of Minnesota. https://ceed.umn.edu/project-for-babies-videos/ | Child Development Core Story, Part 4: Pay Now or Pay Later: Researchers and experts in early childhood connect quality early care in the early years to economic benefits. | University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development | https://ceed.umn.edu/project-for-babies-videos/ | 3:25 | Uploaded February 22, 2015 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision making. | |||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Center for Early Education and Development University of Minnesota. (2012). Child Development Care Story, Part 5: Resilience [Video]. Center for Early Education and Development University of Minnesota. https://ceed.umn.edu/project-for-babies-videos/ | Child Development Core Story, Part 5: Resilience: Children are incredibly resilient – the same rapid brain development that occurs in the first few years of life that make young children particularly vulnerable to maltreatment also make those same children particularly receptive to intervention. | University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development | https://ceed.umn.edu/project-for-babies-videos/ | ©2012 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | ||||
Development/Families | Disability Specific / Family-Centered Early Intervention | CafeMom Studios. (2012, April 12). Child Grows Up Blind- The Planson Family- Our Special Life- Part 2 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&list=PL1EEAB6AF07198EE2&v=uPy2WsHAls8&feature=youtu.be | Child Grows Up Blind - The Planson Family - Our Special Life - Episode 2: A child, born blind, participates in a variety of experiences. Her mom discusses the family's approach to raising a child with a disability - highlighting that her daughter is a child first, the importance of not placing limits, and remembering to have fun and enjoy one another. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZu1CwSfm0g | 5:50 | Uploaded April 12, 2012 | Birth-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Edelman, L. (2011). Child Outcomes Step-by-Step[Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://draccess.org/videolibrary/ChildOutcomesStepByStep | Child Outcomes Step-by-Step: A set of three child outcomes adopted by the U.S. Department of Education are described. These outcomes address three areas of child functioning necessary for each child to be an active and successful participant at home, in the community, and in other places like a childcare program or preschool. Measuring progress on the outcomes helps states meet federal reporting requirements for children with disabilities. | Results Matter, California Department of Education, Desired Results Access Project, Napa County Office of Education, and Early Childhood Outcomes Center | https://draccess.org/videolibrary/ChildOutcomesStepByStep | 8:44 | ©2011 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Assessment | Authentic Assessment | NCQTL Media Team. (n.d.). Children with Disabilities [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/children-disabilities | Children with Disabilities: Describes how to use ongoing assessment data when teaching children with disabilities and how to adjust your teaching methods and provide additional support. | The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/children-disabilities | 5:47 | Page Last Updated August 17, 2021 | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | n/a | 4.2 Candidates develop and administer informal assessment and/or select and use valid, reliable formal assessments using evidence-based practices, including technology, in partnership with families, and other professionals. 4.4 Candidates, in collaboration with families and other team members, use assessment data to determine eligibility, develop child and family-based outcomes/goals, plan for interventions and instruction, and monitor progress to determine efficacy of programming. | A10 Practitioners use assessment tools with sufficient sensitivity to detect child progress, especially for the child with significant support needs. A9 Practitioners implement systematic ongoing assessment to identify learning targets, plan activities, and monitor the child's progress to revise instruction as needed. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Families | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. (n.d.). Coaching a Family during an Early Intervention Visit [Video]. https://veipd.org/main/videos.html | Coaching a Family during an Early Intervention Visit: This video shows Yvonnie, an early interventionist, using coaching skills to support a mother during an early intervention visit. Yvonnie reviews the mother’s joint plan for helping her son learn to self-feed and pull-to-stand. She uses reflective questions to explore the family’s experience since the last visit. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://veipd.org/main/videos.html | 4:45 | Uploaded September 21, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Developmental Therapist | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments. | INS 13: Practitioners use coaching or consultation strategies with primary caregivers or other adults to facilitate positive adult-child interactions and instruction intentionally. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Families | EITP Illinois. (2017, July 17). Coaching Families of Young Children with Disabilities: What it is and How it Works - Part 1 [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqoTKtKvuFQ&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS_FoEefAwejgOPwAc6J7QQg&index=1 | Coaching Families of Young Children with Disabilities: What it is and How it Works - Part 1: In part one of this two part webinar series, the importance of engaging families and the foundation for coaching families is discussed. Key principals of early intervention, DEC family recommended practices, and adult learning characteristics are reviewed. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqoTKtKvuFQ&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS_FoEefAwejgOPwAc6J7QQg | 1:08:56 | Uploaded July 17, 2017 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | INS 13: Practitioners use coaching or consultation strategies with primary caregivers or other adults to facilitate positive adult-child interactions and instruction intentionally. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Families | EITP Illinois. (2017, July 17). Coaching Families of Young Children with Disabilities: What it is and How it Works - Part 2 [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIzAsdnFUqI&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS_FoEefAwejgOPwAc6J7QQg | Coaching Families of Young Children with Disabilities: What it is and How it Works - Part 2: In part two of this two part webinar series, strategies for coaching and collaborating with families in early intervention to support their children's development is discussed. DEC family recommended practices, the foundation of coaching and the benefits of coaching are also reviewed. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIzAsdnFUqI&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS_FoEefAwejgOPwAc6J7QQg | 1:21:06 | Uploaded July 17, 2017 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | INS 13: Practitioners use coaching or consultation strategies with primary caregivers or other adults to facilitate positive adult-child interactions and instruction intentionally. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. (n.d.). Coaching in Action [Video]. Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. https://veipd.org/main/videos.html | Coaching in Action: This video features Robin, a speech-language pathologist, coaching a mother during an early intervention visit. Robin uses observation, practice, reflection, feedback, and joint planning during this activity to help the mother learn intervention strategies she can use with her son. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://veipd.org/main/videos.html | 11:28 | Uploaded October 27, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Speech and Language Pathologist | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS5 Practitioners embed instruction within and across routines, activities, and environments to provide contextually relevant learning opportunities. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Professionals | Hemmeter, M.L. (2020, September 16). Coaching with Intention: Making the Most of the PBC Cycle [Webinar]. National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Training/Webinar/archive/2020/09-16/2020-09-16-Coaching-With-Intention.html | Coaching with Intention: Making the Most of the PBC Cycle - Webinar: There are specific evidence-based practices for implementing Practice-Based Coaching (PBC). In addition, coaches must learn to provide different levels of support based on individual coachees’ needs. For coaching to be effective, it must be delivered with fidelity. In this webinar, panelists discuss the tools you can use to ensure you are using PBC with fidelity. | National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) | https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Training/Webinar/archive/2020/09-16/2020-09-16-Coaching-With-Intention.html | 55:00 | September 16, 2020 | n/a | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | ||||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Edelman, L., and Greer, L. (2016). Cody on the Playground [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/CodyOnThePlayground | Cody on the Playground: Cody, a preschooler with down syndrome, plays on the playground - he uses a riding toy, maneuvers in and out a tires placed on the ground, and pretends to cook in the outside kitchen. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/CodyOnThePlayground | 3:57 | Uploaded February 4, 2016 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive Adult-Child Interactions | Edelman, L., and Greer, L. (2016). Cody Plays with Glue and Wood [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/CodyPlaysWithGlueAndWood | Cody Plays with Glue and Wood: A teacher supports two boys, one with down syndrome, using glue and wooden blocks. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/CodyPlaysWithGlueAndWood | 3:04 | Uploaded February 4, 2016 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.7 Candidates plan for, adapt, and improve approaches to interactions, interventions, and instruction based on multiple sources of data across a range of natural environments and inclusive settings | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive Adult-Child Interactions | Edelman, L., and Greer, L. (2016). Cody Writing and Drawing [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/CodyWritingAndDrawing | Cody Writing and Drawing: Cody, a preschooler with down syndrome, engages in writing. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/CodyWritingAndDrawing | 4:27 | Uploaded February 4, 2017 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.7 Candidates plan for, adapt, and improve approaches to interactions, interventions, and instruction based on multiple sources of data across a range of natural environments and inclusive settings | |||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families//Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. (2007). Collaboration and Teaming: Session 2: Steps to Collaborative Series [Video].Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-2-steps-collaborative-services | Collaboration and Teaming: Session 2: Steps to Collaborative Services: Highlights the issues involved in building collaborative relationships among service providers and families | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-2-steps-collaborative-services | 18:12 | ©2007 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. 3.3 Candidates partner with families an other professionals to develop individualized plans and support various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. (2007). Collaboration and Teaming: Session 3: Building Collaborative Relationships [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-3-building-collaborative-relationships | Collaboration and Teaming: Session 3: Building Collaborative Relationships: Illustrates (1) specific strategies for successful teaming and integration of services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families; (2) an activity on community mapping of both informal and formal resources that support young children with disabilities and their families in their communities; and (3) offers supporting materials on, learning about community partners and strengthening collaborative relationships. | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-3-building-collaborative-relationships | 10:08 | ©2007 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. 3.3 Candidates partner with families an other professionals to develop individualized plans and support various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families//Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | Hilton/ Early Head Start Training Program. (2007). Collaboration and Teaming: Session 4: Building Effective Teams [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-4-building-effective-teams | Collaboration and Teaming: Session 4: Building Effective Teams: Illustrates examples of four skills necessary for successful teaming. Participants consider the characteristics of effective teams and generate ideas for creating successful teams in their own work. | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-4-building-effective-teams | 10:45 | ©2007 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. 3.3 Candidates partner with families an other professionals to develop individualized plans and support various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Development/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Early Learning and Development / Accommodations and Adaptations | Utah Assistive Technology Program. (2012, February 6). Communication Assistive Technology for Early Intervention [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApG0ahrgipw | Communication Assistive Technology for Early Intervention: Brief review of development of communication, then detailed discussion regarding strategies and communication assistive technology to support speech and communication. | Utah Assistive Technology Program | https://youtu.be/ApG0ahrgipw | 52:02 | Uploaded February 6, 2012 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | CBS Evening News. (2019 February 15). Community learns sign language to engage with 2-year-old girl [Video]. CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/community-learns-sign-language-to-engage-with-2-year-old-girl/#x | Community learns sign language to engage with 2-year-old girl: A 2-year-old girl who is deaf loves to chat with anyone. When her neighbors found out, they came together to learn how to communicate with her. | CBS News | https://www.cbsnews.com/video/community-learns-sign-language-to-engage-with-2-year-old-girl/#x | 2:57 | Uploaded February 15, 2019 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Professionalism | Personnel Standards and Recommended Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Audio 1.3: Maggie's Perspective (Program Administrator)[Audio file]. Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-1-3/ | CONNECT Audio 1.3: Maggie's Perspective (Program Administrator): The administrator of a childcare program in which Luke, a three year old boy with developmental delays, has recently enrolled, shares her perspective. She discusses her attitudes and challenges to support the use of embedded interventions in the classroom. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-1-3/ | 2:10 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidenced-based practices and decision-making. | |||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Audio 1.4: Kathy's Perspective (Speech Therapist)[Audio file]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-1-4/ | CONNECT Audio 1.4: Kathy's Perspective (Speech Therapist): A speech therapist in a childcare program shares her perspective on serving Luke, a three year old boy with developmental delays who recently enrolled. She discusses the challenges of using embedded interventions in the classroom. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-1-4/ | 2:03 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Speech & Language Therapist | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Audio 1.5: Christine's Perspective (Luke's Mother)[Audio file]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-1-2/ | CONNECT Audio 1.5: Christine's Perspective (Luke's Mother): The mother of Luke, a three year old boy with developmental delays, shares her perspective a few months later after he has enrolled in a childcare program. She discusses her feelings about using embedded interventions both at home and in the program. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-1-2/ | 2:32 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Home Setting | n/a | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Audio 1.5: Jackie's Perspective (Luke's Teacher)[Audio file]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-1-5/ | CONNECT Audio 1.5: Jackie's Perspective (Luke's Teacher): Luke's teacher at the childcare program shares her perspective a few months after Luke, a three-year old boy with developmental delays, has joined her classroom. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-1-5/ | 1:53 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC3 Practitioners use communication and group facilitation strategies to enhance team functioning and interpersonal relationships with and among team members. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Audio 3.4: Shawanda's Perspective (Teacher) [Audio file]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-3-4/ | CONNECT Audio 3.4: Shawanda’s Perspective (Teacher): A teacher in a childcare program shares her perspective on collaborating with other professionals in her classroom. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-3-4/ | 0.53 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement interventions. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Audio 3.5: Ashley's perspective (speech therapist) [Audio file]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-3-5/ | CONNECT Audio 3.5: Ashley’s perspective (speech therapist): A speech therapist shares her perspective on working with children in classroom settings and collaborating with the teachers and families. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-3-5/ | 0.47 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Speech & Language Therapist | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement interventions. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Audio 3.6: Susan's Perspective (David's Mother) [Audio file]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-3-6/ | CONNECT Audio 3.6: Susan’s Perspective (David’s Mother): The mother of David, a 4-year old with language delays, shares her perspective addressing her son’s goals. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-3-6/ | 0:57 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement interventions. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Audio 5.4: Ms. Mary's Perspective (Family Child Care Provider) [Audio file]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-5-4/ | CONNECT Audio 5.4: Ms. Mary’s Perspective (Family Child Care Provider): A child care provider of Sophie, a two-year-old with language and physical delays, discusses her feelings about using assistive technology and wanting to become more comfortable with using communication boards with Sophie. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-5-4/ | 0:30 | Date unknown | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement interventions. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Audio 5.5: Holly's Perspective (Sophie's Mother) [Audio file]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-5-5/ | CONNECT Audio 5.5: Holly’s Perspective (Sophie’s Mother): The mother of Sophie, a two-year-old girl with language and physical delays, discusses her feelings about wanting to help Sophie communicate. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-5-5/ | 0:41 | Date unknown | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | F3 Practitioners are responsive to the family's concern's, priorities, and changing life experiences. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Audio 5.6: Karen's Perspective (Speech Therapist) [Audio file]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-5-6/ | CONNECT Audio 5.6: Karen’s Perspective (Speech Therapist): Sophie’s speech therapist shares her thoughts about working with Sophie and using assistive technology to help her communicate. She also talks about her willingness to work with Ms. Mary, Sophie’s child care provider, to make her more comfortable with using assistive technology. |
The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/audio/audio-5-6/ | 1:06 | Date unknown | Birth-3 | n/a | Speech & Language Therapist | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement interventions. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 1.1: The Teacher's Viewpoint [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-1/ | CONNECT Video 1.1: The Teacher's Viewpoint: Jackie, a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares her concerns about including Luke, a 3 year old boy with developmental delays, in her classroom | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-1/ | 1:50 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | INS13 Practitioners use coaching or consultation strategies with primary caregivers or other adults to facilitate positive adult-child interactions and instruction intentionally designed to promote child learning and development. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 1.10: Routine in a Program: Water Play [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-10/ | CONNECT Video 1.10: Routine in a Program: Water Play: A classmate, Ava, is paired with Luke to introduce him to a new activity in water play. With the prompting of the teacher, Ava takes Luke’s hand and leads him through the sprinkler. Ava was chosen for this peer support strategy as she is a gentle, easy going classmate and she and Luke get along well. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-10/ | 1:13 | date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 1.11: Routine in a Program - Singing a Song [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-11/ | CONNECT Video 1.11: Routine in a Program – Singing a Song: Jack watches and imitates a classmate making motions during a song. He has the opportunity to play a game with a friend and to work on motor skills throughout the song. Watch how the teacher encourages and facilitates the interaction between these peers. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-11/ | 1:21 | date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | McWilliam, R. (Producer). (2000). CONNECT Video 1.12 Routine in a Program - Rolling with Friends [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-12/ | CONNECT Video 1.12 Routine in a Program - Rolling with Friends: A physical therapist implements strategies to develop Jake’s motor skills, particularly his ability to roll, surrounded by his friends. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-12/ | 3:25 | ©2000 | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Physical Therapist | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | INS5 Practitioners embed instruction within and across routines, activities, and environments to provide contextually relevant learning opportunities. INS8 Practitioners use peer- mediated intervention to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Winterberry Press 2002. (2002). CONNECT Video 1.13: Routine in the Community - Playing at the Park[Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-13/ | CONNECT Video 1.13: Routine in the Community - Playing at the Park: Often the best peers to provide support are siblings. A sister leads and plays with her brother around a community park. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-13/ | 1:19 | ©2002 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | INS5 Practitioners embed instruction within and across routines, activities, and environments to provide contextually relevant learning opportunities. INS8 Practitioners use peer- mediated intervention to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations /Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | McWilliam, R. (Producer). (2000). CONNECT Video 1.14: Routine in a Program - Expanded Block Play[Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-14/ | CONNECT Video 1.14: Routine in a Program - Expanded Block Play: Austin's first uses a communication board posted on the wall to decide what he wants to build. His occupational therapist created a picture template to support him build a block structure. Austin places the blocks directly on the visual aid and builds a garage for his car with minimal assistance. Later, a peer is enlisted as a helper to create a door for his garage. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-14/ | 3:08 | ©2000 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Occupational Therapist | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. INS5 Practitioners embed instruction within and across routines, activities, and environments to provide contextually relevant learning opportunities. INS8 Practitioners use peer- mediated intervention to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations /Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | McWilliam, R. (Producer). (2000). CONNECT Video 1.16: Routine in a Program - Reading at Circle Time[Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-16/ | CONNECT Video 1.16: Routine in a Program - Reading at Circle Time: A teacher combines several embedded interventions into circle time to support Jacob's learning and participation. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-16/ | 1:24 | ©2000 | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS5 Practitioners embed instruction within and across routines, activities, and environments to provide contextually relevant learning opportunities. INS8 Practitioners use peer- mediated intervention to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations //Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 1.17: Routine in a Program - Playing Red Light Green Light[Video]. FPG Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-17/ | CONNECT Video 1.17: Routine in a Program - Playing Red Light Green Light: Jack, a preschooler, plays a game of red light green light with his classmates. He starts off sitting on his teacher’s lap in the top left of screen, using a voice output switch to lead the game. Then he takes a turn scooting across the floor starting in the lower left of the screen next to the other teacher. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-17/ | 1:36 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. INS5 Practitioners embed instruction within and across routines, activities, and environments to provide contextually relevant learning opportunities. INS8 Practitioners use peer- mediated intervention to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 1.2: The Family's Viewpoint [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-2/ | CONNECT Video 1.2: The Family's Viewpoint: Christine, mother of Luke, a 3 year old boy with developmental delays shares her reasoning and concerns to include her son in a childcare program | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-2/ | 2:20 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Home Setting | n/a | 2.1 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. | F3 Practitioners are responsive to the family's concerns, priorities, and changing life circumstances. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices / Accommodations and Adaptations | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2000). CONNECT Video 1.14: Routine in a Program: Expanded Block Play [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-14/ | CONNECT Video 1.4:Routine in a Program: Expanded Block Play: Austin first uses a communication board posted on the wall to decide what he wants to build. Then his therapist introduces a template to assist in the building process. Later, a peer is enlisted as a helper to create a door for his garage. In just 5 minutes, 3 different embedded interventions were used to help Austin successfully participate in this activity. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-14/ | 3:07 | ©2000 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Occupational Therapist | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 1.5: Routine in a Program: Enjoying Meal Time [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-5/ | CONNECT Video 1.5: Routine in a Program: Enjoying Mealtime: Alisa, a toddler with multiple disabilities has joined a newly inclusive childcare setting. A practitioner helps Jalisa get into her special chair and helps Jalisa use a spoon. Jalisa’s team –Head Start practitioners, therapists, and the family – work together on planning and implementing embedded interventions | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-5/ | 1:42 | date unknown | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Other | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2000). CONNECT Video 1.6: Routine in a Program: Taking Turns [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-6/ | CONNECT Video 1.6: Routine in a Program: Taking Turns: A preschool teacher facilitates a game of peek-a-boo between two boys with special needs. She embeds learning by encouraging communication with signs and turn-taking. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-6/ | 1:23 | ©2000 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 1.8: Routine in the Community- Going to the Store [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. . https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-8/ | CONNECT Video 1.8: Routine in the Community - Going to the Store: Luke demonstrates how he is able to participate in a family trip to the grocery store with using his voice output device. He uses some sign language to communicate, but is unable to learn many signs due to a lack of fine motor skills. This voice output device is able to speak hundreds of words for him that he would otherwise be unable to express. Here he makes requests for different foods, and tells his dad when he is ready to go home. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-8/ | 1:06 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Home Setting | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations /Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 1.20: Routine in a Program - Eating Lunch [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-20/ | CONNECT Video 1:20: Routine in a Program - Eating Lunch: Luke uses a communication device to comment and make a request at lunch. His teacher encourages and praises him. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-20/ | 2:02 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. I | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 2.1: The Teacher's Viewpoint [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-2-1/ | CONNECT Video 2.1: The Teacher’s Viewpoint: Melanie, a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares a dilemma about the transition of Tamiya, a two-year-old girl turning three with developmental delays, joining her classroom. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-2-1/ | 1:55 | date unknown | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and support the various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | |||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Families | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 2.2: The Family's Viewpoint [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-2-2/ | CONNECT Video 2.2: The Family’s Viewpoint: Rosemary, the mother of Tamiya, a two-year-old girl turning three with developmental delays, shares her view on the upcoming transition of her daughter into a childcare program. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-2-2/ | 2:27 | date unknown | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and support the various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | TR2 Practitioners use a variety of planned and timely strategies with the child and family before, during, and after the transition to support successful adjustment and positive outcomes for both the child and family. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Families | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 2.3: Highlights of a Home Visit [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-2/step-3/a-definition/engaging-families/ | CONNECT Video 2.3: Highlights of a Home Visit: The preschool teacher makes a home visit before the child starts preschool to build rapport with the mom, gather information, and share information about what the first day of school will be like. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-2/step-3/a-definition/engaging-families/ | 3:03 | date unknown | Birth-3 | Home Setting | Teacher | 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and support the various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | TR2 Practitioners use a variety of planned and timely strategies with the child and family before, during, and after the transition to support successful adjustment and positive outcomes for both the child and family. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 3.1: The Teacher's Viewpoint [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-3/step-1/ | CONNECT Video 3.1: The Teacher’s Viewpoint: Shawanda, a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares a dilemma about collaborating with a speech therapist to address the learning goals of David, a 4-year-old boy in her class. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-3/step-1/ | 1:50 | date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Speech and Language Pathologist | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC3 Practitioners use communication and group facilitation strategies to enhance team functioning and interpersonal relationships with and among team members. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 3.2: The Therapist's Viewpoint [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-3/step-1/ | CONNECT Video 3.2: The Therapist’s Viewpoint: Ashley, a speech therapist shares her view on collaborating with a teacher in a community-based childcare program to address the goals of David, a 4-year-old boy with language delays | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-3/step-1/ | 1:09 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Speech and Language Pathologist | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC3 Practitioners use communication and group facilitation strategies to enhance team functioning and interpersonal relationships with and among team members. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 3.3: Conversations with Examples of Attending and Active Listening [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-3-3/ | CONNECT Video 3.3: Conversation with Examples of Attending and Active Listening: Andi, a Head Start teacher, and LeeMarie, a speech therapist, have a conversation about collaborating to address the learning goals of a 4-year-old child in Andi’s classroom. This is part one of a three-part conversation highlighting examples of attending and active listening communication strategies. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-3-3/ | 2:37 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Speech and Language Therapist | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC3 Practitioners use communication and group facilitation strategies to enhance team functioning and interpersonal relationships with and among team members. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 3.4: Conversation with Examples of Seeking and Verifying Information [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-3-4/ | CONNECT Video 3.4: Conversation with Examples of Seeking and Verifying Information: Andi, a Head Start teacher, and LeeMarie, a speech therapist, have a conversation about collaborating to address the learning goals of a 4-year-old child in Andi’s classroom. This is part two of a three-part conversation highlighting examples of seeking and verifying communication strategies. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-3-4/ | 2:38 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Speech and Language Therapist | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC3 Practitioners use communication and group facilitation strategies to enhance team functioning and interpersonal relationships with and among team members. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 3.5: Conversation with Examples of Joining and Supporting [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-3-5/ | CONNECT Video 3.5: Conversation with Examples of Joining and Supporting: Andi, a Head Start teacher, and LeeMarie, a speech therapist, have a conversation about collaborating to address the learning goals of a 4-year-old child in Andi’s classroom. This is part three of a three-part conversation highlighting examples of joining and supporting communication strategies | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-3-5/ | 3:12 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | Speech and Language Therapist | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC3 Practitioners use communication and group facilitation strategies to enhance team functioning and interpersonal relationships with and among team members. | ||
Families | Family Systems Theory | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 4.1: Perspective of Dr. Beth Harry [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-4/step-3/b-research/ | CONNECT Video 4.1: Perspectives of Dr. Beth Harry: Beth Harry, Professor, and Chair of Special Education at the University of Miami discusses the importance of earning the trust of parents from diverse backgrounds by demonstrating respect for their perspectives. Dr. Harry has described the transforming impact of her daughter with special needs on her personal and professional life. She is a nationally recognized leader in research related to cultural diversity within the field of special education, especially on the topic of family-professional partnerships. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-4/step-3/b-research/ | 2:56 | Date unknown | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnership with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | F1 Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. | ||
Families | Family Systems Theory | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 4.2: The Family's Viewpoint [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-4-2/ | CONNECT Video 4.2: The Family’s Viewpoint: Aaron, the father of little Aaron, a 4-year old boy in a preschool classroom, shares his story and goals for his family’s future. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-4-2/ | 1:37 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Other | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnership with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | F1 Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. | ||
Families | Family Systems Theory/ Family-Centered Early Intervention | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 4.3: Description of the Family-Professional Partnership Framework [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-4/step-3/a-definition/ | CONNECT Video 4.3: Description of the Family-Professional Partnership Framework: Dr. Ann Turnbull, Distinguished Professor, Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Beach Center on Disability, describes the family professional partnership framework to illustrate partnership-oriented practices. |
The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-4/step-3/a-definition/ | 3:19 | Date unknown | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnership with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | F1 Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. | ||
Families | Family Systems Theory/ /Family-Centered Early Intervention | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2005). CONNECT Video 4.4: Starting a relationship [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-4-4/ | CONNECT Video 4.4: Starting a relationship: A practitioner describes strategies she uses to begin partnerships with a families. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-4-4/ | 2:37 | ©2005 | Birth-5 Years | Home Setting | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | F1. Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 5.1: The Family Childcare Provider's Viewpoint [Video]. FPG Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-1/ | CONNECT Video 5.1: The Family Childcare Provider’s Viewpoint: Ms. Mary, a family child care provider, shares a dilemma about her concerns of using communication boards with Sophie, a 2-year-old girl in her program. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-1/ | 1:50 | Date unknown | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement interventions. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 5.2: The Family's Viewpoint [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-2/ | CONNECT Video 5.2: The Family’s Viewpoint: Holly, Sophie’s mother, shares her dilemma about sending Sophie to a family child care provider who does not have experience working with children who use assistive technology. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-2/ | 2:14 | Date unknown | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2000). CONNECT Video 5.4: Perl Using a Switch and Stander [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-4/ | CONNECT Video 5.4: Perl Using a Switch and Stander: The teacher uses two adaptations, a switch device, and a box to help a preschool aged child to participate in a game with another child. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-4/ | 3:20 | ©2000 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 5.5: Max Using a Walker [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-5/ | CONNECT Video 5.5: Max Using a Walker: A teacher helps preschooler, Max, use a walker to get from the classroom to the playground. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-5/ | 2:19 | Date unknown | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2000). CONNECT Video 5.6: Using an Adapted Triangle [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-6/ | CONNECT Video 5.6: Using an Adapted Tricycle: Joshua, a child with Pfeiffer Syndrome, peddles an adapted tricycle alongside his physical therapist. The PT discusses the importance of peer engagement to foster socialization and provide peer modeling. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-6/ | 3:18 | ©2000 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Physical Therapist | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 5.7: Communicating at Breakfast [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-7/ | CONNECT Video 5.7: Communicating at Breakfast: An adult uses a child’s communication board to show him how to ask for more cereal at breakfast. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-7/ | 0:46 | Date unknown | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (1998). CONNECT Video 5.9: Dress Up Time [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-9/ | CONNECT Video 5.9: Dress Up Time: A preschool aged child uses pictures and symbols to communicate with a teacher about the clothes and toys she wants in the dramatic play area. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-5-9/ | 1:11 | ©1998 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 6.10: Dialogic reading with Katy [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-10/ | CONNECT Video 6.10: Dialogic reading with Katy: A teacher reads to a group of children using dialogic reading practices. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-10/ | 4:14 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Doing What Works. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 6.11: Summary and Wrap Up: Interactive and Dialogic Reading in Preschool [Video]. Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-11/ | CONNECT Video 6.11: Summary and Wrap Up: Interactive and Dialogic Reading in Preschool: Overview of interactive and dialogic reading in preschool. Reviews research regarding language skills and later reading success and strategies to implement interactive and dialogic read-a-louds. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-11/ | 9:29 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 6.5: Preparing a book for dialogic reading [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-5/ | CONNECT Video 6.5: Preparing a book for dialogic reading: A teacher shows how to prepare a book for dialogic reading using the CROWD prompts and sticky notes. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-5/ | 1:48 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 6.6: Demonstration of How to Use CROWD Prompts [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-6/ | CONNECT Video 6.6: Demonstration of How to Use CROWD Prompts: A university instructor shows a class how to read a book to a group of children using the CROWD prompts and dialogic reading practices. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-6/ | 3:06 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 6.7: Introducing the book Carrot Soup [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-7/ | CONNECT Video 6.7: Introducing the book Carrot Soup: A teacher introduces a book to a group of young children using dialogic reading practices. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-7/ | 2:50 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 6.8: Reading the Book Carrot Soup [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-8/ | CONNECT Video 6.8: Reading the Book Carrot Soup: A teacher reads to a group of young children using dialogic reading practices. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-8/ | 3:33 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 6.9: Closing the Book, Carrot Soup [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-9/ | CONNECT Video 6.9: Closing the Book, Carrot Soup: After finishing a book, a teacher closes the book with some questions for the children to keep them engaged. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-6-9/ | 0:55 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.1: The Teacher's Viewpoint- Social Emotional Development [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-1/ | CONNECT Video 7.1: The Teacher’s Viewpoint – Social Emotional Development: Emily, a pre-K teacher, shares a dilemma about whether to use tiered instruction to promote children’s social emotional development and address challenging behaviors. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-1/ | 1:09 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. |
INS9 Practitioners use functional assessment and related prevention, promotion, and intervention strategies across environments to prevent and address challenging behavior. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.10: Reviewing Classroom Rules [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-10/ | CONNECT Video 7.10: Reviewing Classroom Rules: A teacher reviews the classroom rules with the children during whole group time. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-10/ | 2:27 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. |
INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.11: How is Froggy Feeling? [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-11/ | CONNECT Video 7.11: How is Froggy Feeling?: A teacher reads a book to a group of children to review different types of emotion to enhance their emotional literacy skills. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-11/ | 2:47 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. |
INT2 Practitioners promote the child’s social development by encouraging the child to initiate or sustain positive interactions with other children and adults during routines and activities through modeling, teaching, feedback, or other types of guided support. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.12: Putting on a Puppet Show [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-12/ | CONNECT Video 7.12: Putting on a Puppet Show: After seeing some children arguing while putting on a puppet show, a teacher helps children use a technique called the Turtle Technique as a way to calm down and think of a better solution. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-12/ | 1:01 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. |
INT2 Practitioners promote the child’s social development by encouraging the child to initiate or sustain positive interactions with other children and adults during routines and activities through modeling, teaching, feedback, or other types of guided support. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.13: Finding a Resolution in the Block Area [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-13/ | CONNECT Video 7.13: Finding a Resolution in the Block Area: A teacher uses a series of picture cards on the wall to help the children solve their conflict in the block area. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-13/ | 1:12 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. |
INT2 Practitioners promote the child’s social development by encouraging the child to initiate or sustain positive interactions with other children and adults during routines and activities through modeling, teaching, feedback, or other types of guided support. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.14: Using an Incentive System with Sammy [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-14/ | CONNECT Video 7.14: Using an Incentive System with Sammy: A teacher uses an incentive system with a child who needs some additional behavior support. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-14/ | 1:59 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. |
INT2 Practitioners promote the child’s social development by encouraging the child to initiate or sustain positive interactions with other children and adults during routines and activities through modeling, teaching, feedback, or other types of guided support. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.16: Rolling a Ball Rhyming Activity [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-16/ | CONNECT Video 7.16: Rolling a Ball Rhyming Activity: A teacher works with a small group of children to reinforce the concept of words that rhyme using a rolling ball game. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-16/ | 1:20 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.17: Letters on the Alphabet Tree [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-17/ | CONNECT Video 7.17: Letters on the Alphabet Tree: A teacher uses an embedded learning activity during center time with a small group of children to help them learn to identify letters. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-17/ | 0:52 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices/ Accommodations and Adaptations | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.18: Washing clothes [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-18/ | CONNECT Video 7.18: Washing clothes: A teacher uses a series of pictures to help scaffold a child’s learning during an activity in the dramatic play area. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-18/ | 1:54 | Date unknown | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.19: Peer Supports in Bingo [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-19/ | CONNECT Video 7.19: Peer Supports in Bingo: A teacher is playing a game of Bingo with some children and encourages the children to help one another. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-19/ | 0:45 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.2: The Teacher's Viewpoint- Academic Learning [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-7/step-1/ | CONNECT Video 7.2: The Teacher’s Viewpoint – Academic Learning: Michelle, a childcare teacher, shares a dilemma about whether to use tiered instruction to improve children’s academic learning in language and literacy. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/learners/module-7/step-1/ | 1:39 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.7 Candidates plan for, adapt, and improve approaches to interaction, intervention, and instruction based on multiple sources of data across a range of natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS3 Practitioners gather and use data to inform decisions about individualized instruction. | ||
Assessment/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Authentic Assessment/ Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.4: Formative Assessment (Social emotional Development) [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-4/ | CONNECT Video 7.4: Formative Assessment (Social emotional Development): A teacher conducts a formative assessment by observing and recording information about children in her classroom during center time. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-4/ | 1:06 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 4.4 Candidates develop and administer informal assessments and/or select and use valid, reliable formal assessments using evidence-based practices, including technology, in partnership with families, and other professionals. 6.4 Candidates promote young children's social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. | A6 Practitioners use a variety of methods, including observation and interviews, to gather assessment information from multiple sources, including the child's family and other significant individuals in a child's life. A4 Practitioners conduct assessments that include all areas of development and behavior to learn about the child's strengths, needs, preferences, and interests. | ||
Assessment/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Authentic Assessment/ Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.5: Formative Assessment (Academic Learning) [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-5/ | CONNECT Video 7.5: Formative Assessment (Academic Learning): A teacher conducts a formative assessment with a child on her knowledge of parts of words. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-5/ | 1:19 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 4.4 Candidates develop and administer informal assessments and/or select and use valid, reliable formal assessments using evidence-based practices, including technology, in partnership with families, and other professionals. 6.7 Candidates plan for, adapt, and improve approaches to interaction, intervention, and instruction based on multiple sources of data across a range of natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS3 Practitioners gather and use data to inform decisions about individualized instruction. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.6: Tiered Instruction Framework [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-6/ | CONNECT Video 7.6: Tiered Instruction Framework: A framework for tiered instruction that can be used in early childhood settings is discussed. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-6/ | 1:57 | Date unknown | Childhood | Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. | INS9 Practitioners use functional assessment and related prevention, promotion, and intervention strategies across environments to prevent and address challenging behavior. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.7: Christopher's Story [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-7/ | CONNECT Video 7.7: Christopher’s Story: This video clip is of a child with disabilities and describes how the adults in his life build positive relationships with him and each other. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-7/ | 1:55 | Date unknown | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). CONNECT Video 7.9 Creating an Environment [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-9/ | CONNECT Video 7.9 Creating an Environment: This video shows an example of a classroom environment and how it is organized and arranged to help children feel connected and safe. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-7-9/ | 1:59 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child. | E3 Practitioners work with the family and other adults to modify and adapt the physical, social, and temporal environments to promote each child’s access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Zero to Three. (2016, March 7) Connecting with Babies: The Power of Parent/ Child Interaction [Video]. . Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/379-connecting-with-babies | Connecting with Babies: The Power of Parent/Child Interaction: This video demonstrates how a child responds to the parent's different patterns of interaction and discusses the consequences of these reaction on development. | Zero to Three | https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/379-connecting-with-babies | 3:07 | Posted: March 7, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family's strengths and capacities. | ||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems & Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. (2019). Converting Child Outcomes Data to OSEP Progress Categories/Summary Statements[Video]. Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems. https://dasycenter.org/converting-child-outcomes-data-to-osep-progress-categories-summary-statements/ | Converting Child Outcomes Data to OSEP Progress Categories/Summary Statements: Explains how the child outcomes data that local programs collect are converted to the national data reported by the U.S. | DASY | https://dasycenter.org/converting-child-outcomes-data-to-osep-progress-categories-summary-statements/ | 6:12 | Uploaded September, 2018 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | A11 Practitioners report assessment results so that they are understandable and useful to families. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology. (n.d.). Could My Child Have A Hearing Problem? [Video]. American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/ear-nose-throat/Pages/Could-My-Child-Have-A-Hearing-Problem.aspx | Could My Child Have A Hearing Problem?: Carlton J. Zdanski, MD, FAAP, FACS, Chief of Pediatric Otolaryngology at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and Surgical Director at the North Carolina Children's Airway Center, describes the process for evaluation and treatment for hearing loss in infants and children. | American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO) | https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/ear-nose-throat/Pages/Could-My-Child-Have-A-Hearing-Problem.aspx | 5:51 | Date unknown | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Professionalism | Promoting Diversity and Equity through Cultural Competence | Allen, R. (2020, June 12) Creating Anti-Racist Early Childhood Spaces [Webinar]. National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Training/Webinar/archive/2020/06-12/2020-06-12_creating-anti-racist-ec-spaces.html | Creating Anti-Racist Early Childhood Spaces - Webinar: It is important to address issues of race and bias in early childhood settings. This webinar presents strategies for creating an anti-racist environment to promote the development of healthy racial identities. | National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) | https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Training/Webinar/archive/2020/06-12/2020-06-12_creating-anti-racist-ec-spaces.html | 60:00 | ©2019 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 5.1 Candidates collaborate with families and other professional in identifying evidence-based curriculum addressing developmental and content domains to design and facilitate meaningful and culturally responsive learning experiences that support the unique abilities and needs of all children. 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child. | |||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Families/ Collaborating and Teaming with Professionals | Fremuth, G. [Gabe Fremuth]. (2015, July 27). Dathan and M'Lisa Top Ten Misconceptions of Coaching [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhbzZh27SZY | Dathan and M'Lisa Top Ten Misconceptions of Coaching: Highlights misconceptions practitioners have about coaching, and provides research that supports coaching methods. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhbzZh27SZY | 21:26 | Uploaded July 27, 2015 | Birth-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | Physical Therapist | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | INS 13: Practitioners use coaching or consultation strategies with primary caregivers or other adults to facilitate positive adult-child interactions and instruction intentionally. | |||
Professionalism | Personnel Standards and Recommended Practices | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2014). DEC Recommended Practices 2014 [Video]. Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. https://www.dec-sped.org/videos | DEC Recommended Practices 2014: This video offers an overview of the new DEC Recommended Practices. Click the play button to find out more. | Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children (DEC-CEC) | https://www.dec-sped.org/videos | 2:43 | Uploaded September 30, 2014 | Birth-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 7.1 Candidates engage with the profession of EI/ECSE by participating in local, regional, national, and/or international activities and professional organizations. | L4 Leaders belong to professional association sand engage in ongoing evidence-based professional development. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice | National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning Media Team (Producer). (n.d.). Designing Environments [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/designing-environments | Designing Environments: Learn about features of the physical and social classroom environment that maximize young children's engagement and learning. | The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/designing-environments | 4:47 | Date unknown | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Dunlap, G. & Lee. J. (2019, January 28). Developing and Implementing Intensive Interventions: Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children [Webinar]. National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Training/Webinar/archive/2019/01-28/2019-01-28_Developing-and-Implementing-Intensive-Individualized-Interventions.html | Developing and Implementing Intensive Interventions: Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children - Webinar: This webinar introduces Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children (PTR-YC). PTR-YC is an evidence-based model that classroom teams can use to resolve patterns of serious challenging behavior. The webinar offers a description of the background and procedures of PTR-YC along with a case study to illustrate the PTR-YC process. | National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) | https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Training/Webinar/archive/2019/01-28/2019-01-28_Developing-and-Implementing-Intensive-Individualized-Interventions.html | 55:00 | January 28,2019 | Birth-5 | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. | INS9 Practitioners use functional assessment and related prevention, promotion, and intervention strategies across environments to prevent and address challenging behavior. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Albert Einstein College of Medicine. (2015, April 15). Developmental Milestones: Baby Talk from First Sounds to First Words [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7WAfwKi88Q&list=RD30lO3gXeoUs | Developmental Milestones: Baby Talk from First Sounds to First Words: Stages of speech and communication development during the first year of life are explained. The developmental progression is highlighted as the child interacts with parents and siblings. | Children's Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center (CERC), Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Montefiore The University Hospital | https://youtu.be/a7WAfwKi88Q?list=RD30lO3gXeoUs | 5:35 | Uploaded April 15, 2015 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Assessment | Developmental Monitoring | Whitaker, T. & Zubler, J. (2020 July 8). Developmental Surveillance: Understanding and Incorporating into Practice [Video]. American Academy of Pediatrics. https://players.brightcove.net/6056665225001/KSSGZDkp6_default/index.html?videoId=6182171344001 | Developmental Surveillance: Understanding and Incorporating into Practice: Highlights ways that both developmental monitoring and screening are important and complementary for children's healthy development and identifying disabilities or delays. | American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | https://players.brightcove.net/6056665225001/KSSGZDkp6_default/index.html?videoId=6182171344001 | 25:50 | July 8, 2020 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 4.1 Candidates understand the purpose of formal and informal assessment, including ethical and legal considerations, and use this information to choose developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate, valid, reliable tools and methods that are responsive to the characteristics of the young child, family and program. | A2 Practitioners work as a team with the family and other professionals to gather assessment information. A7 Practitioners obtain information about the child's skill sin daily activities, routines, and environments such as home, center, and community. | ||
Assessment | Developmental Monitoring | American Academy of Pediatrics. (2018 May 21). Development Surveillance: What, Why and How [Video]. American Academy of Pediatrics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sceYLUHhgnU | Developmental Surveillance: What, Why and How: American Academy of Pediatrics Pediatrician, Dr. Shelly Flais discusses developmental surveillance recommendations, tips, and resources available to pediatricians, clinicians, and families. Together, surveillance and screening are essential components to promote the optimal development of children. | American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sceYLUHhgnU | 6:30 | Uploaded May 21, 2018 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 4.1 Candidates understand the purpose of formal and informal assessment, including ethical and legal considerations, and use this information to choose developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate, valid, reliable tools and methods that are responsive to the characteristics of the young child, family and program. | A2 Practitioners work as a team with the family and other professionals to gather assessment information. A7 Practitioners obtain information about the child's skill sin daily activities, routines, and environments such as home, center, and community. | ||
Using Responsive and Reciprocal Interactions, Interventions, and Instruction | Reading | National Center for Families Learning, Grand Island Public Schools, Lexington Public Schools, Lincoln Public Schools, Nebraska Children and Families Foundation. (2020, May 5). SFEC Dialogic Reading [Webinar]. National Center for Families Learning. https://www.familieslearning.org/resources/webinars/108#nav | Dialogic Reading - Webinar: Dialogic reading is proven to be effective in improving children’s vocabulary and oral language skills. National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) Reading Specialist Dr. Becky Goetzinger explains the concept and offers implementation strategies. | National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) | https://www.familieslearning.org/resources/webinars/108#nav | 37:22 | May 5, 2020 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Disability as the "Fit" Between Environment and Personal Competencies[Video]. (n.d.). American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. https://www.aaidd.org/education/video-library#.VucXgNDyaUw | Disability as the "Fit" Between Environment and Personal Competencies: James Thompson shares what he has learned about individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities - they want relationships, an inviting home, meaningful education, and to contribute to their communities…just like individuals without disabilities. | American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities | https://www.aaidd.org/education/video-library#.VucXgNDyaUw | 5:47 | Uploaded February 9/ 2015 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | L3 Leaders develop and implement policies, structures, and practices that promote shared decision making with practitioners and families. L6 Leaders establish partnerships across levels (state and local) and with their counterparts in other systems and agencies to create coordinated and inclusive systems of services and supports. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction/Professionalism | Inclusion/Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | TEDx Talks. (2014 April 22). Disabling Segregation [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izkN5vLbnw8 | Disabling Segregation: Photojournalist Dan Habib, disability-rights advocate, didn't give much thought to disability — until his son Samuel was born with cerebral palsy. Dan explains his family's fight to ensure an inclusive education for Samuel, and how inclusion benefits not just Samuel and those who are included, but all of us. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izkN5vLbnw8 | 17:57 | Uploaded April 22, 2014 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. E3 Practitioners work with the family and other adults to modify and adapt the physical, social, and temporal environments to promote each child's access to and participation in learning experiences. INS2 Practitioners, with the family, identify skills to target for instruction that help a child become adaptive, competent, socially connected, and engaged and that promote learning in natural and inclusive environments. | |||
Families/Teaming | Family-Centered Early Intervention / Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. (n.d.). Discussing Jake's Progress (Coaching Example) [Video]. https://veipd.org/main/videos.html | Discussing Jake’s Progress (Coaching Example): This video features Nosheen, a service coordinator with the Infant & Toddler Connection of Fairfax-Falls Church in Virginia, using coaching practices with Mia, Jake's mother, as they discuss concerns about progress. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://veipd.org/main/videos.html | 4:40 | Uploaded April 11, 2019 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Service Coordinator | 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | F7 Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes for goals. TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Families/Teaming | Family-Centered Early Intervention / Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. (n.d.). Discussing Jake's Progress (Non-Coaching Example) [Video]. Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. https://veipd.org/main/videos.html | Discussing Jake’s Progress (Non-Coaching Example): This video shows a fictitious example of a service coordinator who is not using coaching practices with a family. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://veipd.org/main/videos.html | 2:07 | Uploaded April 11, 2019 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Service Coordinator | 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | F7 Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes for goals. TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Families/Teaming | Family-Centered Early Intervention / Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development. [VEIPD Videos]. (2019, April 11). Discussing Leisel's Communication Device (Coaching Example) [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/8D6qCh7ey-Y | Discussing Leisel’s Communication Device (Coaching Example): This video features Christina, a service coordinator with the Infant & Toddler Connection of Fairfax-Falls Church in Virginia, using coaching practices while meeting with Benea, Leisel's mother. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D6qCh7ey-Y&feature=youtu.be | 4:13 | Uploaded April 11, 2019 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Service Coordinator | 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | F7 Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes for goals. TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Families/Teaming | Family-Centered Early Intervention / Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development. [VEIPD Videos]. (2019, April 11). Discussing Leisel's Communication Device (Non-Coaching Example) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfAdboGHHW8 | Discussing Leisel’s Communication Device (Non-Coaching Example): This video shows a fictitious example of a service coordinator who is not using coaching practices with a family. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfAdboGHHW8&feature=youtu.be | 2:54 | Uploaded April 11, 2019 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Service Coordinator | 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | F7 Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes for goals. TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Hess, Jacqueline. (2016, May 17). Don't Wait to Communicate! Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) [Webinar]. Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, National Technical Resource Center. http://www.infanthearing.org/flashplayer/hd_videos.htm?file=http://www.infanthearing.org/flashvideos/webinars/ECHO_Coffee_Break_5_17_2016.mp4 | Don’t Wait to Communicate! Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) - Webinar: This webinar introduces augmentative and alternative communication systems. | Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) National Technical Resource Center (NTRC) | http://www.infanthearing.org/flashplayer/hd_videos.htm?file=http://www.infanthearing.org/flashvideos/webinars/ECHO_Coffee_Break_5_17_2016.mp4 | 46:32 | May 17, 2016 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INT4 Practitioners promote the child’s cognitive development by observing, interpreting, and responding intentionally to the child’s exploration, play, and social activity by joining in and expanding on the child’s focus, actions, and intent. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2017). Dream Big: A FIT Family Story [Video]. Center for Development and Disability University of New Mexico. http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | Dream Big: A FIT Family Story: Dani and Marcos describe many of the key features of early intervention and how they and their daughter benefit from them. | University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability | http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | 5:27 | ©2017 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promoting family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | DC Special Education Cooperative. (2021, January 15). Early Childhood Inclusion: Environmental Adaptations [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=kiOERIL9sPY&t=6shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=kiOERIL9sPY&t=6s | Early Childhood Inclusion: Environmental Adaptations: Webinar reviews what environmental adaptations are and how teachers can make changes to their environment to create an inclusive classroom. | DC Special Education Cooperative | https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=kiOERIL9sPY&t=6s | 28:01 | September 29, 2016 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Other | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | Begin at 4:07 | |
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Open Society Foundations. (2013, December 9). Early Childhood Intervention and the Power of Family [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GAHmiI1K64 | Early Childhood Intervention and the Power of Family : Professionals around the world discuss the value and importance of early intervention and the power families hold in supporting their children's learning and development. | Open Society Foundations | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GAHmiI1K64 | 7:33 | Uploaded December 9, 2013 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidenced-based practices and decision-making. | |||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Connecticut Birth to Three System. [CT Birth 23]. (2010, October 7). Early Intervention Home Visits [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fOJGmIdj0c | Early Intervention Home Visits: Illustrates what families can expect during a home visit, how children learn best, the primary provider model, parent coaching, and typical daily routines. | Connecticut Birth to Three System | https://youtu.be/8fOJGmIdj0c | 11:45 | Uploaded October 7, 2010 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC5 Practitioners and families may collaborate with each other to identify one practitioner from the team who serves as the primary liaison between the family and other team members based on child and family priorities and needs. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention/Inclusion | Early CHOICES. (2020 December 21). Early Intervention, Inclusion and My Family Part 1: Inclusion and Natural Environments [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC16cM4Ov24 | Early Intervention, Inclusion and My Family Part 1: Inclusion & Natural Environments: Defines inclusion and natural environments and discusses their meaning in the early years - birth to three. | Early Choices | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC16cM4Ov24 | 3:31 | Uploaded December 21, 2020 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.3: Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. 6.6: Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. |
INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention/Inclusion | Early CHOICES. (2021 January 7). Early Intervention, Inclusion and My Family Part 2: Best Practices and Routine-based Learning [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmlZ37IJ1ko | Early Intervention, Inclusion and My Family Part 2: Best Practices and Routine-based Learning: Explores what is best practice in early intervention services, and why children learn best in everyday routines at home. | Early Choices | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmlZ37IJ1ko | 4:21 | Uploaded January 7, 2021 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.3: Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. 6.6: Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. |
INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention/Inclusion | Early CHOICES. (2021 January 7). Early Intervention, Inclusion and My Family Part 3: Routine Based Learning [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0EmS2DC4kk | Early Intervention, Inclusion and My Family Part 3: Routine Based Learning: The best place for young children to learn and practice new skills is within our everyday routines. | Early Choices | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0EmS2DC4kk | 4:47 | Uploaded January 7, 2021 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.3: Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. 6.6: Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. |
INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention/Inclusion | Early CHOICES. (2021 January 8). Early Intervention, Inclusion and My Family Part 4: Your Role in Early Intervention [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0Bp-V4ygqw | Early Intervention, Inclusion and My Family Part 4: Your Role in Early Intervention: Describes the family's role within the child's early intervention team. | Early Choices | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0Bp-V4ygqw | 3:58 | Uploaded January 8, 2021 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.3: Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. 6.6: Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. |
INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Prince George's County Memorial Library System. (n.d.). Early Literacy: Playing [Video]. Prince George's County Memorial Library System. https://www.pgcmls.info/early-literacy | Early Literacy: Playing: Children learn about language and literacy skills through play. While playing they practice putting thoughts into words. The role of pretend, dramatic, and make-believe play in children’s development are illustrated. | Prince George's Country Memorial Library System (PGCMLS) | https://www.pgcmls.info/early-literacy | 2:33 | Uploaded March 17, 2015 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 6.5 Candidates identify and create multiple opportunities for young children to develop and learn play skills and engage in meaningful play experiences independently and with others across context. | |||
Development/ Families | Disability Specific/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Early Intervention Training Program Illinois. [EITP Illinois]. (2016, March 21). Early Motor Delays: How to Make 0-3 Count for Children with Cerebral Palsy. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxUg8nOspIw&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | Early Motor Delays: How to Make 0-3 Count for Children with Cerebral Palsy: Webinar describes early motor delays and cerebral palsy; the impact of early identification and diagnosis; and importance of considering the family context for recommendations. Two parents of children with cerebral palsy share their experience, knowledge, and perspective on balancing targeted interventions with a holistic approach to raising a child with cerebral palsy. | Siskin Center for Child and Family Research Siskin Children's Institute | https://youtu.be/PxUg8nOspIw?list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | 1:15:28 | March 21, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | F1 Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interaction that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. F3 Practitioners are responsive to the family's concerns, priorities, and changing life circumstances. F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | Begin at 6:50 | |
Development | Disability Specific | Landa, R. (Creator). (2013). Bringing the Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorders into Focus [Video]. Kennedy Krieger Institute. https://www.kennedykrieger.org/patient-care/centers-and-programs/center-for-autism-and-related-disorders/outreach-and-training/early-signs-of-autism-video-tutorial | Early Signs of Autism Video Tutorial | Kennedy Krieger Institute: Tutorial of early signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Three pairs of videos of one-year-olds are shared. Each video pair includes a child meeting milestones and a child that is showing early signs for ASD. Three developmental features indicative of ASD are focused on - seeing social opportunity through play, effective communication and sharing enjoyment and making social connections. | Center for Autism and Related Disorders at Kennedy Krieger Institute | https://www.kennedykrieger.org/patient-care/centers-and-programs/center-for-autism-and-related-disorders/outreach-and-training/early-signs-of-autism-video-tutorial | 9:02 | Uploaded June 11, 2013 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | A8 Practitioners use clinical reasoning in addition to assessment results to identify the child's current levels of functioning and to determine the child's eligibility and plan for instruction. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | ECLN -FIT Video Library [Video Library]. (n.d.). University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability. http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | ECLN - FIT Video Library – Coaching in Early Intervention: The FIT Video Library includes multiple videos that share information with early intervention practitioners and families by providing illustrations of evidence-based and recommended early intervention practices in New Mexico. | University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability | http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | Varies | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | |||||||
Families | Family Systems Theory | Center for Technology in Education. [CTE]. (2016, November 2). EcoMap [Video]. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/189920710 | EcoMap: An early intervention service provider demonstrates development of an ecomap as the provider and a mom talk about the family. | https://vimeo.com/189920710 | 6:13 | Uploaded November 2, 2016 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Speech & Language Therapist | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | ||||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Sprouts Schools. [Sprouts]. (2017, April 23). Eight Stages of Development by Erik Erikson. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYCBdZLCDBQ | Eight Stages of Development by Erik Erikson: Erik Erikson was a German American psychologist who became known for his theory of psychosocial development. This video discusses with examples the eight stages of his theory. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYCBdZLCDBQ | 5:19 | Uploaded April 23, 2017 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact that different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instructional decisions. | ||||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Ayankoya, B. (2017, June 21). Engaging Families and Creating Trusting Partnerships to Improve Child and Family Outcomes, Session 4: More on Infusing Partnership Principles and Practices into Family Engagement Activities [Webinar]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/familyengagement.asp | Engaging Families and Creating Trusting Partnerships to Improve Child and Family Outcomes: A mom describes her perspective of having her voice heard and being treated as an equal partner in the planning and decision making of her son's services. | The Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center and The Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy) | https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/familyengagement.asp | 4:22 | Uploaded March 1, 2017 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 2.3 Candidate engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment , individualized planning, intervention, instruction and transition process. | F1. Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. F10 Practitioners inform families about leadership and advocacy skill-building opportunities and encourage those who are interested to participate. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | Kasprzak, C. (2017, March 29) Engaging Families and Creating Trusting Partnerships to Improve Child and Family Outcomes: Session 1: Getting to the Bottom Line of Family Engagement[Webinar]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/familyengagement.asp | Engaging Families and Creating Trusting Partnerships to Improve Child and Family Outcomes: Session 1: Getting to the Bottom Line of Family Engagement: Webinar 1 of 3. In this webinar, a variety of researchers and leaders in the field of family engagement discuss the three principles of family participation/involvement: family foundation, dignity, and community that are part of IDEA. They emphasize the importance of relationships and partnerships for family engagement. In this education webinar presenters discuss, the law, frameworks and research that is related to Family Engagement. | The Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center and The Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy) | https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/familyengagement.asp | 49:16 | March 29, 2017 | Birth-5 | n/a | Other | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | ||
Families/Teaming | Family-Centered Early Intervention/ Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Franklin, S. (2017, April 20). Engaging Families and Creating Trusting Partnerships to Improve Child and Family Outcomes, Session 2: Enhancing Trusting Partnerships at the Systems and Practice Levels [Webinar]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/familyengagement.asp | Engaging Families and Creating Trusting Partnerships to Improve Child and Family Outcomes: Session 2: Enhancing Trusting Partnerships at the Systems and Practice Levels Webinar 2 of 3. In this webinar, the key components of trusting partnerships and the characteristics associated which each component are discussed. A panel from Iowa State share how they applied the components at a systems level. A member of the National Center on parent, Family, and Community Engagement discuss the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (PFCE) framework as a theory of change. | The Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center and The Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy) | https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/familyengagement.asp | 1:01:07 | April 20, 2017 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for mutual exchange of knowledge and information.3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | F1 Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Families | Family Systems Theory/ Family-Centered Early Intervention | Ayankoya, B. (2017, May 24). Engaging Families and Creating Trusting Partnerships to Improve Child and Family Outcomes: Session 3: Infusing Partnership Principles and Practices into Family Engagement Activities [Webinar]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/familyengagement.asp | Engaging Families and Creating Trusting Partnerships to Improve Child and Family Outcomes: Session 3: Infusing Partnership Principles and Practices into Family Engagement Activities: Webinar 3 of 3. Reviews the six types of family engagement; meeting family needs; referring and evaluation; individualizing; extending learning; volunteering; and advocating. | The Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center and The Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy) | https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/familyengagement.asp | 57:13 | May 24, 2017 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, and objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. 2.3 Candidate engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment , individualized planning, intervention, instruction and transition process. | F1. Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. F10 Practitioners inform families about leadership and advocacy skill-building opportunities and encourage those who are interested to participate. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Early Intervention Training Program. [EITP Illinois]. (2016, March 2). Environments that Promote Young Children's Participation - Implementing DEC RPs [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2YA9KjraJc | Environments that Promote Young Children’s Participation- Implementing DEC RPs - Webinar reviews the six Environment RPs; examples of how the Environment RPs are implemented in early intervention settings; and strategies to implement the Environment RPs as an advocacy tool to influence policies and practices. Physical, social and temporal environmental features are explored. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://youtu.be/A2YA9KjraJc?list=PL7F9lVZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | 1:07:56 | March 2, 2016 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interaction, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. E3 Practitioners work with the family and other adults to modify and adapt the physical, social, and temporal environments to promote each child's access to and participation in experience. | Begin at 6:58 | |
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | National Center on Early Childhood Development Teaching and Learning. (Producer). (2017 October 17). Environments That Support High Quality Inclusion [Webinar]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/environments-support-high-quality-inclusion | Environments That Support High Quality Inclusion: Describes the importance of knowing about and using evidence-based practices; components of natural and inclusive environments for young children with disabilities; specific evidence-based practices for enhancing inclusiveness; and how to access free professional development resources. | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/environments-support-high-quality-inclusion | 59:27 | October 17, 2017 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Branson, J.S. [Dr. J. Scott Branson]. (2017, August 20). Erik Erikson and Lifespan Development [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxgp69xtV0I | Erik Erikson and Lifespan Development: In an interview, Erik Erikson explains his theory of psychosocial development highlighting his stages of development. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxgp69xtV0I | 6:00 | Uploaded August 20, 2017 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact that different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instructional decisions. | ||||
Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2001). Evan's Story [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | Evan’s Story: This vignette illustrates how a speech-language pathologist worked with 18- month-old Evan’s family at home and the teacher at childcare to embed his feeding and communication outcomes into daily routines. | JFK Partners, University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | 10:20 | ©2001 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | n/a | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interaction, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | INS2 Practitioners, with the family, identify skills to target for instruction that help a child become adaptive, competent, socially connected, and engaged and that promote learning in natural and inclusive environments. | ||
Development | Disability Specific | This Extra Gift. (2019 February 11). Eva's first year of life. Our Down Syndrome Journey[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzZMokyNs94 | Eva's first year of life. Our Down Syndrome Journey: Illustrates the first year of Eva's life from her birth day, to surgery day to the celebration of her first year of life. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzZMokyNs94 | 18:08 | Uploaded February 11, 2019 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 1.3: Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. |
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | Puckett Institute. (n.d.). Everyday Learning at Home: Promoting Child Participation in Learning Activities [Slideshow]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/decrp/topic-environment.asp | Everyday Learning at Home: Promoting Child Participation in Learning Activities: Illustrates children being active participants in everyday activities with the support of assistive technology. | Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center | https://ectacenter.org/decrp/topic-environment.asp | 2:59 | Uploaded July 5, 2017 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | Early CHOICES. (2020 November 20). Evidence Based Research Practices: Speech & Language Services [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auGZVEAxfkc&list=PLRFbj7RcOrU1eg1is9nWt-MVxz2vyg5ZQ&index=25 | Evidence Based Practices: Speech & Language Services: Two speech and language pathologists shares their mindset, schedules, and key take always to providing speech and language services in inclusive classrooms. | Early Choices | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auGZVEAxfkc&list=PLRFbj7RcOrU1eg1is9nWt-MVxz2vyg5ZQ&index=24 | 1:10:04 | Uploaded November 20, 2020 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Speech & Language Therapist | 6.5: Candidates identify and create multiple opportunities for young children to develop and learn play skills and engage in meaningful play experiences independently and with others across contexts. | INT3. Practitioners promote the child’s communication development by observing, interpreting, responding contingently, and providing natural consequences for the child's verbal and non-verbal communication and by using language | ||
Professionalism | Application of Personnel Standards | Edelman, L., McLean, M., & Snyder, P. (Producers). (2014). Evidence Syntheses of the DEC Recommended Practices [Video]. Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. https://www.dec-sped.org/videos | Evidence Syntheses of the DEC Recommended Practices: Three sources informed the DEC Recommended Practices: empirical evidence available for each practice, knowledge gained through experience and validation activities with stakeholders. | Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children (DEC-CEC) | https://www.dec-sped.org/videos | 3:51 | 2014 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 7.2 Candidates engage in ongoing reflective practice and access evidence-based information to improve their own practice. | L9 Leaders develop and implement an evidence-based professional development system or approach that provides practitioners a variety of supports to ensure they have the knowledge and skills needed to implement the DEC Recommended Practices. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Early Intervention Training Program. [EITP Illinois]. (2016, February 8). Evidence-Based Tools for Teaching Play to Children with Special Needs[Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNDwkvBbwkI&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | Evidence-Based Tools for Teaching Play to Children with Special Needs - Webinar identifies what play is; the importance of play; conceptual foundations of play; evidence-based strategies to improve play in children ages birth to three years; and methods of assessment and progress monitoring of play skills. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNDwkvBbwkI&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | 1:17:01 | Uploaded February 8, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact of different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions.6.5 Candidates identify and create multiple opportunities for young children to develop and learn play skills and engage in meaningful play experiences independently and with other across contexts. | INS 1: Practitioners, with the family, identify each child's strengths, preferences, and interests to engage the child in active learning. INS7: Practitioners use explicit feedback and consequences to increase child engagement, play, and skills. INT4: Practitioners promote the child's cognitive development by observing, interpreting, and responding intentionally to the child's exploration, play, and social activity by joining in and expanding on the child's focus, actions, and intent. | Begin at 7:30 | |
Development | Disability Specific | The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. (n.d.). Explaining Cleft Lip and Palate [Video]. https://www.chop.edu/video/diagnosis-and-treatment-cleft-lip-and-palate | Explaining Cleft Lip and Palate: This video explains what cleft lip and palate are, causes, types, treatment, and any potential impacts on development. | The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | https://www.chop.edu/video/diagnosis-and-treatment-cleft-lip-and-palate | 4:17 | Date unknown | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | A8 Practitioners use clinical reasoning in addition to assessment results to identify the child's current levels of functioning and to determine the child's eligibility and plan for instruction. | ||
Development | Disability Specific | Williams Syndrome Association. (n.d.). Extraordinary Gifts, Unique Challenges Video [Video]. Williams Syndrome Association. https://williams-syndrome.org/resources/video/extraordinary-gifts-unique-challenges-video | Extraordinary Gifts, Unique Challenges Video: Describes Williams Syndrome and showcases individuals, both children and adults. | William Syndrome Association | https://williams-syndrome.org/resources/video/extraordinary-gifts-unique-challenges-video | 9:28 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | ||||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Positive Parenting Newsfeed. (2018, June 6). Eye Contact: The Key to Bonding with Baby? [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULxsRpflEcA | Eye Contact: The Key to Bonding with Baby?: The importance of making eye contact with babies and suggestions for how to incorporate eye contact into daily life. | Positive Parenting Newsfeed | https://youtu.be/ULxsRpflEcA | 1:05 | Uploaded d June 6, 2018 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | Other | 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Early Intervention Training Program. [EITP Illinois]. (2016, February 8). Facilitating Motor Skill Development in Infants and Toddlers[Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oRuC37j-uc&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | Facilitating Motor Skill Development in Infants and Toddlers: Webinar reviews the importance of supporting families to address motor skill development; common myths about motor skill development; motor challenges experienced by young children; and strategies for facilitating motor developments using DEC Recommended Practices and the National Association for Sport Physical Education for children, birth-5 year olds. . | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oRuC37j-uc&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | 1:18:03 | January 20, 2016 | 3-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 7.1 Candidates engage with the profession of EI/ECSE by participating in local, regional, national, and or international activities and professional organizations. | Begin at 8:45 | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Edelman, L. & Montano, A. (Producers). (n.d.). Families Front and Center: The power of Coaching[Video]. University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability. http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | Families Front and Center: The Power of Coaching: A developmental vision specialist describes how she used video recordings of her early intervention home visits as a foundation for self-reflection and refinement of her practice. | University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability | http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | 5:20 | Uploaded September 30, 2016 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Other | Other | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Development | Disability Specific | Early Intervention Training Program. [EITP Illinois]. (2016, March 14) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Early Childhood [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NltcPNeHubg&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Early Childhood: Presented are the statistics of mothers that drink during pregnancy, how the fetus metabolizes alcohol, diagnosis criteria, an adoptive parent's perspective, and how alcohol exposure can affect development. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://youtu.be/NltcPNeHubg?list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | 1:16:41 | March 14, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | Begin at 6:10 | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Colorado Department of Education. (2015, February 3). Finley's Parent-Teacher Conference [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ll_hUMrE0s | Finley's Parent- Teacher Conference: A parent-teacher conference for which the meeting occurred during the half hour before preschool began. The mom brought two of her children, her preschooler and infant, along with her. The video illustrates a variety of practices, including using engaging open-ended questions, active listening, positive ways to share information with families, having strengths-based discussions, and sharing photo and video documentation with families. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ll_hUMrE0s&feature=emb_logo | 11:03 | ©2010 | 3-5 Years | Home Visit - Other | Teacher | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Pathways. (n.d.). Five Essential Tummy Time Moves, How to Do Tummy Time [Video]. Pathways.org, https://pathways.org/watch/five-essential-tummy-time-moves-how-to-do-tummy-time/ | Five Essential Tummy Time Moves, How To Do Tummy Time: Five different positions for placing a baby on their tummy for interaction and play are shown. The narrator explains the positions and the importance of tummy time for overall development. | Pathways | https://pathways.org/watch/five-essential-tummy-time-moves-how-to-do-tummy-time/ | 4:15 | Date unknown | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. |
INS2 Practitioners, with the family, identify skills to target for instruction that help a child become adaptive, competent, socially connected, and engaged and that promote learning in natural and inclusive environments. | ||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes / Inclusion | Indiana IEP Resource Center. (2018 February 2021). Focus on Inclusion 2018 Interview with Dan Habib [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LmJAznopAY | Focus on Inclusion 2018 Interview with Dan Habib: Documentary producer, Dan Habib, is interviewed by the IEP Resource Center at the 2018 Focus on Inclusion Conference. | Indiana IEP Resource Center | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LmJAznopAY | 5:50 | Uploaded February 21, 2018 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | RESC Alliance, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, UConn University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, EASTCONN, All Our Kin, & Connecticut Head Start Association. (n.d.). Foundations for Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals [Video]. Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | Foundations for Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals (Video Series): This is a series of seven videos for early childhood coaches, based on the 5 key characteristics of coaching as outlined by Dathan Rush and M'Lisa Shelden. These characteristics can be applied to a number of early childhood settings. | Hartford Foundation for Public Giving | https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | Varies | Date unknown | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | ||||||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/ Collaboration and Teaming with Others | Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood. (n.d.). Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 2: Joint Planning[Video]. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 2: Joint Planning: Showcases joint planning during early intervention visits with families and teachers. | RESC Alliance, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, UConn University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, EASTCONN, All Our Kin, & Connecticut Head Start Association. | https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | 4:43 | Uploaded April 1, 2019 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | Other | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/ Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood. (n.d.). Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 3: Observation [Video]. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 3: Observation: Illustrates when observation happens and how it is used to support families and teachers. | RESC Alliance, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, UConn University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, EASTCONN, All Our Kin, & Connecticut Head Start Association. | https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | 1:53 | Uploaded April 1, 2019 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | Other | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | A6 Practitioners use a variety of methods, including observation and interviews, to gather assessment information from multiple sources, including the child's family and other significant individuals in the child's life. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/ Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood. (n.d.). Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 4: Action/ Practice [Video]. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 4: Action/Practice: Describes the importance of action/practice and using new skills in real life contexts. | RESC Alliance, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, UConn University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, EASTCONN, All Our Kin, & Connecticut Head Start Association. | https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | 3:17 | Uploaded April 1, 2019 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | Other | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. INS13 Practitioners use coaching or consultation strategies with primary caregivers or other adults to facilitate positive adult-child interactions and instruction intentionally designed to promote child learning and development. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/ Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood. (n.d.). Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 5: Reflection [Video]. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 5: Reflection: Describes the importance of facilitating the coachee to reflect. Identifies four different types of questions to promote reflection: awareness, analysis, alternatives, and action questions. | RESC Alliance, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, UConn University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, EASTCONN, All Our Kin, & Connecticut Head Start Association. | https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | 3:51 | Uploaded April 1, 2019 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | Other | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | INS1 Practitioners, with the family, identify each child's strengths, preferences, and interests to engage the child in active learning. INS2 Practitioners, with the family, identify skills to target for instruction that help a child become adaptive, competent, socially connected, and engaged and that promote learning in natural and inclusive environments. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/ Collaboration and Teaming with Professionals | Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood. (n.d.). Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 6: Feedback [Video]. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 6: Feedback: Discusses four different types of feedback (affirmative, evaluative, informative, directive). | RESC Alliance, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, UConn University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, EASTCONN, All Our Kin, & Connecticut Head Start Association. | https://www.hfpg.org/foundations-of-coaching-in-early-childhood | 3:28 | Uploaded April 1, 2019 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | Other | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | |||
Professionalism | Legislation and Policy | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2002). Foundations of Inclusion Birth to Five [Video]. Connect Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/foundations-of-inclusion-birth-to-five/ | Foundations of Inclusion Birth to Five: This video presents the historical, legal and research foundations related to early childhood inclusion. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/foundations-of-inclusion-birth-to-five/ | 13:46 | ©2002 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 7.4 Candidates practice within ethical and legal policies and procedures. | F9 Practitioners help families know and understand their rights | Video ends at 13:46. The rest is minutes of silence. | |
Teaming | Collaborating and teaming with Families / Collaborating and teaming with Professionals | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (n.d.). Foundations of Transition for Young Children [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/foundations-of-transition/ | Foundations of Transition for Young Children: Importance of relationships among families and professionals, as well as among various agencies serving a child and family are discussed. Desirable outcomes of transition, research on effective transition strategies, and legal requirements of transition planning are also reviewed. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/foundations-of-transition/ | 10:03 | date unknown | Birth-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 2.3 Candidate engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and supports various transitions that occur for the young child and their family through the birth through 8 age span. | TR1 Practitioners in sending and receiving programs exchange information before, during, and after transition about practices most likely to support the child's successful adjustment and positive outcomes. TR2 Practitioners use a variety of planned and timely strategies with the child and family before, during, and after the transition to support successful adjustment and positive outcomes for both the child and family. | ||
Development | Disability Specific | FRAXA Research Syndrome. (2018, September 12). Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) 10 Things You Did Not Know [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrOnHeLd-7I | Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) 10 Things You Did Not Know: Malcom Lawson, a father with a child with Fragile X Syndrome, shares information about his son's genetic disorder. | Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) 10 Things You Did Not Know+E344 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrOnHeLd-7I | 4:18 | Uploaded September 12, 2018 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | Early CHOICES. (2018 May 7). Free Choice Support with Block Play [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPofHKsClBI&list=PLRFbj7RcOrU1eg1is9nWt-MVxz2vyg5ZQ&index=17 | Free Choice Support with Block Play: Illustrates three boys, one in a wheel chair, and a teacher exploring ramps and wheels. | Early Choices | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPofHKsClBI&list=PLRFbj7RcOrU1eg1is9nWt-MVxz2vyg5ZQ&index=15 | 4:40 | Uploaded May 7, 2018 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Edelman, L. & Yamashita, L. (Producers). (2014). Friendship, Inclusion, and Learning [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticesHereAndThere | Friendship, Inclusion, and Learning: This story is about a friendship that developed between two girls in a preschool classroom. The children’s parents and teacher describe how the friendship helped both girls progress in developing social and academic skills. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/friendshipinclusionandlearning | 7:25 | ©2014 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2015). Gabby and Nicholas [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | Gabby and Nicholas: Toddlers Gabby and Nicholas demonstrate a variety of cognitive, social-emotional, and motor skills as they engage with objects and with one another. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | 2:20 | ©2015 | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2015). Gabby [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | Gabby: Gabby, a toddler, demonstrates a variety of motor skills | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | 1:38 | ©2015 | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development/Families How should this be listed? | Early Learning and Development/ Family-Centered Early Intervention | Early Intervention Training Program. [EITP Illinois]. (2016, March 5). Genetic Considerations in Young Children with Developmental Delays [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te_mSvrdulo&list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | Genetic Considerations in Young Children with Developmental Delays: Webinar reviews how to identify red flags of genetic disorders during evaluations; current newborn genetic screening and testing technologies; accessing resources for screening and referral for further testing and counseling; strategies for communicating with and supporting families; and coordinating care with specialists. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://youtu.be/Te_mSvrdulo?list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | 1:26:25 | March 5, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, and objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. | Begin at 7:05 | ||
Development/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning/ Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices |
Embler, D. (Director). (2008). Get in Step with Responsive Teaching [Video]. Center for Early Literacy Learning. http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | Get in Step with Responsive Teaching: This video illustrates the use of responsive teaching for encouraging children’s early language literacy learning. | Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL) and Puckett Institute | http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | 8:28 | ©2008 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | Embler, D. (Director). (2011). Getting Kids Involved: Creating Opportunities for Learning [Video]. Center for Early Literacy Learning. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/building-adult-capabilities-to-improve-child-outcomes-a-theory-of-change/ | Getting Kids Involved: Creating Opportunities for Learning: Illustrates ways that adaptations can be used to promote the active participation of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers in everyday literacy activities. Examples of adaptations in home and classroom environments, activities, materials, and/or instructions are shown. | Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL) and Puckett Institute | http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | 12:13 | ©2011 | Birth-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. INS4: Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2015, March 31). Getting the Right Size: UDL [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYGQUcP1790 | Getting the Right Size: UDL: Using a shoe store analogy, this short video by OCALI provides an overview of Universal Design for Learning. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYGQUcP1790 | 2:22 | Uploaded March 31, 2015 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments | E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices/Inclusion | Edelman, L., Mathany, K., Ngo, P., & Hill, C. (2016). Getty's Door to Inclusion [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/GettysDoorToInclusion | Getty's Door to Inclusion: Getty virtually attends kindergarten every day using the VGo. Getty's mother, Kate Mathany, and her teacher, Pinky Ngo, describe and illustrate the importance of having consistent and high expectations for all children, sound communication strategies, and effective parent-teacher collaboration. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/GettysDoorToInclusion | 18:06 | April 17, 2016 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. E4 Practitioners work with families and other adults to identify each child's needs for assistive technology to promote access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices/Inclusion | Edelman, L. (2015). Getty's Window to Inclusion: The Chance To Be Just Like Any Other Kid [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/GettysWindowToInclusion | Getty's Window To Inclusion: The Chance To Be Just Like Any Other Kid: Illustrates how essential early childhood inclusion is for all children, including those who cannot be in close proximity to other children because of health concerns. In this video, Kate Mathany describes how her daughter Getty virtually attends a preschool classroom every day using a VGo. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/GettysWindowToInclusion | 14:55 | May 21, 2015 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. E4 Practitioners work with families and other adults to identify each child's needs for assistive technology to promote access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Brainwaves Video Anthology. (2015, October 23). Gloria Ladson-Billings- Successful Teachers of African American Children [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmAZjNRmalI | Gloria Ladson-Billings – Successful Teachers of African American Children: Gloria Ladson-Billings (PhD Stanford ’84) is the Chair of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction where she holds the Kellner Family Endowed Professorship in Urban Education and is Faculty Affiliate in the Departments of Educational Policy Studies and Afro American Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She briefly discusses 3 characteristics of teachers successful in working with children who are African American based on her research. | A Brainwaves Production | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmAZjNRmalI&feature=youtu.be | 3:01 | October 23, 2015 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 5.1 Candidates collaborate with families and other professionals in identifying evidence-based curriculum addressing developmental and content domains to design and facilitate meaningful and culturally responsive learning experiences that support the unique abilities and needs of all children and families. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations | College of Public Health and Human Services. Go Baby Go [Video]. Oregon State University. https://health.oregonstate.edu/gobabygo | Go Baby Go at Oregon State University: The Go Baby Go project offers children with disabilities under the age of 3 the means to explore their environment through powered mobility. Off-the-shelf motorized cars are modified with an adaptive button and seating which enables children to be independently mobile. Families express what their child's independent mobility means and as they support their children drive around a gymnasium. | Oregon State University - College of Public Health and Human Sciences | https://health.oregonstate.edu/gobabygo | 4:01 | Date unknown | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Other | Other | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | E5: Practitioners work with families and other adults to acquire or create appropriate assistive technology | Note the use of the phrase "normal child" by a mom in the beginning of the video. Talk with students about why this mom might be using this phrase, the importance of practitioners using People First Language and how the words practitioners choose to use have a significant impact on families and children. | |
Families | Family-Centered Early Intervention | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2014). Harper Hope: A Parent's View of the Power of Early Intervention [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://draccess.org/videolibrary/HarperHope | Harper Hope: A Parent's View of the Power of Early Intervention: Harper's parents share their journey of preparing for their daughter not to survive to staying in the NICU and bringing her home. Collaboration and interaction between Harper's parents and the interventionist are demonstrated and mom speaks of the importance of early intervention. | Desired Results Access Project, Napa County Office of Education | https://draccess.org/videolibrary/HarperHope | 15:03 | March 30, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths. | ||
Professionalism | Academic and Personnel Standards and Recommended Practices | Parikshak, S. & Bryans, A. (Hosts). (n.d.) Head Start Performance Standards: Children with Disabilities [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/policy/showcase/disabilities | Head Start Performance Standards: Children with Disabilities: Discover how the new HSPPS address services to children with disabilities. Sangeeta Parikshak and Amanda Bryans describe the new Standards for the full inclusion and participation of children with disabilities in all program activities, including but not limited to children eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/policy/showcase/disabilities | 9:49 | Page last updated August 2, 2018 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 7.4 Candidates practice within ethical and legal policies and procedures. | L10 Leaders ensure practitioners know and follow professional standards and all applicable laws and regulations governing service provision. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice | The Center for Early Childhood Education. (2021). Helping Children Develop Empathy and a Sense of Justice [Video]. Eastern Connecticut State University. https://www.easternct.edu/center-for-early-childhood-education/equity/empathy-and-justice.html | Helping Children Develop Empathy and a Sense of Justice: Renowned educator and author Vivian Paley explains the importance of supporting the development of children's empathy and sense of justice from their earliest days. | Eastern Connecticut State University | https://www.easternct.edu/center-for-early-childhood-education/equity/empathy-and-justice.html | 3:22 | January 18, 2021 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 6.4 Candidates promote young children's social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behavior. | INT2 Practitioners promote the child’s social development by encouraging the child to initiate or sustain positive interactions with other children and adults during routines and activities through modeling, teaching, feedback, or other types of guided support. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | Edelman, L. & Van Alstyne, J. (Producers). (2013). Henry Gets Around [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8c5N6BmCLo | Henry Gets Around: Illustration of Henry, a preschooler with a physical disability, completely included with his peers. | Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/sites/default/files/video/resultsmatter/HenryGetsAround.mp4 | 4:12 | ©2013 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.6: Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Wehmeyer, M. (Presenter). (n.d.). History of the Disability Movement in the United States [Presentation]. American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. https://www.aaidd.org/education/video-library#.VucXgNDyaUw | History of the Disability Movement in the United States: Michael Wehmeyer, University of Kansas professor, shares the history of disability rights in the United States and the three major shifts in the disability movement: Professional Movement, Parent Movement, and Self-Determination Movement. | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | https://www.aaidd.org/education/video-library#.VucXgNDyaUw | 9:48 | February 11, 2015 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for young children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision making. | |||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | UConn UCEDD . (2010, July 17). Home Visiting Practices for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities (Robin McWilliam, Ph.D.) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUwcRFgbdYk | Home Visiting Practices for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities (Robin McWilliam, Ph.D.): Describes the paradigm shift from practitioners working directly working with a child to working with the family during home visits. Misconceptions regarding home visits are reviewed. | Siskin Center for Child and Family Research Siskin Children's Institute | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUwcRFgbdYk | 7:49 | Uploaded July 17, 2010 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | TED. (2015, February 17). How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95ovIJ3dsNk | How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime: Reviews how exposure to childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences impacts brain development, the immune system and hormonal systems. | TEDMED | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95ovIJ3dsNk | 16:02 | Uploaded February 17, 2015 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development/Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. (2017). How Children and Adults Can Build Core Capabilities for Life [Video]. Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/video-building-core-capabilities-life/ | How Children and Adults Can Build Core Capabilities for Life: Development and use of core capabilities — known as executive function and self-regulation skills — from early childhood into adolescence and adulthood is explored. | Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/video-building-core-capabilities-life/ | 5:32 | ©2017 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' cultural and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across context. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development | Disability Specific | Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare. (n.d.). How Often Does Cerebral Palsy Occur? [Video]. Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare. https://www.gillettechildrens.org/conditions-care/cerebral-palsy/what-is-cerebral-palsy | How Often Does Cerebral Palsy Occur?: Describes the definition of cerebral palsy, the causes, and the types. | Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare | https://www.gillettechildrens.org/conditions-care/cerebral-palsy/what-is-cerebral-palsy | 5:19 | June 22, 2016 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | NationSwell. (2014, February 5, 2014). How One Man's Trip to Toys 'R' Us Brought Mobility to Hundreds of Disabled Kids [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-NE7B0RTdA | How One Man's Trip to Toys 'R' Us Brought Mobility to Hundreds of Disabled Kids: Creator of the Go Baby Go, Cole Galloway, links mobility to social interactions and other areas of development. Out of frustration that there were no powered chairs for children under the age of three, Galloway began modifying off-the-shelf motorized cars, custom designing some to provide individualized physical therapy for their drivers. This video showcases how new found mobility by way of a custom 4x4, changes one child's interactions with his peers on the playground. | NationSwell | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-NE7B0RTdA | 4:49 | February 5, 2014 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Other | Other | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | E5: Practitioners work with families and other adults to acquire or create appropriate assistive technology | Note the use of the phrase "typically developing kid and a special guy" at 3:44. Talk with students about the importance of practitioners using People First Language and how the words practitioners choose to use have a significant impact on families and children. | |
Development | Early Learning and Development/Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND) Program. (2019). How-to: 5 Steps for Brain-Building Serve and Return[Video]. Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/how-to-5-steps-for-brain-building-serve-and-return/ | How-to: 5 Steps for Brain-Building Serve and Return: This video breaks down serve and return into 5 simple steps and features adults and young children doing each step together. | Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/how-to-5-steps-for-brain-building-serve-and-return/ | 6:05 | March 15, 2019 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' cultural and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across context. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | |||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Council for Exceptional Children. (2014, June 12). I am an Advocate: Erica Cutright, Teacher & Parent [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoZC1vN2OSk&feature=emb_logo | I am an Advocate: Erica Cutright, Teacher and Parent: Erica (KY) came to ask the hard questions and advocate for equal access to content and curriculum for those who do not have their own voice. | Council for Exceptional children | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoZC1vN2OSk&feature=emb_logo | 0:43 | June 12, 2014 | Childhood | n/a | Other | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision making. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | Channel 4 Documentaries. (2020, May 29). I Built My Son A Custom Wheelchair So He Can Play With Other Kids/Invented [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXcHtWijORA | I Built My Son A Custom Wheelchair So He Can Play With Other Kids | Invented: A dad, with a child with Spina Bifida and Spinal Cord Atrophy, creates two mobility devices so his son can interact with his environment and be eye-to-eye with his peers. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXcHtWijORA | 5:37 | May 29, 2020 | 3-5 Years | Home Visit - Home | Other | 6.5 Candidates identify and create multiple opportunities for young children to develop and learn play skills and engage in meaningful play experiences independently and with others across contexts. | E5: Practitioners work with families and other adults to acquire or create appropriate assistive technology. | |||
Inclusion | Disability Specific | TheCGBros. (2018, December 18). Ian[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz_d-cikWmI | Ian: An animated short inspired by a true story about a boy with cerebral palsy who is determined to build friendships. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz_d-cikWmI | 9:51 | Uploaded December 18, 2018 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines an activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | |||
Professionalism | Legislation and Policy | EITP Illinois. (2018, June 26). IDEA Advocacy: Protecting the Parent School Relationship [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2OxTRUeFj4 | IDEA Advocacy: Protecting the Parent School Relationship: Reviews the key aspects of IDEA as well as Section 504 and ADA. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2OxTRUeFj4 | 1:15:32 | Uploaded June 26, 2018 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 7.4 Candidates practice within ethical and legal policies and procedures. | L.10 Leaders ensure practitioners know and follow professional standards and all applicable laws and regulations governing service provision. | Begin at 11:42 | |
Professionalism | Legislation and Policy | Virginia Early Intervention Training Specialist & Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. (2018, April 27). IDEA Part C [Video]. Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/idea---general-information | IDEA Part C: This video provides an overview of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004), as well as the history behind the current authorization of IDEA. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/idea---general-information | 7:21 | July 17, 2017 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 7.4 Candidates practice within ethical and legal policies and procedures. | L.10 Leaders ensure practitioners know and follow professional standards and all applicable laws and regulations governing service provision. | ||
Professionalism | Legislation and Policy | Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. (n.d.). IDEA Website: Statute/Regulations Video[Tutorial]. U.S. Department of Education IDEA. | IDEA Website: Statute/Regulations Video: The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services oversees the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This video guides you through the features of the Statute and Regulations page on the IDEA website. | Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) | https://sites.ed.gov/idea/osers-launches-idea-website-tutorials/ | 5:25 | Page last modified on August 28, 2019 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 7.4 Candidates practice within ethical and legal policies and procedures. | L.10 Leaders ensure practitioners know and follow professional standards and all applicable laws and regulations governing service provision. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion/Presuming Competence and High Expectations | ImTylerdotOrg. (2012 July 12). I'm Tyler [Video]. YouTube. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=I%27m+Tyler&&view=detail&mid=325A3EBB230892728BAD325A3EBB230892728BAD&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3DI%2527m%2520Tyler%26qs%3Dn%26form%3DQBVR%26sp%3D-1%26pq%3Di%2527m%2520tyler%26sc%3D4-9%26sk%3D%26cvid%3D619D9016277148B8B5B760556253C6F9 | I'm Tyler: Tyler is a typical high school student who has cerebral palsy and some other challenges. Tyler's mission is to educate the world about Ability Awareness. He believes that what a person can do is much more important than what he or she cannot. | https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=I%27m+Tyler&&view=detail&mid=325A3EBB230892728BAD325A3EBB230892728BAD&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3DI%2527m%2520Tyler%26qs%3Dn%26form%3DQBVR%26sp%3D-1%26pq%3Di%2527m%2520tyler%26sc%3D4-9%26sk%3D%26cvid%3D619 | 12:14 | Uploaded July 20, 2012 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 6.6: Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS1 Practitioners, with the family, identify each child's strengths, preferences, and interests to engage the child in active learning. | |||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | EITP Illinois. (2018, February 13). Improving Partnerships with Families during Early Intervention [Webinar]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/qB9hqZZargo | Improving Partnerships with Families During Early Intervention: Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois recorded webinar addressing the DEC RP related to family practice. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://youtu.be/qB9hqZZargo | 1:10:38 | Uploaded February 13, 2018 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, and objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. 2.3 Candidate engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment , individualized planning, intervention, instruction and transition process. | F1 Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capabilities. F10 Practitioners inform families about leadership and advocacy skill-building opportunities and encourage those who are interested to participate. | ||
Development | Influences that Support and Constrain Development and Learning | Center on the Developing Child Harvard University & National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2013). InBrief: The Science of Neglect [Video]. Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-science-of-early-childhood-development/ | In Brief: The Science of Neglect: Reviews the need for young children to have responsive interactions with adults, the impact unresponsive care has on activation of stress hormones, and the consequences of neglect on the developing brain. | Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-science-of-neglect-video/ | 5:57 | October 31, 2013 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.3. Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development/Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Center on the Developing Child Harvard University & National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2019). InBrief: Early Childhood Mental Health[Video]. Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-early-childhood-mental-health-video/ | InBrief: Early Childhood Mental Health: Science tells us that the foundations of sound mental health are built early in life. Early experiences - including children’s relationships with parents, caregivers, relatives, teachers, and peers - interact with genes to shape the architecture of the developing brain. | Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-early-childhood-mental-health-video/ | 5:04 | June 19, 2015 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' cultural and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across context. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development/Professionalism | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning /Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2011). InBrief: Early Childhood Program Effectiveness [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-early-childhood-program-effectiveness-video/ | InBrief: Early Childhood Program Effectiveness: Outlines basic concepts from four decades of program evaluation research which help explain how society can ensure that children have a solid foundation for a productive future by creating and implementing effective early childhood programs and policies. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-early-childhood-program-effectiveness-video/ | 4:56 | January 10, 2011 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | L3 Leaders develop and implement policies, structures, and practices that promote shared decision making with practitioners and families. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Center on the Developing Child Harvard University, National Scientific Council on the Developing Child & National Forum on Early Childhood Policy and Program. (2012). InBrief: Executive Function: Skills for Life and Learning[Video]. Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-executive-function-skills-for-life-and-learning/ | InBrief: Executive Function: Skills for Life and Learning: Describes the importance of executive functioning (inhibitory control, working memory, and mental flexibility) and how it develops in the early years. | Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-executive-function-skills-for-life-and-learning/ | 5:35 | June 18, 2012 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2015). InBrief: How Resilience Is Built [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-how-resilience-is-built/ | InBrief: How Resilience Is Built: Children are not born with resilience, which is produced through the interaction of biological systems and protective factors in the social environment. The active ingredients in building resilience are supportive relationships with parents, coaches, teachers, caregivers, and other adults in the community. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-how-resilience-is-built/ | 2:17 | April 22, 2015 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacitates. F7 Practitioners work with family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family identified outcomes for goals. | ||
Development/Professionalism | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning /Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2011). InBrief: The Foundations of Lifelong Health [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-foundations-of-lifelong-health-video/ | InBrief: The Foundations of Lifelong Health: Describes why a vital and productive society with a prosperous and sustainable future is built on a foundation of healthy child development. The video summarizes findings from The Foundations of Lifelong Health Are Built in Early Childhood, a report co-authored by the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child and the National Forum on Early Childhood Policy and Programs. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-foundations-of-lifelong-health-video/ | 7:13 | January 11, 2011 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | L3 Leaders develop and implement policies, structures, and practices that promote shared decision making with practitioners and families. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2011). InBrief: The Impact of Early Adversity on Children’s Development. [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-impact-of-early-adversity-on-childrens-development-video/ | InBrief: The Impact of Early Adversity on Children’s Development: Outlines basic concepts from the research on the biology of stress, which show that major adversity can weaken developing brain architecture and permanently set the body’s stress response system on high alert. Science also shows that providing stable, responsive environments for children in the earliest years of life can prevent or reverse these conditions, with lifelong consequences for learning, behavior, and health. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-impact-of-early-adversity-on-childrens-development-video/ | 3:53 | January 11, 2011 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2011). InBrief: The Science of Early Childhood Development. [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-science-of-early-childhood-development/ | InBrief: The Science of Early Childhood Development: Describes basic concepts of early childhood development, established over decades of neuroscience and behavioral research, which help illustrate why child development—particularly from birth to five years—is a foundation for a prosperous and sustainable society. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-science-of-early-childhood-development/ | 3:58 | January 6, 2011 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. (2007). InBrief: The Science of Early Childhood Development [Video]. Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-science-of-early-childhood-development/ | InBrief: The Science of Early Childhood Development: Dr. Jack Shonkoff explains the interplay between experience and brain development. | Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-science-of-early-childhood-development/ | 3:57 | ©2007 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2015). InBrief: The Science of Resilience [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-science-of-resilience-2/ | InBrief: The Science of Resilience: Illustrates the science of resilience, and see how genes and experience interact to produce positive outcomes for children. One way to understand the development of resilience is to picture a balance scale or seesaw. Protective experiences and adaptive skills on one side counterbalance significant adversity on the other. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-the-science-of-resilience-2/ | 2:30 | April 22, 2015 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction.6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacitates. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2015). InBrief: What Is Resilience? [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-what-is-resilience/ | InBrief: What Is Resilience?: The science of resilience can help us understand why some children do well despite serious adversity. Resilience is a combination of protective factors that enable people to adapt in the face of serious hardship, and is essential to ensuring that children who experience adversity can still become healthy, productive citizens. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/inbrief-what-is-resilience/ | 2:23 | April 22, 2015 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Application of Curriculum Frameworks, Learning Standards and Related Pedagogy | Hilton/Early Head Start Foundation Training Program & Gary Christian Film & Video. (Producers). (2007). Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 1: Creating Bright Futures: (Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and Their Families) [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-1-creating-bright-futures-including-infants-toddlers-disabilities-their | Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 1: Creating Bright Futures (Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and Their Families): This video highlights the Special Quest vision for including infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families in early care and education programs with early intervention and other community supports. Families' and service providers' perspectives on inclusion are discussed. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) & California Institute on Human Services Sonoma State University | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-1-creating-bright-futures-including-infants-toddlers-disabilities-their | 11:20 | ©2007 | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Other | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. | E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Development/Professionalism | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning/ Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. (2007). Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 3: Adults with Disabilities [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-3-adults-disabilities-creating-long-term-vision | Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 3: Adults with Disabilities: Creating a Long-Term Vision: Focusing on the perspectives of adults with disabilities, these three videos examine the importance of their experiences and successes in developing a long-term vision for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-3-adults-disabilities-creating-long-term-vision | varies | ©2007 | Lifespan | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development a and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 2.2 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision making. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. F6 Practitioners engage the family in opportunities that support and strengthen parenting knowledge and skills and parenting competence and confidence in ways that are flexible, individualized, and tailored to the family's preferences. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. (2007). Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 5: Developing Family-Service Provider Collaboration [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-3-adults-disabilities-creating-long-term-vision | Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 5: Developing Family-Service Provider Collaboration: Specific examples of what family-service provider collaboration can look like and what families view as important in building those collaborative relationships so that they can be informed decision-makers for their child and themselves. | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-4-enhancing-staffs-comfort-confidence | 15:09 | ©2007 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and process, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | INS13 Practitioners use coaching or consultation strategies with primary caregivers or other adults to facilitate positive adult-child interactions and instruction intentionally designed to promote child learning and development. | ||
Families | Family Systems Theory/ Family-Centered Early Intervention | Hilton/Early Head Start Foundation Training Program & Gary Christian Film & Video. (Producers). (2007). Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 6: An Inclusion Story [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-6-inclusion-story | Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 6: An Inclusion Story: Illustrates different systems in a young boy's life. An example of coordinated, comprehensive, family-centered service delivery through partnerships between the family, early head start, extended family, greater community and early intervention. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-6-inclusion-story | 26:14 | ©2007 | Birth-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate and understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences, within and across the range abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. F6 Practitioners engage in opportunities that support and strengthen parenting knowledge and skills and parenting competence and confidence in ways that are flexible, individualized, and tailored to the family's preferences. F7 Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes and goals. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Hilton/Early Head Start Foundation Training Program & Gary Christian Film & Video. (Producers). (2007). Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 7: Getting Started [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-7-getting-started | Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 7: Getting Started: This video offers a story of one program that includes a young child named Jalisa in an early care and education setting. The video offers specific examples of how to plan for this inclusion across a variety of roles. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-7-getting-started | 23:12 | ©2007 | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Other | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. | E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Hilton/Early Head Start Foundation Training Program & Gary Christian Film & Video. (Producers). (2007). Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 8: Just Do It [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-8-just-do-it | Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 8: Just Do It: This video focuses on the specialized activities and accommodations that can, during normal routines, be provided in inclusive settings to serve an infant or toddler with a significant disability. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-8-just-do-it | 32:40 | ©2007 | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | |||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Hilton/Early Head Start Foundation Training Program & Gary Christian Film & Video. (Producers). (2007). Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 9: Transition at Age 3 [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-9-transition-age-3 | Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 9: Transition at Age 3: The families' experiences and feelings about transition and how they collaborate with providers, despite differences among systems (such as early intervention and preschool special education and Early Head Start and Head Start), are shared. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-9-transition-age-3 | 30:23 | ©2007 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and supports various transitions that occur for the young child and their family through the birth through 8 age span. | TR1 Practitioners in sending and receiving programs exchange information before, during, and after transition about practices most likely to support the child's successful adjustment and positive outcomes. TR2 Practitioners use a variety of planned and timely strategies with the child and family before, during, and after the transition to support successful adjustment and positive outcomes for both the child and family. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | Edelman, L., Lopez Breaux, M., & Hulkower, J. (n.d.). Inclusion and Joy [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/InclusionAndJoy | Inclusion and Joy: Two preschool teachers discuss and illustrate the importance of joy for children and teachers and its relationship to early childhood inclusion. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/InclusionAndJoy | 4:47 | September 3, 2015 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | Early CHOICES. (2018 May 6). Inclusion from an Occupational Therapist's Perspective [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1nr_J1T92g&list=PLRFbj7RcOrU1eg1is9nWt-MVxz2vyg5ZQ&index=18 | Inclusion from an Occupational Therapist's Perspective: Deb Wallenburg, an occupational therapist describes how the field has changed during her 36 years in the profession - moving from self-contained classrooms to inclusive settings. Deb describes her experiences in the inclusive classroom and the hug benefits of inclusion. | Early Choices | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1nr_J1T92g&list=PLRFbj7RcOrU1eg1is9nWt-MVxz2vyg5ZQ&index=18 | 10:48 | Uploaded March 6, 2018 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Occupational Therapist | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Application of Curriculum Frameworks, Learning Standards and Related Pedagogy | Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. (n.d.). Inclusion in Action: Patty's Play Group [Video]. Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. https://www.veipd.org/main/videos.html | Inclusion in Action: Patty's Play Group: Features an inclusive play group designed so that toddlers with and without disabilities and their families have fun together. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/inclusive-practices | 6:20 | October 9, 2012 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. | E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. (n.d.). Inclusion Mean Everyone [Video]. Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/inclusive-practices | Inclusion Means Everyone: Speakers focus on the importance of all children, from infancy on through adulthood, being fully included in all aspects of family and community life. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/inclusive-practices | 3:15 | April 19, 2013 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 1: ABC's of IEP [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 1: ABC's of IEP: Webinar introduces the IEP, discusses the relationship between the IEP and instruction in an inclusive classroom, and describes how the IEP should be used to provide a high quality program for children with disabilities. | Head Start Center for Inclusion | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | 13:11 | Page Last updated August 9, 2019 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Others | Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 2: Setting Up for an IEP Meeting [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 2: Setting Up for an IEP Meeting: Illustrates the facilitators of the IEP meeting as they plan and set up the environment. | Head Start Center for Inclusion | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | 2:01 | Page Last updated August 9, 2019 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC3 Practitioners use communication and group facilitation strategies to enhance team functioning and interpersonal relationships with and among team members. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Others | Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.).Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 3: Roundtable Introductions at the Meeting [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 3: Roundtable Introductions at the Meeting: Demonstrates the introduction of attendees at an IEP meeting. | Head Start Center for Inclusion | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | 1:14 | Page Last updated August 9, 2019 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC3 Practitioners use communication and group facilitation strategies to enhance team functioning and interpersonal relationships with and among team members. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Others/Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 4: Beginning the Meeting [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 4: Beginning the Meeting: Observe the facilitator of the IEP meeting as she sets up the environment, reviews the to-do-list, and informs participate of logistics. | Head Start Center for Inclusion | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | 0:45 | Page Last updated August 9, 2019 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC3 Practitioners use communication and group facilitation strategies to enhance team functioning and interpersonal relationships with and among team members. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Others/Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 5: Generating Goals [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 5: Generating Goals: Illustrates the creation of goals for the IEP. | Head Start Center for Inclusion | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | 4:23 | Page Last updated August 9, 2019 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and support the various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Others/Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 6: Signing the Individual Education Program [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 6: Signing the Individual Education Program: Observe the facilitator recap the meeting highlights before passing around the Individualized Education Program. | Head Start Center for Inclusion | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | 1:28 | Page Last updated August 9, 2019 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Others/Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 7: Informal Wrap Up [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 7: Informal Wrap Up: Observe the facilitator recap the meeting highlights before passing around the Individualized Education Program. | Head Start Center for Inclusion | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/article/individualized-education-program-iep-basics | 1:28 | Page Last updated August 9, 2019 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | Sandall, S.R. (Presenter). (n.d.). Individualizing Videos [Webinar]. Head Start Center for Inclusion. http://headstartinclusion.org/training-materials/professional-development-packages/individualizing/ | Individualizing Videos: Set of short videos demonstrates the process that two teachers went through when planning for specific children who need more individualized instruction on some of their learning objectives. These vignettes will show clips of their planning meeting as well as what it looks like in the classroom when these plans are implemented | Head Start Center for Inclusion | http://headstartinclusion.org/training-materials/professional-development-packages/individualizing/ | varies | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.6: Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning/ Disability Specific | ISWeek.org (n.d.). Infantile Spasms Are An Emergency: As easily remembered acronym-- is STOP [Video]. Infantile Spasms Action Network. https://infantilespasms.org/ | Infantile Spasms Are An Emergency: An easily remembered acronym—is STOP: See the signs: Clusters of sudden, repeated, uncontrolled movements like head bobs or body crunching. Take a video: Record the symptoms and talk to your doctor immediately. Obtain diagnosis: Confirm an irregular brain wave pattern with an EEG test. Prioritize treatment: End spasms to minimize developmental delays. | Infantile Spasms Action Network | https://infantilespasms.org/ | 2:02 | December 2, 2018 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate and understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning , and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology. (n.d.). Infantile Spasms [Video]. HealthyChildren.org https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/seizures/Pages/Infantile-Spasms-What-Parents-Need-to-Know.aspx | Infantile Spasms: Example of what infantile spasms may look like in an infant. | HealthyChildren.org | https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/seizures/Pages/Infantile-Spasms-What-Parents-Need-to-Know.aspx | 1:14 | December 22, 2012 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Application of Curriculum Frameworks, Learning Standards and Related Pedagogy / Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices / Inclusion |
Office of Head Start. (2018 June 19). Instructional Practices to Support Individualization [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Leaning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/instructional-practices-support-individualization | Instructional Practices to Support Individualization: Reviews the importance of using evidence-based practices to support inclusion; specific instructional practices and strategies for maximizing learning and development for children with or suspected of having a disability; and accessing free professional development resources. | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/instructional-practices-support-individualization | 53:14 | June 19, 2018 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Regional Educational Laboratory West at WestEd & Institute of Education Sciences. (2020, July 15). Interactive Read-a-louds: Learning from Books Together [Video]. Regional Educational Laboratory Program Institute of Education Sciences. https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/west/Publications/Details/281 | Interactive Read-a-louds: Learning from Books Together: This video demonstrates how to facilitate an interactive read aloud of a story with children in a face-to-face or distance learning environment. The routine is aligned with evidence-based recommendations from the What Works Clearinghouse Practice Guide Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade and may be especially beneficial for children whose home language is not English. The strategies can also be used with preschoolers. | Regional Educational Laboratory Program Institute of Education Sciences | https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/edlabs/regions/west/Publications/Details/281 | 16:52 | Published July 15, 2020 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Embler, D. (Director). (2009). Interest Leads to Learning. [Video]. The Center for Early Literacy Learning. http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | Interest Lead to Learning: Two types of interests are reviewed, personal and situational, which can be used to design meaningful learning experiences. | The Center for Early Literacy Learning and The Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute | http://earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | 11:01 | ©2009 | Birth-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.5 Candidates identify and create multiple opportunities for young children to develop and learn play skills and engage in meaningful play experiences independently and with other across contexts. | INS 1: Practitioners, with the family, identify each child's strengths, preferences, and interests to engage the child in active learning. INT4: Practitioners promote the child's cognitive development by observing, interpreting, and responding intentionally to the child's exploration, play, and social activity by joining in and expanding the child's focus, actions, and intent. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/Developing and Individualizing the IFSP/IEP | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (n.d.). Interprofessional Education/Interprofessional Practice (IPE/IPP) [Video]. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. https://www.asha.org/Practice/Interprofessional-Education-Practice/ | Interprofessional Education/Interprofessional Practice (IPE/IPP): Practitioners from varying disciplines demonstrate the competencies needed to develop an IEP. Benefits for both the child and professionals are discussed as are the challenges of working as a team. | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Kennedy Krieger Institute | https://www.asha.org/Practice/Interprofessional-Education-Practice/ | 7:07 | May 3, 2017 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Interdisciplinary Team | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and support the various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Amaya-Thompson, J., Thouvenelle, S., Surprenatn, K. & Mazzeo, D. (Hosts). (n.d.). Introducing the Dual Language Learners Program Assessment (DLLPA) [Webinar]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/introducing-dual-language-learners-program-assessment-dllpa | Introducing the Dual Language Learners Program Assessment (DLLPA): Explore how to use the DLLPA to promote an integrated approach across management systems and program services. It helps Head Start, childcare, and pre-K programs assess systems and services key to improving practices for children who are DLLs and their families. The tool also supports cultural and linguistic responsiveness and family engagement. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/introducing-dual-language-learners-program-assessment-dllpa | 1:00:15 | August 24, 2017 | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | n/a | 5.1 Candidates collaborate with families and other professionals in identifying evidence-based curriculum addressing developmental and content domains to design and facilitate meaningful and culturally responsive learning experiences that support the unique abilities and needs of all children and families. | |||
Professionalism | Diversity and Equity Cultural Competence | Learning for Justice. (2010, July 17). Introduction to Culturally Relevant Pedagogy [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGTVjJuRaZ8&feature=youtu.be | Introduction to Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Education experts Jackie Jordan Irvine, Geneva Gay and Kris Gutierrez explain how to make culturally relevant pedagogy a reality in your classroom. | The Teaching Diverse Students Initiative: A Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGTVjJuRaZ8&feature=youtu.be | 4:39 | Uploaded June 17, 2010 | Childhood | Early Care Setting | n/a | 5.1 Candidates collaborate with families and other professionals in identifying evidence-based curriculum addressing developmental and content domains to design and facilitate meaningful and culturally responsive learning experiences that support the unique abilities and needs of all children and families. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2001). Jacob's Story [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | Jacob’s Story: This vignette illustrates how a physical therapist worked with the family to integrate two-and a half-year-old Jacob’s outcomes into their family routines while he and his younger brother have fun at the playground. | JFK Partners, University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | 5:26 | ©2001 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Other | Physical Therapist | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Families/Teaming | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention / Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2001). Janella's Story [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | Janella's Story: A developmental therapist works with an interdisciplinary team and family to support Janella, a 27 month old, make choices and participate in daily routines. The primary service provider approach is modeled. Conversations among the teams members exemplify what is entailed in developing partnerships between families and practitioners. Throughout the video the mom expresses what it has meant to learn and share ideas relevant to her daughter and family life. | JFK Partners, University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | 11:34 | ©2001 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes.3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities.TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2001). Jenni's Story [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | Jenni’s Story: This vignette illustrates how a physical therapist worked with the entire family to address the family’s goal that two-and-a-half-year-old Jenni walks independently. | JFK Partners, University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | 8:12 | ©2001 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | Interdisciplinary Team | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2014). Joy and Johna Working on a Puzzle [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | Joy and Johna Working on a Puzzle: Preschoolers Joy and Johna demonstrate a rich variety of fine motor, communication, social-emotional, play, and problem-solving skills when work on a puzzle together. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | 6:04 | ©2014 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | Desired Results Access Projects. (2017). Kaylee Getting Around [Video]. California Department of Education, Special Education Division. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/KayleeGettingAround | Kaylee Getting Around: Kaylee, a preschooler, uses a walker to move around her classroom and outside. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/KayleeGettingAround | 3:31 | June 6, 2017 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Sprouts. (2019, November 29). Kohlberg's 6 Stages of Moral Development [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bounwXLkme4 | Kohlberg's 6 Stages of Moral Development: Lawrence Kohlberg's theory claims that our development of moral reasoning happens in six stages: 1. Obedience and Punishment, 2. Self-interest 3. Interpersonal Accord and Conformity 4. Authority and maintaining social order, 5. Social Contract, 6. Universal Ethical principles. With examples, these stages are explained. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bounwXLkme4 | 6:45 | Uploaded November 29, 2019 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact of different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. | ||||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Recordsky. (2012, April 3). Laelia's Morning Routine [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgPU9FZK_NU | Laelia's Morning Routine: Laelia, a young girl born with Halls Contractures-arthrogryposis multiple congenita, shows viewers how she has learned to navigate her surroundings and gain independence. |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgPU9FZK_NU | 6:54 | Uploaded April 3, 2012 | 3-5 Years | Home Visit - Home | Other | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | E5: Practitioners work with families and other adults to acquire or create appropriate assistive technology | Although no practitioner is present, the video illustrates how the implementation of individualized strategies and assistive technology supports adaptive skill building and independence. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | Recordsky. (2011. May 16). Laelia's New Power Chair! Day One! [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ9Av8l6iNc | Laelia's New Power Chair! Day One!: Laelia, a young girl born with Halls Contractures-arthrogryposis multiple congenita, tries out her power chair for the first time. During the video, learning cues are provided by adults, as well as the mom's comments about safety. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ9Av8l6iNc | 3:10 | Uploaded May 16, 2011 | 3-5 Years | Home Visit - Home | Other | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | E5: Practitioners work with families and other adults to acquire or create appropriate assistive technology | |||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. (2017, May-August). Learning Lab: Coaching for Practice Change: Session 1 Part 2: Live Coaching with Denise Binder[Webinar]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/learninglab.asp | Learning Lab: Coaching for Practice Change: Session 1 Part 2: Live Coaching with Denise Binder: Reviews key elements of the live coaching and practice-based coaching models. Highlights the importance of a teacher-coach agreement. | The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) and FPG Child Development Institute of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/learninglab.asp | 10:24 | May-August 2017 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. (2017, May-August). Learning Lab: Coaching for Practice Change: Session 1 Part 3: Home Visiting with Juliann Woods[Webinar]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/learninglab.asp | Learning Lab: Coaching for Practice Change: Session 1 Part 3: Home Visiting with Juliann Woods: Review of three practice-based coaching approaches/strategies and how they fit together: Family Guided Routine Based Intervention (FGRBI), Distance Mentoring Model (DMM), and SS-OO-PP-RR (setting the stage, observation and opportunities to embed, problem solving and planning, reflection and review). | The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) FPG Child Development Institute of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | https://ectacenter.org/~calls/2017/learninglab.asp | 11:47 | May-August 2017 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Families/Professionalism | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention/ Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. (n.d.). Liam's Story, A Mother's Voice [Video]. Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/families-experiences-in-ei | Liam's Story, A Mother's Voice: Through collaboration between his family and his early intervention providers, Liam is able to communicate, use a computer, and move about at home, on trips to a museum and out to get ice cream with his family. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/families-experiences-in-ei | 5:11 | April 29, 2012 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, and objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | F7 Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes for goals. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2015). Lilly [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | Lilly: Lilly, just learning to crawl, demonstrates fine motor, gross motor, and communication skills as she interacts with toys, peers, and a caregiver. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | 3:18 | ©2015 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Families/Teaming | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention/ Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. (n.d.). Lily's Assessment and IFSP Development [Video]. Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | Lily's Assessment & IFSP Development: A real example of assessment review and IFSP development. Demonstrates collaboration between the family and practitioners. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/ifsp-development | 32:00 | Uploaded April 13, 2016 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and support the various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | In this video, there is a fair amount of comparing Lily to her chronically-aged, typically-developing peers using words such as "older child", "compare", "young child skills" when discussing Lily's assessment results . The practitioners use some jargon (developmental delay, expressive language) with mom during this time as well. | |
Development | Disability Specific | CHASA - Children's Hemiplegia and Stroke Association. (2012 December 6). Lincoln's Story - Early Signs of Hemiplegia Cerebral Palsy or Pediatric Stroke [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDO6bijBRHs | Lincoln's Story - Early Signs of Hemiplegia Cerebral Palsy or Pediatric Stroke: Illustrates the journey leading up to a Lincoln's diagnosis of hemiplegic cerebral palsy. | CHASA - Children's Hemiplegia and Stroke Association. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDO6bijBRHs | 4:58 | Uploaded December 6, 2012 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 1.3: Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. |
Development/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Early Learning and Development / Responsive Adult-Child Interactions | Edelman, L., Brown, G., and Anderson, T. (n.d.). Logan Makes a Pattern [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/LoganMakesPattern | Logan Makes a Pattern: Logan, a preschooler with a visual impairment, makes a pattern using a dowel and various wood shapes. He finds the correct shape through touch. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/LoganMakesPattern | 2:33 | May 17, 2019 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 6.7 Candidates plan for, adapt, and improve approaches to interactions, interventions, and instruction based on multiple sources of data across a range of natural environments and inclusive settings | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Zero to Three. (2013). Magic of Everyday Moments: Brain Wonders: Nurturing Healthy Brain Development from Birth[Video]. Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/156-brain-wonders-nurturing-healthy-brain-development-from-birth | Magic of Everyday Moments: Brain Wonders: Nurturing Healthy Brain Development from Birth: This video discusses the experiences that families and other caregivers can provide that promote brain development during the first three years of life. | Zero to Three | https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/156-brain-wonders-nurturing-healthy-brain-development-from-birth | 6:00 | ©2013 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Zero to Three. (2015). Magic of Everyday Moments: Busy Bodies: How the Physical Skills Support Learning[Video]. Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/201-busy-bodies-how-the-development-of-physical-skills-supports-learning | Magic of Everyday Moments: Busy Bodies: How the Physical Skills Support Learning: Describes the changes in physical development that occur and the importance of active play for problem solving, peer interaction, communication, and emotional regulation. The important role of a nurturing parent is emphasized. | Zero to Three | https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/201-busy-bodies-how-the-development-of-physical-skills-supports-learning | 6:22 | ©2015 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development / Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Early Learning and Development / Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Zero to Three. (2014). Magic of Everyday Moments: Development from 12-24 Months Old: Strong Positive Connections and Interactions Fuel Learning[Video]. Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/192-development-from-12-to-24-months-old-strong-positive-connections-and-interactions-fuel-learning | Magic of Everyday Moments: Development from 12-24 Months Old: Strong Positive Connections and Interactions Fuel Learning: The development of social, language, and physical skills is related to the interactions and connections children have with the important people in their lives. | Zero to Three | https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/192-development-from-12-to-24-months-old-strong-positive-connections-and-interactions-fuel-learning | 3:54 | ©2014 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | |||
Development / Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Early Learning and Development / Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Zero to Three. (2015). Magic of Everyday Moments: Driven to Discover: How Thinking Skills Develop Through Everyday Play and Exploration[Video]. Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/200-driven-to-discover-how-thinking-skills-develop-through-everyday-play-and-exploration | Magic of Everyday Moments: Driven to Discover: How Thinking Skills Develop Through Everyday Play and Exploration: The development of thinking skills such as cause and effect, spatial relationships, classification, and symbolic thinking are related to everyday experiences that parents provide. | Zero to Three | https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/200-driven-to-discover-how-thinking-skills-develop-through-everyday-play-and-exploration | 4:26 | ©2015 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support and Constrain Development and Learning | Zero to Three. (2015). Magic of Everyday Moments: From Feelings to Friendships: Nurturing Healthy Social-Emotional Development in the Early Years[Video]. Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/30-from-feelings-to-friendships-nurturing-healthy-social-emotional-development-in-the-early-years | Magic of Everyday Moments: From Feelings to Friendships: Nurturing Healthy Social-Emotional Development in the Early Years: Social-emotional developmental milestones from birth to three years are discussed. Experiences that families, early interventionists, and other caregivers facilitate or support to promote social-emotional development are demonstrated and discussed. | Zero to Three | https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/30-from-feelings-to-friendships-nurturing-healthy-social-emotional-development-in-the-early-years | 5:32 | ©2015 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support and Constrain Development and Learning | Zero to Three. (2016). Magic of Everyday Moments: Responsive Care: Nurturing a Strong Attachment During Everyday Moments[Video]. Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/230-responsive-care-nurturing-a-strong-attachment-through-everyday-moments | Magic of Everyday Moments: Responsive Care: Nurturing a Strong Attachment During Everyday Moments: This video illustrates how parents and caregivers support a child's social emotional development as they interact with them through responsive care. Discusses aspects of social emotional development including: self-regulation, trust, attachment, and empathy. | Zero to Three | https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/230-responsive-care-nurturing-a-strong-attachment-through-everyday-moments | 5:56 | ©2016 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | Other | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | INT2 Practitioners promote the child’s social development by encouraging the child to initiate or sustain positive interactions with other children and adults during routines and activities through modeling, teaching, feedback, or other types of guided support. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Zero to Three. (2013). Magic of Everyday Moments: Temperament [Video]. Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/early-development/temperament | Magic of Everyday Moments: Temperament: Temperament is defined and its biological base emphasized. The key characteristics of temperament: emotional intensity, sensory reactivity, activity level, adaptability, persistence are discussed. In addition, the impact of temperament on children’s behavior is highlighted. | Zero to Three | https://www.zerotothree.org/early-development/temperament | 4:37 | ©2013 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development/Professionalism | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support and Constrain Development and Learning | Zero to Three. (2013). Magic of Everyday Moments: The Power of Play: Building Skills and Having Fun [Video]. Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/158-power-of-play-building-skills-and-having-fun | Magic of Everyday Moments: The Power of Play: Building Skills and Having Fun: Play is how children learn to communicate, problem solve, test ideas, and get along with others. The importance of adults, including parents, is emphasized. | Zero to Three | https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/158-power-of-play-building-skills-and-having-fun | 5:33 | ©2013 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.5 Candidates identify and create multiple opportunities for young children to develop and learn play skills and engage in meaningful play experiences independently and with others across context. | |||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Puckett Institute. (n.d.). Making Good Family Choices[Video]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/decrp/topic-family.asp | Making Good Family Choices: Short vignettes illustrating practitioners being responsive to families' concerns and priorities. | Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center | https://ectacenter.org/decrp/topic-family.asp | 4:16 | June 1, 2017 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | Other | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | F5 Families support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strength family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. F6 Practitioners engage the family in opportunities that support and strengthen parenting knowledge and skills and parenting competence and confidence in ways that are flexible, individualized, and tailored to the family's preferences. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | Your Alberta. (2018, April 10). Making Sense of Universal Design for Learning [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQSAQdxnQBY | Making Sense of Universal Design for Learning: This video provides a rationale for UDL, discusses the principles of UDL, and identifies aspects of the curriculum and environment to be addressed. | Alberta Education | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQSAQdxnQBY | 3:52 | April 10, 2018 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments | E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Assessment | Family Assessment | Amy Casey. (2012, December 20). McWilliam on RBI and Early Intervention [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhcUotSkYAY | McWilliam on RBI and Early Intervention: Explanation of the evidence-based Routines Based Interview as a family assessment: supports families identify their children's needs and family-level needs, provides context for assessment and intervention, results in plan that drives service, and provides a meaningful method to participate in the development of the IFSP or IEP. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhcUotSkYAY | 13:13 | Uploaded December 20, 2012 | Birth-5 Years | Home Visit - Other | Other | 4.1 Candidates understand the purpose of formal and informal assessment, including ethical and legal considerations, and use this information to choose developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate, valid, reliable tools and methods that are responsive to the characteristics of the young child, family, and program. 4.4 Candidates, in collaboration with the families and other team members, use assessment data to determine eligibility, develop child and family-based outcomes/goals, plan for interventions and instruction, and monitor progress to determine efficacy of programming. | A7: Practitioners obtain information about the child’s skills in daily activities, routines and environments such as home, center and community. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. (n.d.). Meaningful Inclusion in Early Childhood [Video]. Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. https://dpi.wi.gov/sped/early-childhood | Meaningful Inclusion in Early Childhood: This mini documentary highlights one school districts vision where early childhood inclusion is the norm in school and community based programs. | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | https://dpi.wi.gov/sped/early-childhood | 5:53 | March 1, 2018 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments | E3 Practitioners work with the family and other adults to modify and adapt the physical, social, and temporal environments to promote each child’s access to and participation in learning experiences. | ||
Development | Disability Specific | Pursuing Family. (2020 March 28). Micro Preemie to 4 Years Old- 23 Week Baby Survival Story Update[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H94Xwe1cS4 | Micro Preemie to 4 Years Old - 23 Week Baby Survival Story Update: The story of James's journey from birth at 23 weeks gestation, his 4.5 month NICU stay, and his progression at age 4. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H94Xwe1cS4 | 11:46 | Uploaded March 28,2020 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 1.3: Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. |
Development | Disability Specific | EITP Illinois. (2017, July 17). Microcephaly and Developmental Implications in the Birth-3 period [Webinar]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/2bPC544BDQM | Microcephaly and Developmental Implications in the Birth-3 period: Webinar defines microcephaly, reviews primary and secondary classifications of microcephaly, neurological conditions associated with microcephaly, and diagnosis. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://youtu.be/2bPC544BDQM | 1:27:20 | Uploaded July 17, 2017 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | Begin at 7:37 | ||
Professionalism | Mindfulness | Early Childhood National Centers & EarlyEdU Alliance. (n.d.). Mindfulness: A Resilience Practice [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/mindfulness-resilience-practice | Mindfulness: A Resilience Practice: Describes how stress may impact teachers throughout their day and a few quick tips on how to improve well-being | Early EdU Alliance | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/mindfulness-resilience-practice | 1:34 | Date unknown | Birth-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 7.2 Candidates engage in ongoing reflective practice and access evidence-based information to improve their own practice. | |||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | ABC News. (2015, October 20). 'Miracle Baby' Born without Most of His Brain Defying Odds [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu47BpI4ld8 | Miracle Baby' Born Without Most of His Brain Defying Odds: Parents of Jackson, an infant born with micro hydrocephaly, shares their story of finding out their child was going to be born with a severe disability, and the life they now share. | ABC News | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu47BpI4ld8 | 7:34 | Uploaded October 20, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, August 17). Baby Human To Talk 5 Imitation [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FhImmxcwbs&list=RDSMWLWknX0po | Mix - Baby Human To Talk 5 Imitation: Dr. Meltzoff conducts experiments around the role of imitation in the development of communication. The give and take that occurs during the development of communication is reviewed. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/9FhImmxcwbs?list=RDSMWLWknX0po | 8:06 | August 17, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, August 17). Baby Human To Talk Gestures [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyitkrD_WbQ&list=RDSMWLWknX0po | Mix - Baby Human To Talk Gestures: Feelings, intentions, and desires can be conveyed through a gesture. Pointing, an important gesture, represents a large cognitive leap for babies. Dr. Amanda Woodward conducts experiments around pointing. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/NyitkrD_WbQ?list=RDSMWLWknX0po | 6:51 | August 17, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Suitt, R. [Robin Suitt]. (2014, August 17). Baby Human To Talk Language[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZM4Qem1eSk | Mix - Baby Human To Talk Language: Reviews the sensitive period associated with an infant's ability to discriminate sounds from different languages. | Discovery Health Channel | https://youtu.be/SMWLWknX0po | 9:49 | August 17, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development / Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning |
Learn the Signs, Act Early. (n.d.). Module 2: Screening for Autism [Video]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/autism/video/module2.html | Module 2: Screening for Autism: Mothers and a father of children with autism share their experiences of finding out their children were diagnosis with Autism Spectrum Disorder. | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/autism/video/module2.html | 5:44 | date unknown | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | A8 Practitioners use clinical reasoning in addition to assessment results to identify the child's current levels of functioning and to determine the child's eligibility and plan for instruction. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Learn the Signs, Act Early. (n.d.). Module 3: Communicating Concerns: Screening and Diagnosis Results Part 1 [Video]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/autism/video/module3.html | Module 3: Communicating Concerns: Screening and Diagnosis Results Part 1: Shows a mock meeting between a pediatrician and a family of a child that is not meeting all of his developmental milestones. | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/autism/video/module3.html | varies | date unknown | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Other | Other | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | F1 Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. F3 Practitioners are responsive to the family's concerns, priorities, and changing life circumstances. | ||
Development | Disability Specific | Williams Syndrome Association. (n.d.). Moments in Time: Coralie First Year Video [Video]. Williams Syndrome Association. https://williams-syndrome.org/resources/video/moments-in-time-coralies-first-year-video | Moments in Time: Coralie's First Year Video: Documentation of Coralie first few months of life and diagnosis of Williams Syndrome. | William Syndrome Association | https://williams-syndrome.org/resources/video/moments-in-time-coralies-first-year-video | 5:17 | November 23, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | EITP Illinois. (2018, February 3). Motor Behavior in Infants and Toddlers: A Developmental Systems Perspective [Webinar]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/2bPC544BDQM | Motor Behavior in Infants and Toddlers: A Developmental Systems Perspective: Webinar discusses theories that explain the learning and development of infant motor behavior; how emerging motor behaviors bring opportunities for learning and more moving and doing; the interaction between the infant and their physical, social and temporal environments; and research on the development of postural control and locomotion in infants. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_M4vMBSFl0 | 1:19:07 | Uploaded February 3, 2018 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact that different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | Begin at 7:00 | ||
Development | Disability Specific | Move to Include. (n.d.). Move to Include: Autism in Young Children [Video]. PBS Learning Media. https://cptv.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/mti17.autism.young.children/autism-in-young-children-move-to-include/ | Move to Include: Autism in Young Children: Behavioral Analyst, Jennifer Rymanowski describes the autism spectrum disorder and how each case of autism spectrum disorder is for each person. | PBS Learning Media | https://cptv.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/mti17.autism.young.children/autism-in-young-children-move-to-include/ | 3:30 | Date unknown | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | Other | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate and understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning , and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | WXXI Public Broadcasting. (n.d.). Move to Include: Behavioral Analysis [Video]. PBS Learning Media. https://cptv.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/mti17.behavioral.analysis/behavioral-analysis-move-to-include/ | Move to Include: Behavioral Analysis: Behavior Analyst, Jennifer Rymanowki shares the work she does with child with autism spectrum disorder. | PBS Learning Media | https://cptv.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/mti17.behavioral.analysis/behavioral-analysis-move-to-include/ | 2:19 | Date unknown | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | Other | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations | Movie to Include. (n.d.). Move to Include: Mobile Pediatric Stander Benefits Children [Video]. PBS Learning Media. https://cptv.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/mti17.inclusion.mobile.pediatric.stander.benefits/mobile-pediatric-stander-benefits-children-move-to-include/ | Move to Include: Mobile Pediatric Stander Benefits Children: Describes the benefits of mobile pediatric standers for children as an adaptive technology. Showcases preschoolers using mobile standers. | CP Rochester Augustin Children's Center | https://cptv.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/mti17.inclusion.mobile.pediatric.stander.benefits/mobile-pediatric-stander-benefits-children-move-to-include/ | 3:00 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations, Modifications and Adaptations | WXXI Public Broadcasting. (n.d.). Move to Include: Speech Pathologists [Video]. PBS Learning Media. https://cptv.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/mti17.speech.pathologist/speech-pathologist-move-to-include/ | Move to Include: Speech Pathologist: Describes the work speech pathologists do and how they support children with communicative delays and disorders. | CP Rochester Augustin Children's Center | https://cptv.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/mti17.speech.pathologist/speech-pathologist-move-to-include/ | 2:25 | Date unknown | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Speech & Language Therapist | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INSS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Development | Disability Specific | wwjoshdew. (2011, January 9). My Daughter Trying to Walk with Cerebral Palsy [Video]. YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZM4Qem1eSk | My Daughter Trying to Walk with Cerebral Palsy: Video 1 of 2. Abby, a three-year-old with has cerebral palsy, practices walking, while her dad encourages her independence and persistence. The video illustrates her exceptional pattern of walking but also aspects of her development that are following a normative pattern. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZM4Qem1eSk | 3:28 | uploaded January 9, 2011 | 3-5 Years | Home Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | ||||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Corkery, C. [Chris Corkery]. (2013 March 1). My Name is Jude CCR&R [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeYmlMtBOrE | My Name Is Jude CCR&R: Illustrates the journey of Jude's young life including being diagnosed with epilepsy. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeYmlMtBOrE | 3:05 | February 22, 2012 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | ||||
Development/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | DAP/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | NCQTL Media Team. (Producer). (n.d.). Nature-Based Learning and Development for Teachers [Video]. National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/nature-based-learning-development-teachers | Nature-Based Learning and Development for Teachers: Playing in nature is fun for children. In this video, learn how to use the natural world as a learning environment to improve outcomes for young children. Explore how teachers can use nature in their daily routines to enhance children’s development. | National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/nature-based-learning-development-teachers | 5:19 | Date unknown | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | INS2 Practitioners, with the family, identify skills to target for instruction that help a child become adaptive, competent, socially connected, and engaged and that promote learning in natural and inclusive environments. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations / Peer Support | Edelman, L. & Malia, J. (n.d.). Nelcy Takes a Walk [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/NelcyTakesaWalk | Nelcy Takes a Walk: Illustrates how video peer modeling was used to support two and a half year old Nelcy to start using a walker and ultimately walk without it. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/NelcyTakesaWalk | 3:48 | September 23, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | Physical Therapist | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. E4 Practitioners work with families and other adults to identify each child's needs for assistive technology to promote access to and participation in learning experiences. INS8 Practitioners use peer-mediated intervention to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Development | Disability Specific | Faquier ENT. (2012, February 15). Newborn Hearing Testing Screening (OAE and ABR) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvrBogzziXA | Newborn Hearing Testing Screening (OAE and ABR): Shows how hearing screening is performed in newborn babies. The two main types of hearing testing, auditory brainstem response and otoacoustic emissions, is shown. | Faquier ENT | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvrBogzziXA&feature=related | 3:50 | Uploaded Feb 15, 2012 | Birth-3 | n/a | Other | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate and understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 4.1 Candidates understand the purpose of formal and informal assessment, including ethical and legal considerations, and use this information to choose developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate, valid, reliable tools and methods that are responsive to the characteristics of the young child, family, and program. | A8 Practitioners use clinical reasoning in addition to assessment results to identify the child's current levels of functioning and to determine the child's eligibility and plan for instruction. | ||
Development/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | DAP/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Zero to Three & Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children's Media at Saint Vincent College. (2015). Nice Catch! [Video]. Zero to Three. https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/381-nice-catch | Nice Catch!: A preschooler builds physical skills and persistence as she plays ball with her dad. | Zero to Three | https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/381-nice-catch | 1:14 | March 7, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.5 Candidates identify and create multiple opportunities for young children to develop and learn play skills and engage in meaningful play experiences independently and with others across context. | INS7 Practitioners use explicit feedback and consequences to increase child engagement, play, and skills. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology. (n.d.). No Alcohol During Pregnancy is the Safest Choice [Video]. HealthyChildren.org. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/prenatal/Pages/Alcohol-and-Pregnancy-Its-Just-Not-Worth-the-Risk-Video.aspx | No Alcohol During Pregnancy is the Safest Choice: An estimated 40,000 babies are born each year with FASDs, which can result in birth defects, intellectual or learning disabilities, behavior problems and trouble learning life skills. | HealthyChildren.org | https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/prenatal/Pages/Alcohol-and-Pregnancy-Its-Just-Not-Worth-the-Risk-Video.aspx | 0:31 | March 26, 2018 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2001). Nolan's Story[Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | Nolan’s Story: A physical therapist partners with a family to identify what their daily routines look like, what is important to them, Nolan's (almost 3) interests, as well as difficult times of their day. The PT works with the family using household items to make bath time an enjoyable, social and enriching experience for Nolan and his entire family. | JFK Partners, University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_JustBeingKids | 6:28 | ©2001 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Physical Therapist | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood development and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. 6.5 Candidates identify and create multiple opportunities for young children to develop and learn play skills and engage in meaningful play experiences independently and with others across contexts. | A7: Practitioners obtain information about the child’s skills in daily activities, routines and environments such as home, center and community. E3: Practitioners work with the family and other adults to modify and adapt the physical, social, and temporal environments to promote each child’s access to and participate. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | tvoparents. (2012, August 30). Nurturing Your Child's Early Brain Development [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4ZomIKxRNE | Nurturing Your Child's Early Brain Development: Chaya Kulkarni, Director of Infant Mental Health Promotion at the Hospital for Sick Children discusses the importance of responsive, nurturing parental interactions with children during the first three years of life to support healthy brain development. | TVO Parents | https://youtu.be/t4ZomIKxRNE | 11:06 | Uploaded August 30, 2012 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | DAP/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Office of English Language Acquisition (Producer). (2020). Integrating Language into Early Childhood Education [Audio podcast]. In OELA Podcast Series. SoundCloud. https://soundcloud.com/ed_oela/integrating-language-into-early-childhood-education | OELA Podcast Series – Integrating Language into Early Childhood Education: This podcast explores the four key practices presented in the brief: embracing an asset orientation, promoting multilingual development, providing frequent interaction with complex texts, and teaching foundational literacy skills. These practices are based on recommendations from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine report Promoting the Educational Success of Children and Youth Learning English: Promising Futures. | Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) | https://soundcloud.com/ed_oela/integrating-language-into-early-childhood-education | 24:01 | 2020 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 5.1 Candidates collaborate with families and other professionals in identifying evidence-based curriculum addressing developmental and content domains to design and facilitate meaningful and culturally responsive learning experiences that support the unique abilities and needs of all children and families. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Nehrenz, M. (Producer). (2012). Parents' Perspectives on School: Tips and Transitions[Video]. Center for Learning and Leadership University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. https://ouhsc.edu/thecenter/Publications/UCEDD-Videos | Parents' Perspectives on School: Tips and Transitions: Six parents share their advice on school and school transitions. | Center for Learning and Leadership - A University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities University of Oklahoma Heath Sciences Center | https://ouhsc.edu/thecenter/Publications/UCEDD-Videos | 5:33 | ©2012 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 2.3 Candidate engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process.3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and supports various transitions that occur for the young child and their family through the birth through 8 age span | TR1 Practitioners in sending and receiving programs exchange information before, during, and after transition about practices most likely to support the child's successful adjustment and positive outcomes. TR2 Practitioners use a variety of planned and timely strategies with the child and family before, during, and after the transition to support successful adjustment and positive outcomes for both the child and family. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Pathways. (2017). Parents' Guide to the Stages of Play [Video]. Pathways.org. https://pathways.org/watch/parents-guide-stages-play/ | Parents’ Guide to the Stages of Play: Young children develop their social skills through the six stages of play, all of which are important for their development. All of the stages of play involve exploring, being creative, and having fun. | Pathways | https://pathways.org/watch/parents-guide-stages-play/ | 1:30 | August 16, 2017 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 6.5 Candidates identify and create multiple opportunities for young children to develop and learn play skills and engage in meaningful play experiences independently and with others across contexts. | INS7 Practitioners use explicit feedback and consequences to increase child engagement, play, and skills. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | Part 3: Social Outcomes in Inclusion [Video]. (2019). Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/topics/inclusion/videos.asp | Part 3: Social Outcomes in Inclusion | The Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center | https://ectacenter.org/topics/inclusion/videos.asp | 1:50 | ©2019 | Childhood | Early Care Setting | n/a | ||||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Imaginevideogallery. (2018, August 21). Parten's Social Stages of Play [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l05mzSyqQEk | Parten’s Social Stages of Play: This video is part of the following article: Jacobi-Vessels, J. L. (2018). Playing to learn: The essential role of play in early childhood instruction. Imagine (9), 16-21. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l05mzSyqQEk&feature=youtu.be | 1:00 | Uploaded August 21, 2018 | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.5 Candidates identify and create multiple opportunities for young children to develop and learn play skills and engage in meaningful play experiences independently and with others across contexts. | INT4 Practitioners promote the child’s cognitive development by observing, interpreting, and responding intentionally to the child’s exploration, play, and social activity by joining in and expanding on the child’s focus, actions, and intent. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Embler, D. (Director). (2008). Pathways to Literacy [Video]. The Center for Early Literacy Learning. http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | Pathways to Literacy: This video Illustrates how literacy learning opportunities can be found in everyday places, in everyday activities. | The Center for Early Literacy Learning and The Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute | http://earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | 4:02 | ©2008 | Birth-5 | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.3 Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | JM Hertez. (2010, October 4). Piaget on Piaget, Part 1 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1JWr4G8YLM | Piaget on Piaget, Part 1: Part 1 of a documentary about Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology. Jean Piaget explains his theory. Filmed in Switzerland, 1977. | Yale University | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1JWr4G8YLM | 12:25 | ©1977 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact of different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | JM Hertez. (2010, October 4). Piaget on Piaget, Part 2 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb4TPj1pxzQ | Piaget on Piaget, Part 2 Part 2 of a documentary about Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology. It shows some of the classic experiments (in abbreviated form) about seriation with children. Filmed in Switzerland, 1977. | Yale University | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb4TPj1pxzQ | 13:04 | ©1977 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact of different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | JM Hertez. (2010, October 4). Piaget on Piaget, Part 3 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9nSC_Xgabc | Piaget on Piaget, Part 3: Part 3 of a documentary about Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology. It shows some of the classic experiments (in abbreviated form) about conservation of volume and drawing with children. Filmed in Switzerland, 1977. | Yale University | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9nSC_Xgabc | 11:29 | ©1977 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact of different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | Bohart, H. (Producer). (n.d.). Planning for an Inclusive Classroom: Supporting Children with Disabilities [Webinar]. National Association for the Education of Young Children. https://www.naeyc.org/resources/blog/preparing-young-children-inclusion | Planning for an Inclusive Classroom: Supporting Children with Disabilities: Describes how to best understand and implement inclusionary practices into the early childhood classroom that will help young children with disabilities participate successfully alongside their peers. | Early Choices | https://www.naeyc.org/resources/blog/preparing-young-children-inclusion | 52:55 | July 31, 2017 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. (2019). Play in Early Childhood: The Role of Play in Any Setting [Video]. Center on the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/play-in-early-childhood-the-role-of-play-in-any-setting/ | Play in Early Childhood: The Role of Play in Any Setting: Play in early childhood is an effective way of supporting three core principles that can guide what society needs to do to help children and families thrive. In this video, learn more about how play can foster children’s resilience to hardship, and how the complex interactions involved when children play help build their brains. | Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/play-in-early-childhood-the-role-of-play-in-any-setting/ | 8:11 | August 8, 2019 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 6.5 Candidates identify and create multiple opportunities for young children to develop and learn play skills and engage in meaningful play experiences independently and with others across contexts. | |||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2015, February 12). Positive Experiences with Inpterprofessional Collaborative Practice [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmJ9TeocGg4 | Positive Experiences with Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: A mom discusses her positive experience when individual providers connect with each other and collaborate with strategies. She also discusses her transition from early intervention to the school setting. | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) | https://youtu.be/dmJ9TeocGg4 | 4:31 | Uploaded February 12, 2015 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and support the various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | First 2:27 applies to ECSE. | |
Development/ Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Influences that Support or Constrain Development / Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Pyramid Model. (2018 May 17). Practical Strategies for Teaching Social Emotional Skills [Video]. YouTube. National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVqjF7BDsnw | Practical Strategies for Teaching Social Emotional Skills: Highlights strategies and approaches that early childhood personnel and families can use to systematically target social emotional supports that build young children’s skills in a variety of areas including making friends, problem solving, asking an adult for help, talking about feelings, and managing their emotions. The strategies rely on a 3-stage approach to supporting young children’s social emotional development by (1) introducing and practicing a skill, (2) building fluency and competency with a skill, and (3) ensuring there is maintenance of a skill. Multiple examples are provided of early childhood personnel demonstrating how to introduce a skill using a variety of tools, practice a skill through planned and unscripted activities, and maintain the skill by recognizing children for using the skill on their own. | National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVqjF7BDsnw | 29:03 | Uploaded May 17, 2018 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 6.4 Candidates promote young children's social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. | INS2 Practitioners, with the family, identify skills to target for instruction that help a child become adaptive, competent, social connected, and engaged and that promote learning in natural and inclusive environments. INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. INT2 Practitioners promote the child's social development by encouraging the child to initiate or sustain positive interactions with other children and adults during routines and activities through modeling teaching, feedback, or other types of guided support. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Others | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. (n.d.). Practice-Based Coaching (PBC)[Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/professional-development/article/practice-based-coaching-pbc | Practice- Based Coaching (PBC): The Practice-Based Coaching (PBC) model starts with creating a strong partnership between the coach and education staff. Learn what collaborative coaching partnerships look like in action and what it takes to develop a strong partnership. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/professional-development/article/practice-based-coaching-pbc | 3:38 | Last updated December 15, 2020 | Birth-5 | Home & Early Care Setting | Other | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and support the various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Families | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Puckett Institute. (2017, June 27). Practitioner Family-Centered Practices for Working with Families [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qyUdbe8mxE | Practitioner Family-Centered Practices for Working with Families: Several brief vignettes with Early Interventionists, families, children interacting in the home setting as examples of family-centered practices | The Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qyUdbe8mxE | 3:32 | Uploaded June 27, 2017 | Birth-3 | Home | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction / Assessment | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices/Authentic Assessment | Edelman, L., Griffith, B.B., & Hughes, T. (Producers). (n.d.). Preschool During the Pandemic: Episode 13: Authentic Learning in Remote Preschool, Part 1: Home Learning Materials and Authentic Assessment [Video]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/preschoolpandemic-episode13-1.asp | Preschool During the Pandemic: Episode 13: Authentic Learning in Remote Preschool, Part 1: Home Learning Materials and Authentic Assessment: Early childhood special educators, Brittany Behenna Griffith and Tara Hughes, illustrate how they provide families with engaging asynchronous learning activities and materials and how the families share rich documentation of their children participating in the activities on Seesaw (their classroom platform) to enable authentic assessment. | Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center | https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/preschoolpandemic-episode13-1.asp | 16:38 | March 8, 2021 | 3-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | Teacher | 4.2 Candidates develop and administer informal assessments and/or select and use valid, reliable formal assessments using evidence-based practices, including technology, in partnership with families, and other professionals. 5.1 Candidates collaborate with families and other professionals in identifying an evidence-based curriculum addressing developmental and content domains to design and facilitate meaningful and culturally responsive learning experiences that support the unique abilities and needs of all children and families. | A2 Practitioners work as a team with the family and other professionals to gather assessment information. INS3 Practitioners gather and use data to inform decisions about individualized instruction. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction/Assessment | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices/Authentic Assessment | Edelman, L., Griffith, B.B., & Hughes, T. (Producers). (n.d.). Preschool During the Pandemic: Episode 13: Authentic Learning in Remote Preschool, Part 2: Informing and Differentiating Instruction [Video]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/preschoolpandemic-episode13-2.asp | Preschool During the Pandemic: Episode 13: Authentic Learning in Remote Preschool, Part 2: Informing and Differentiating Instruction: Early childhood special educators Tara Hughes and Brittany Behenna Griffith illustrate how they use authentic assessment documentation that families share on Seesaw to help inform and differentiate instruction | Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center | https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/preschoolpandemic-episode13-2.asp | 10:09 | March 8, 2021 | 3-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | Teacher | 4.2 Candidates develop and administer informal assessments and/or select and use valid, reliable formal assessments using evidence-based practices, including technology, in partnership with families, and other professionals. 5.1 Candidates collaborate with families and other professionals in identifying an evidence-based curriculum addressing developmental and content domains to design and facilitate meaningful and culturally responsive learning experiences that support the unique abilities and needs of all children and families. | A2 Practitioners work as a team with the family and other professionals to gather assessment information. INS3 Practitioners gather and use data to inform decisions about individualized instruction. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L. & Vitelli, R. (Producers). (n.d.). Preschool During the Pandemic: Episode 3: Reflections on Inclusion in Remote Preschool [Video]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/preschoolpandemic-episode03.asp | Preschool During the Pandemic: Episode 3: Reflections on Inclusion in Remote Preschool: Early Childhood special educators Brittany Behenna Griffith and Tara Hughes share strategies they use to include all children in their virtual classroom and the importance of supporting each other. | Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center | https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/preschoolpandemic-episode03.asp | 14:57 | January 8. 2021 | 3-5 Years | Home Setting | Teacher | 5.1 Candidates collaborate with families and other professionals in identifying evidence-based curriculum addressing developmental and content domains to design and facilitate meaningful and culturally responsive learning experiences that support the unique abilities and needs of all children and families. 7.2 Candidates engage in ongoing reflective practice and access evidence-based information to improve their own practice. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L., Sen, P., & Vitelli, R. (Producers). (n.d.). Preschool During the Pandemic: Episode 5: Alia Goes Back to Preschool [Video]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/preschoolpandemic-episode05.asp | Preschool During the Pandemic: Episode 5: Alia Goes Back to Preschool: Alia's mother, Phally, describes the challenges and joys of supporting her daughter with an IEP to participate fully in remote and in-class preschool. | Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center | https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/preschoolpandemic-episode05.asp | 12:17 | January 8, 2021 | 3-5 Years | Home Setting | Teacher | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Porter, J. & Gary Christian Film & Video. (Producers). (2009). Preschool Inclusion Series: Session1: Preschool Inclusion: Laying the Groundwork for Success [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-1-preschool-inclusion-laying-groundwork-success | Preschool Inclusion Series: Session 1: Preschool Inclusion: Laying the Groundwork for Success: Provides the rationale for inclusion from the perspective of professionals and families. Benefits for the classroom staff and children are discussed. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) and Napa County Office of Education | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-1-preschool-inclusion-laying-groundwork-success | 18:09 | ©2009 | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices/Inclusion | SpecialQuest Birth-Five. (2009). Preschool Inclusion Series: Session 2: Samantha's Story [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-2-samanthas-story-preschool-inclusion-success-option-1 | Preschool Inclusion Series: Session 2: Samantha's Story: Preschool Inclusion Success (Option 1): Illustrates successful inclusion and what is necessary to provide collaborative services to preschoolers with disabilities and their families in early care and education environments. | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-2-samanthas-story-preschool-inclusion-success-option-1 | 10:14 | ©2009 | Birth-5 | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Porter, J. & Gary Christian Film & Video (Producers). (2009). Preschool Inclusion Series: Session 3: Samantha's Story: Preschool Inclusion Success (Option 2) [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-3-samanthas-story-preschool-inclusion-success-option-2 | Preschool Inclusion Series: Session 3: Samantha's Story: Preschool Inclusion Success (Option 2): Aspects of successful inclusion of Samantha in a Head Start preschool classroom are discussed. Her Dad, speaking Spanish, discusses his goals for Samantha in this inclusive preschool. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) and Napa County Office of Education | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-3-samanthas-story-preschool-inclusion-success-option-2 | 10:14 | ©2009 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Porter, J. & Gary Christian Film & Video. (Producers). (2009). Preschool Inclusion Series: Session 4: Drew's Family Story of Inclusion [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-4-drews-family-story-inclusion | Preschool Inclusion Series: Session 4: Drew's Family Story of Inclusion: The array of resources needed to support the inclusion of a child with a disability are identified. Through the story of Drew's family, viewers also consider the influence of a parent's own disability on the collaborative process of inclusion. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) and Napa County Office of Education | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-4-drews-family-story-inclusion | 6:09 | ©2009 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Porter, J. & Gary Christian Film & Video (Producers). (2009). Preschool Inclusion Series: Session 5: The Individualized Education Program: Partnering for Success [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-5-individualized-education-program-partnering-success | Preschool Inclusion Series: Session 5: The Individualized Education Program: Partnering for Success: This video considers the IEP process from various perspectives and explore how teams work together to create inclusive experiences that are supported by the IEP process. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) and Napa County Office of Education | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/children-disabilities/specialquest-multimedia-training-library/session-5-individualized-education-program-partnering-success | 46:48 | ©2009 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | TR2 Practitioners use a variety of planned and timely strategies with the child and family before, during, and after the transition to support successful adjustment and positive outcomes for both the child and family. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion/Presuming competence | Early CHOICES. (2020 June 12). Presuming Competence and Inclusion [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0vHZNOMGoA&list=PLRFbj7RcOrU1eg1is9nWt-MVxz2vyg5ZQ&index=4 | Presuming Competence and Inclusion: Explores what underlying mindsets need to be held for high quality of children with disabilities and their families. | Early Choices | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0vHZNOMGoA&list=PLRFbj7RcOrU1eg1is9nWt-MVxz2vyg5ZQ&index=3 | 3:21 | Uploaded June 12, 2020 | 3-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS1 Practitioners, with the family, identify each child's strengths, preferences, and interests to engage the child in active learning. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/ Collaboration and Teaming with Others | Catalino, T. [Tricia Catalino]. (2013, January 15). Primary Service Provider Panel Discussion [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4_KoNa9-WE | Primary Service Provider Panel Discussion: A panel of physical therapists discuss the primary service provider teaming approach in early intervention. | Early Intervention Special Interest Group, Section on Pediatrics, American Physical Therapy Association | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4_KoNa9-WE | 41:16 | Streamed live on January 15, 2013 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC5 Practitioners and families may collaborate with each other to identify one practitioner from the team who serves as the primary liaison between the family and other team members based on child and family priorities and needs. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Maano-French, V. (2018, April 5). Promoting Resilience in Children, Families, Staff, and You [Webinar]. National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/promoting-resilience-children-families-staff-you | Promoting Resilience in Children, Families, Staff, and You: Webinar reviews how the child's exposure to adversity can change brain architecture and lead to developmental delays. Resources including NCQTL, Head Start Center for Inclusion, and the Center for Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning are reviewed. The impact of stress on teachers and the strategies they can use to support their own resilience are discussed. | National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/promoting-resilience-children-families-staff-you | 48:14 | Last Updated on April 5, 2018 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development/ | Pyramid Model. (2018 May 17). Promoting Social Emotional Competence [Video]. YouTube. National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTl7rfcIhvM | Promoting Social Emotional Competence: Provides a foundation for understanding the Pyramid Model as a framework for promoting young children’s social and emotional development and preventing and addressing challenging behavior. | National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTl7rfcIhvM | 27:40 | Uploaded May 17, 2018 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 6.4 Candidates promote young children's social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. | |||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/ Tele-intervention | Family, Infant and Preschool Program. (2020). Providing Early Intervention Services Through Distance Technology. North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.assurethefuture.org/tele-intervention.html | Providing Early Intervention Services Through Distance Technology: Illustrates how practitioners can use tele-intervention while social distancing and includes an overview of system requirements, how to plan a visit, the three parts of a virtual visit, and what conducting a tele-intervention visit looks like in action. | Family, Infant, and Preschool Program A National Center of Excellence | https://www.assurethefuture.org/tele-intervention.html | 19:59 | March 24, 2020 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC2: Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan and implement interventions. | ||
Development/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. (n.d.) Pyramid Model Overview [Video]. National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Pyramid/overview/index.html | Pyramid Model Overview: The Pyramid Model for Promoting Social-Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children (Pyramid Model) is a conceptual framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development. This video provides an overview of the structure and levels of support. | National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) | https://challengingbehavior.cbcs.usf.edu/Pyramid/overview/index.html | 8:58 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 6.4 Candidates promote young children’s social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. |
INS2 Practitioners, with the family, identify skills to target for instruction that help a child become adaptive, competent, socially connected, and engaged and that promote learning in natural and inclusive environments. INT1 Practitioners promote the child's social-emotional development by observing, interpreting, and responding contingently to the range of the child's emotional expressions. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Embler, D. (Director). (2008). Ready, Set, Read: Early Literacy Learning for Preschoolers [Video]. Center for Early Literacy Learning. http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | Ready, Set, Read: Early Literacy Learning for Preschoolers: This video describes shared reading, an interactive style of adult-child reading for 4 to 5-year-olds. | The Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL) and The Orlena Hawks Puckett Institute | http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | 16:32 | ©2008 | 3-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Development | Disability Specific | Pathways. [Pathways.org]. (2016 February 18). Recognizing Early Motor Delays as Early as Four and Six Months of Age[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzZMokyNs94 | Recognizing Early Motor Delays as Early as Four and Six Months of Age | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLi-6dU43uY | 30:34 | Uploaded February 18, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 1.3: Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. |
Family | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2009). Reflections During the Final Visit[Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | Reflections During the Final Visit: A mom describes how the therapist has not only helped her child, but has given her the confidence to help her achieve new skills. The mom describes the therapists interactions with her and her family that built trust and a sense of being cared about. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | 5:45 | ©2009 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Physical Therapist | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family’s priorities and concerns and the child’s strengths and needs. | ||
Professionalism | Legislation and Policy | Early CHOICES. (2020 June 12). Research, Science and Laws that Support Preschool Inclusion [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06NfZSkjt0w | Research, Science and Laws that Support Preschool Inclusion: Introduction to the foundation for preschool inclusion established by research, science and laws and provides information regarding resources for further learning. | Early Choices | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06NfZSkjt0w | 2:45 | Uploaded June 12, 2020 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 7.4 Candidates practice within ethical and legal policies and procedures. | L10. Leaders ensure practitioners know and follow professional standards and all applicable laws and regulations governing service provision. | ||
Family | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness. (n.d.). Responsive Feeding - Supporting Healthy Eating at Home- A Training Module for Home Visitors- Building Healthy Mealtime Habits [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/nutrition/article/responsive-feeding-webinars | Responsive Feeding - Supporting Healthy Eating at Home - A Training Module for Home Visitors -Building Healthy Mealtime Habits: Webinar 3 of 3. Supports practitioners is engaging families in discussion about healthy eating habits and routines at home. | National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/nutrition/article/responsive-feeding-webinars | 11:56 | Last updated July 22, 2019 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts.1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F6 Practitioners engage the family in opportunities that support and strengthen parenting knowledge and skills and parenting competence and confidence in ways that are flexible, individualized, and tailored to the family’s preferences. | ||
Family | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness. (n.d.). Responsive Feeding- Supporting Healthy Eating at Home- A Training Module for Home Visitors - Family Mealtime [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/nutrition/article/responsive-feeding-webinars | Responsive Feeding - Supporting Healthy Eating at Home - A Training Module for Home Visitors -Family Mealtime: Webinar 2 of 3. Family mealtime can be an important opportunity to support child development with infants , toddlers and preschoolers. Suggestions to support social-emotion, language and literacy, cognition, and physical domains during mealtime are explored. | National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness | Responsive Feeding Webinars | ECLKC (hhs.gov) | 12:35 | Last updated July 22, 2019 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts.1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F6 Practitioners engage the family in opportunities that support and strengthen parenting knowledge and skills and parenting competence and confidence in ways that are flexible, individualized, and tailored to the family’s preferences. | ||
Family | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness. (n.d.). Responsive Feeding- Supporting Healthy Eating at Home- A Training Module for Home Visitors - Parents Provides. Child Decides [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/nutrition/article/responsive-feeding-webinars | Responsive Feeding - Supporting Healthy Eating at Home - A Training Module for Home Visitors -Parent Provides. Child Decides: Webinar 1 of 3. Responsive feeding is described and reasoning why it is important is shared. The signs of hunger and fullness for children ages birth to 12 months are examined and strategies to support baby's healthy eating are provided for practitioners to share with families. | National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/nutrition/article/responsive-feeding-webinars | 24:26 | Last updated July 22, 2019 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts.1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F6 Practitioners engage the family in opportunities that support and strengthen parenting knowledge and skills and parenting competence and confidence in ways that are flexible, individualized, and tailored to the family’s preferences. | ||
Development | Disability Specific | Rett Syndrome Research Trust. (2015 October 1). RETT: There is Hope (Full Movie)[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sDhUjysgL0 | RETT: There is Hope (Full Movie): The story behind Rett Syndrome is complicated. It involves a devastating genetic affliction that starts with young girls and includes incredible family dynamics, groundbreaking treatment, care and science. The film focuses on Rett families, the optimism surrounding treatments and forward thinking scientific breakthroughs and the Rett Syndrome Research Trust (RSRT). | Rett Syndrome Research Trust | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sDhUjysgL0 | 51:44 | Uploaded October 1, 2015 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate and understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning , and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Family | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Center for Technology in Education [CTE]. (2016, October 30). Robin McWilliam EcoMap Demonstration [Video]. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/189527329 | Robin McWilliam EcoMap Demonstration: Alyssa is a 14-month old child with complex medical diagnosis. She receives home based nursing services 24 hours a day during the week, and 12 hours a day during the weekends. The video shows Dr. McWilliam navigating the EcoMap with Jason and Sarah. | Center for Technology in Education, Johns Hopkins University | https://vimeo.com/189527329 | 23:59 | Uploaded October 30, 2016 | Birth-5 | Home Setting | Other | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | F7 Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes for goals. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | recordsky. (2013, February 23). Roland Decides to Walk Independently with No Prodding! (After a bit of help from Laelia.) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w03SfihfslQ | Roland Decides to Walk Independently with No Prodding! (After a bit of help from Laelia.) Laelia helps her adopted bother, Roland, walk by taking his hand. Both children have Halls Contractures-arthrogryposis multiple congenita. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w03SfihfslQ | 1:10 | Uploaded February 23, 2013 | Birth-5 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | |||
Development/Professionalism | Early Learning and Development / Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning / Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes |
Learn the Signs, Act Early. (n.d.). Role of CDC in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (in ASL) [Video]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/hearingloss/multimedia.html | Role of CDC in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (in ASL): In American Sign Language, a CDC epidemiologist briefly describes CDC’s role in early hearing detection and intervention. (No audio, but with captioning) | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/hearingloss/multimedia.html | 4:32 | October 3, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | F7 Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes and goals. TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (n.d.). Routine in the Community- Going to the Store [Video]. CONNECT Modules & Division for Early Childhood. https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-8/ | Routine in the Community – Going to the Store: A 3-year-old boy with language delays communicates with his mother about a trip to the grocery store using a voice output device. | The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education (CONNECT) and Division for Early Childhood (DEC) | https://connectmodules.dec-sped.org/connect-modules/resources/videos/video-1-8/ | 1:06 | 3-5 Years | Home Visit - Other | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | |||
Family | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Iowa State University Learning Success Lab. [ISU LSL LAB]. (2016, June 12). Routines Based Intervention- Interview [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMxCjJfl3mI | Routines Based Intervention - Interview: A mom and speech-language pathologist are engaging in a conversation that is routines-based. | Iowa State University (ISU) Learning Success Lab (LSL) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMxCjJfl3mI | 4:40 | Uploaded June 12, 2016 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Other | Speech and Language Therapist | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | A7: Practitioners obtain information about the child’s skills in daily activities, routines and environments such as home, center and community. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion / Presuming Competence and High Expectations | Rubys Rainbow. (2017, October 25). Ruby's Inclusion Story [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBz6glO5x5Q | Ruby's Inclusion Story: So many parents ask what inclusion can look like. Liz Plachta, Ruby's mom, decided to take a sneak peek into what a day of inclusion looks like for Ruby. Liz talks with her teachers, principal and therapists and show what an impact-not only her peers have on her- but how much Ruby herself contributes and brings into the classroom…and life! | Ruby's Rainbow | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBz6glO5x5Q | 12:33 | Uploaded October 25, 2017 | Childhood | Early Care Setting | n/a | 5.2: Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. [NICHDVideos]. (2015, December 8). Safe Infant Sleep for Grandparents and Other Trusted Caregivers[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cXwlpSJL08 | Safe Infant Sleep for Grandparents and Other Trusted Caregivers: A mother-to-be explains to her mother the changes that now exist for safe sleep including back sleeping and no blankets, bumpers, or stuffed animals. | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) | https://youtu.be/7cXwlpSJL08 | 7:25 | Uploaded December 8, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. (2010). Safe Sleep for Babies [Video]. American Academy of Pediatrics. https://healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/sleep/Pages/Safe-Sleep-for-Babies.aspx | Safe Sleep for Babies Together the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Keeping Babies Safe, and the American Academy of Pediatrics review information to ensure safe sleeping environments for babies including sleep positioning and product safety. | American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) | https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/sleep/Pages/default.aspx | 12:36 | Last Updated December 19, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Edelman, L. & Delumpa, M. (Producers). (2014). Samantha and Sara Building Towers and Castles [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | Samantha and Sara Building Towers and Castles: Preschoolers Sara and Samantha demonstrate a variety of imaginative, fine motor, gross motor, communication, and social-emotional skills in the block area. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | 6:45 | ©2014 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Motor | Disability Specific | Edelman, L. & Delumpa, M. (Producers). (2014). Samantha on the Playground [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | Samantha on the Playground: Preschooler Samantha demonstrates a variety of gross motor skills on the playground. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticingObservation | 1:46 | ©2014 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics to support each child's development and learning across contexts. | |||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/Collaboration and Teaming with Others | Fettig, A., McLeod, R., & Fung, J.(2021 January 26). (Webinar). Separated, But Together: How to Strengthen Collaboration in a Virtual World [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/separated-together-how-strengthen-collaboration-virtual-world | Separated, But Together: How to Strengthen Collaboration in a Virtual World: Describes strategies to support educators plan virtual family visits and strategies and tools to incorporate video into coaching. | National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning & Office of Head Start National Center | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/separated-together-how-strengthen-collaboration-virtual-world | 45:20 | January 26. 2021 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement intervention. F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | ||
Teaming/ Families | Collaborating and Teaming with Families/ Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | CEC-RAP. (2017). Setting the Stage for FGRBI- The Role of the Service Coordinator [Video]. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/223316705 | Setting the Stage for FGRBI - The Role of the Service Coordinator: Service coordinators describe how they set the stage for families beginning intervention by describing FGRBI and by supporting families to identify key routines and priorities. | Iowa Department of Education, Early ACCESS & Florida State University Communication and Early Childhood Research and Practice Center | https://vimeo.com/223316705 | 4:15 | June 27, 2017 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Service Coordinator | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacitates. TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement intervention. | ||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Edelman, L. (Producer). (n.d.). Sharing the Knowledge with Families. Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. https://www.dec-sped.org/videos | Sharing the Knowledge: Various experts in the field discuss how the DEC RPs communicate to families what to expect from practitioners and the field of early intervention/ early childhood. Sharing the DEC RPs with families is an important tool in strengthening their role in supporting their child's learning and development. | Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children (DEC-CEC) | https://www.dec-sped.org/videos | 3:00 | April 28, 2015 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision making. | L5 Leaders advocate for policies and resources that promote the implementation of the DEC Position Statements and Papers and the DEC Recommended Practices. | ||
Assessment | Authentic Assessment | Edelman, L., DeVarona, C. & Mogen, S. (Producers). (2009). Sharing Video Documentation with Families [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticesHereAndThere | Sharing Video Documentation with Families: Christina Devarona provides a powerful illustration of how video can help understand children’s learning and development and share that information with families. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_PracticesHereAndThere | 2:47 | ©2009 | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 4.3 Candidates analyze, interpret, document and share assessment information using a strength-based approach with families and other professionals. | A11 Practitioners report assessment results so that they are understandable and useful to families. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion/Presuming Competence | SSHRC-CRSH. (2016 April 4). Shelley Moore: Transforming Inclusive Education [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYtUlU8MjlY | Shelley Moore: Transforming Inclusive Education: Provides a fasinating analogy between inclusion and bowling and describes the importance of designing curriculum to reach the children that are hardest to reach - those that need more challenge and those that need more support. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYtUlU8MjlY | 3:08 | Updated April 4, 2016 | Childhood | n/a | Teacher | 6.6: Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS1 Practitioners, with the family, identify each child's strengths, preferences, and interests to engage the child in active learning. | |||
Development | Disability Specific | Osmosis. (2016, October 12). Spina Bifida (Myelomeingocele, Meningocele, Occulta)- Causes, Symptoms, Treatment) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlDZA2PNW2o | Spina Bifida (Myelomeningocele, Meningocele, Occulta) – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment: The causes, symptoms, types of, and treatment for spina bifida are discussed. | Osmosis | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlDZA2PNW2o | 6:31 | Uploaded October 12, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes/ Diversity and Equity | Zero to Three. (2021). State of Babies Yearbook 2021: Introduction and Key Findings [Webinar]. Zero to Three. https://stateofbabies.org/summit/ | State of Babies Yearbook 2021: Introduction and Key Findings: Shares how policy markers can support the development of infants and toddlers. | Zero to Three | https://stateofbabies.org/summit/ | 17:53 | ©2021 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | |||
Development/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | /Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | EITP Illinois. (2017, July 17). Strategies for Success: Working with Children with Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment [Webinar]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/2cRAVMQx_48 | Strategies for Success: Working with Children with Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment: Webinar reviews the etiology of cerebral/cortical visual impairment, the preparation of the environment as it relates to learning, and the identification of needed supports. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://youtu.be/2cRAVMQx_48 | 1:31:10 | Uploaded July 17, 2017 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | E3: Practitioners work with the family and other adults to modify and adapt the physical, social, and temporal environments to promote each child's access to and participation in experience. INS 10: Practitioners implement the frequency, intensity, and duration of instruction needed to address the child's phase and pace of learning or the level of support needed by the family to achieve the child's outcomes or goals. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | EITP Illinois. (2016, February 22). Strategies to Implement Family Centered Practice in Early Intervention [Webinar]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/2AWbMddjwuc?list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | Strategies to Implement Family Centered Practice in Early Intervention: Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois recorded webinar addressing key components and practices of family centered practice. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://youtu.be/2AWbMddjwuc?list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | 1:15:59 | Uploaded February 22, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families' lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. | F1 Practitioners building trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support and Constrain Development and Learning | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. (2019). Stress and Resilience: How Toxic Stress Affects Us, and What We Can Do About It [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/stress-and-resilience-how-toxic-stress-affects-us-and-what-we-can-do-about-it/ | Stress and Resilience: How Toxic Stress Affects Us, and What We Can Do About It: Identifies what toxic stress is, how it can affect a parent and what a parent can do—both individually and in connection with his/her community to deal with what they are experiencing. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/stress-and-resilience-how-toxic-stress-affects-us-and-what-we-can-do-about-it/ | 3:52 | ©2019 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. | F7 Practitioners work with family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family identified outcomes for goals. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2017). Supporting Children by Improving Family Outcomes [Video]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/eco/pages/videos-supporting.asp | Supporting Children By Improving Family Outcomes: Family outcomes are reviewed including families understanding their children's strengths, abilities, and needs; helping their children develop and learn; understanding their rights and advocate effectively for their child; having support systems; and accessing desired services, programs, and activities in their community. The DEC Family Recommended Practices are referenced. Families talk about their experience in early intervention and how it has contributed to their confidence and ability to support their child develop and learn. | The Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy), The Early Childhood Technical Center (ECTA), and Desired Results Access Project Napa County Office of Education | https://ectacenter.org/eco/pages/videos-supporting.asp | 13:18 | March 1, 2017 | Birth-5 Years | Home Visit - Other | n/a | 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. | F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths. F6 Practitioners engage in opportunities that support and strengthen parenting knowledge and skills and parenting competence and confidence in ways that are flexible, individualized, and tailored to the family's preferences. F7 Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes and goals. F9 Practitioners help families know and understand their rights. | ||
Families/Professionalism | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention/Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. (n.d.). Supporting Family Leaders [Video library]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/topics/familyeng/supportingfamilyleaders.asp | Supporting Family Leaders: Three parents share their experiences of becoming advocates for their child, as well as advocating for others. They describe their individual journeys of becoming leaders and joining various councils. | The Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center | https://ectacenter.org/topics/familyeng/supportingfamilyleaders.asp | varies | Date unknown | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. | F10 Practitioners inform families about leadership and advocacy skill-building opportunities and encourage those who are interested to participate. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L., Woods, J., & Seuntjens, J. (Producers). (2020). Supporting Grayson's Family[Video]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/ti-service.asp?_sm_au_=iQVVqFmkJJp5fBBmBLQtvK7BJGKjp#grayson-c | Supporting Grayson’s Family: Grayson’s parents, Niki, and Matt, describe their experience with mobile coaching from their initial reluctance to their wholehearted acceptance of the approach with their EI provider Jenny. This short video shares their family’s story and focuses on how the pandemic impacted their lives and their supports to their family including Grayson. | Iowa Department of Education, Early ACCESS, The Communication and Early Childhood Research and Practice Center (CEC-RAP) | https://ectacenter.org/topics/disaster/ti-service.asp?_sm_au_=iQVVqFmkJJp5fBBmBLQtvK7BJGKjp#grayson-c | 10:34 | ©2020 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Developmental Therapist | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS5 Practitioners embed instruction within and across routines, activities, and environments to provide contextually relevant learning opportunities. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | West, T., Winton, P., & Kozlowski, J. (2018 February 20). [Webinar]. Supporting Interactions for Children with Disabilities or Suspected Delays [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/supporting-interactions-children-disabilities-or-suspected-delays | Supporting Interactions for Children with Disabilities or Suspected Delays: Review (1) the importance of knowing about using evidence-based practices that support inclusion; (2) the specific evidence-based practices for enhancing children's interactions with adults and peers; and (3) where to access free professional development resources. | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/supporting-interactions-children-disabilities-or-suspected-delays | 1:01:42 | 20-Feb-18 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS5 Practitioners embed instruction within and across routines, activities, and environments to provide contextually relevant learning opportunities. INS6 Practitioners use systematic instructional strategies with fidelity to teach skills and promote child engagement and learning. INS8 Practitioners use peer-mediated intervention to teach skills and to promote child engagement and learning. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development/ Toxic Stress and Trauma | Pyramid Model. (2021 March 23). Supporting our Youngest Learners: Trauma, Mental Health Concerns, & Social Emotional Wellness [Video]. National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATwKT4MZp48 | Supporting our Youngest Learners: Trauma, Mental Health Concerns, & Social Emotional Wellness: Describes the impact of COVID-19 and potential impact on children's social emotional wellness. The video provides guidance on pivotal practices that can promote social emotional skill development and how programs can use a trauma -informed care approach. | National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATwKT4MZp48 | 9:15 | Uploaded March 23, 2021 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.4 Candidates promote young children's social and emotional competence and communication, and proactively plan and implement function-based interventions to prevent and address challenging behaviors. | INTI Practitioners promote the child's social-emotional development by observing, interpreting, and responding contingently to the range of the child's emotional expressions. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | Puckett Institute. (n.d.). Supporting Your Child's Learning [Video]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. https://ectacenter.org/decrp/topic-environment.asp | Supporting Your Child's Learning: Illustrates children being active participants in everyday activities with the support of assistive technology. | Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center | https://ectacenter.org/decrp/topic-environment.asp | 1:59 | July 5, 2017 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Professionalism | Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Arizona K12 Center at North Arizona University. (2016, March 15). Teaching Leadership in Action: Leading in Advocacy [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4QzvcxNQVg | Teacher Leadership in Action: Leading in Advocacy: In this video you will see National Board-Certified Teacher, Beth Maloney, using her voice to advocate for the profession and students. Learn more about how Beth advocates for the profession and Arizona’s students at the school, district, state, and national levels. | Arizona K12 Center at North Arizona University | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4QzvcxNQVg | 3:59 | March 15, 2016 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision making. | L5 Leaders advocate for policies and resources that promote the implementation of the DEC Position Statements and Papers and the DEC Recommended Practices. | ||
Development/Families | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning/Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2015). Team Lydia Rose: Supporting Inclusion Every Day In Every Way [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://draccess.org/videolibrary/HarperHope | Team Lydia Rose: Supporting Inclusion Every Day In Every Way: Video 1 of 2: Lydia Rose's experience illustrates a range of topics including inclusion, collaboration and teamwork between general and special educators, family-centered early intervention in natural environments, coaching, embedded instruction, family leadership, and more. | Desired Results Access Project Napa County Office of Education | https://draccess.org/videolibrary/TeamLydiaRose | 16:18 | January 29, 2015 | Birth-3 | Home & Early Care Setting | Teacher | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, and objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. | F7 Practitioners work with the family to identify, access, and use formal and informal resources and supports to achieve family-identified outcomes for goals. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Families/ Collaborating and Teaming with Others | EITP Illinois. (2010, October 1). The "IFSP" Video [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLgbOeEEaRM | The "IFSP" Video: An example of an IFSP meeting that does not align with IDEA, EI/ESCE Standards or DEC RPs. Review of what should not take place is discussed. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) and Illinois Department of Human Services | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLgbOeEEaRM | 6:41 | Uploaded October 1, 2010 | Birth-3 | Early Care Setting | Interdisciplinary Team | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and support the various transitions that occur for the young child and their family throughout the birth through 8 age span. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Development/Professionalism | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support and Constrain Development and Learning /Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2016). The Case for Science-Based Innovation in Early Childhood [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/the-case-for-science-based-innovation-in-early-childhood/ | The Case for Science-Based Innovation in Early Childhood: Describes the mission of the Center on the Developing Child and its vision for using science to innovate in the early childhood field and fundamentally change the lives of children facing adversity. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/the-case-for-science-based-innovation-in-early-childhood/ | 3:00 | March 30, 2016 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | L3 Leaders develop and implement policies, structures, and practices that promote shared decision making with practitioners and families. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Department of Education and Training, Victoria. (2016, July 18). The Ecological Model of Child Learning and Development [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7VMo51xRTA | The Ecological Model of Child Learning and Development: Brief explanation of Uri Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory. | Department of Education and Training, Victoria | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7VMo51xRTA | 2:40 | July 18, 2016 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact of different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. | |||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Exceptional Children's Assistance Center. [ECACorg]. (2011, October 30). The IEP Team Process: Chapter 1 - IDEA and IEPs [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSm3wOjkkVw | The IEP Team Process: Chapter 1 – IDEA and IEPs: An introduction for families to Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), FAPE, and other aspects of IDEA (2004). | Exceptional Children's Assistance Center | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSm3wOjkkVw | 4:20 | October 30, 2011 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development/Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | Kuhl, P. (2010, October). [TEDxRainier]. Kuhl: The Linguistic Genius of Babies [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/patricia_kuhl_the_linguistic_genius_of_babies?language=en#t-3461 | The Linguistic Genius of Babies: Patricia Kuhl shares astonishing findings about how babies learn one language over another -- by listening to the humans around them and "taking statistics" on the sounds they need to know. Clever lab experiments (and brain scans) show how 6-month-old babies use sophisticated reasoning to understand their world. | TED | https://www.ted.com/talks/patricia_kuhl_the_linguistic_genius_of_babies?language=en | 10:00 | Uploaded October 2010 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' cultural and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across context. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Professionalism | Diversity and Equity Cultural Competence | Adelman, L. (Producer). (2017). The Raising of America: Early Childhood and the Future of our Nation[Video]. California Newsreel & Vital Pictures. https://raisingofamerica.org/trailer-raising-america-11-min | The Raising of America: Early Childhood and the Future of our Nation: This video raises questions about U.S. policies and social structures that impact children and families and advocates for early childhood education and intervention as services that can positively impact outcomes for children and families. | Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | https://raisingofamerica.org/trailer-raising-america-11-min | 11:00 | 2017 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 7.1 Candidates engage with the profession of EI/ECSE by participating in local, regional, national, and/or international activities and professional organizations. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skill sin advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession including the promotion of and use of evidenced-based practices and decision-making. | L5 Leaders advocate for policies and resources that promote the implementation of the DEC Position Statements and Papers and the DEC Recommended Practices. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | George Kalarritis, Clinical Psychologist. (2016, December 29). The Secret Life of the Brain (1 to 5) The Baby's Brain [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0L0mYi_ftc | The Secret Life of the Brain (1 of 5) The Baby's Brain (2002): Experts describe the fascinating development of a baby's brain in the first year of life. | PBS | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0L0mYi_ftc | 54:28 | Uploaded December 29, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2. Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families’ social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child’s development and learning across contexts. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | George Kalarritis, Clinical Psychologist. (2016, December 29). The Secret Life of the Brain (2 to 5) The Childs Brain [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK4NhmY5bK0 | The Secret Life of the Brain (2 of 5) The Child's Brain (2002): Experts describe the fascinating development of a child's brain until adolescence. | PBS | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK4NhmY5bK0 | 53:57 | Uploaded December 29, 2016 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.2. Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families’ social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child’s development and learning across contexts. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction / Professionalism | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices/Inclusion/ Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | NITVShorts. (2020 November 20). The Silent Child- Oscar Winning Short Film [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GbxFIVQv8c | The Silent Child - Oscar Winning Short Film: A deaf 6-year-old girl named Libby lives in a world of silence until a caring teacher gives her the gift of communication. | NITVShorts | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GbxFIVQv8c | 20:03 | Uploaded November 20, 2020 | Childhood | Home & Early Care Setting | Other | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Development/ Families/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Influences that Support or Constrain Development/Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention/ Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | NITV Shorts. (2020 November 20). The Silent Child - Oscar Winning Short Film [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GbxFIVQv8c | The Silent Child — Oscar® Winning Short Film: A deaf 6-year-old girl named Libby lives in a world of silence until a caring teacher gives her the gift of communication. | NITVShorts | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GbxFIVQv8c | 20:03 | Uploaded November 20, 2020 | Childhood | n/a | Other | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction.5.1 Candidates collaborate with families and other professionals in identifying evidence-based curriculum addressing developmental and content domains to design and facilitate meaningful and culturally responsive learning experiences that support the unique abilities and needs of all children and families. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. INS2 Practitioners, with the family, identify skills to target for instruction that help a child become adaptive, competent, socially connected, and engaged and that promote learning in natural and inclusive environments. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support and Constrain Development and Learning | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2011). Three Core Conceptions in Early Development: Video 1: Experiences Build Brain Architecture [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/serve-return-interaction-shapes-brain-circuitry/ | Three Core Concepts in Early Development: Video 1: Experiences Build Brain Architecture: Describes the basic architecture of the brain and how it is constructed through a process that begins early in life and continues into adulthood. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/serve-return-interaction-shapes-brain-circuitry/ | 1:56 | September 29, 2011 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support and Constrain Development and Learning | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2011). Three Core Conceptions in Early Development: Video 2: Serve & Return Interaction Shapes Brain Circuitry [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/serve-return-interaction-shapes-brain-circuitry/ | Three Core Concepts in Early Development: Video 2: Serve & Return Interaction Shapes Brain Circuitry: Describes one of the most essential experiences in shaping the architecture of the developing brain is “serve and return” interaction between children and significant adults in their lives. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/serve-return-interaction-shapes-brain-circuitry/ | 1:42 | September 29, 2011 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development/ Influences that Support and Constrain Development and Learning | National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2011). Three Core Conceptions de Early Development: Video 3: Toxic & Stress Derails Healthy Development [Video]. Center for the Developing Child Harvard University. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/toxic-stress-derails-healthy-development/ | Three Core Concepts in Early Development: Video 3: Toxic Stress Derails Healthy Development: Describes how without caring adults to buffer children, the unrelenting stress caused by extreme poverty, neglect, abuse, or severe maternal depression can weaken the architecture of the developing brain, with long-term consequences for learning, behavior, and both physical and mental health. | Center for the Developing Child Harvard University | https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/toxic-stress-derails-healthy-development/ | 1:51 | September 29, 2011 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.2 Candidates apply knowledge of normative sequences of early development, individual differences, and families' social, cultural, and linguistic diversity to support each child's development and learning across contexts. 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. | |||
Development/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Disability Specific/Presuming Competence | Patel, S. & Irwin, E. (Producers). (2017). Three Ways Teachers Can Support Kids with Autism [Video]. Education Week. https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/video-three-ways-teachers-can-support-kids-with-autism/2017/04 | Three Ways Teachers Can Support Kids With Autism: With the backdrop of Julia, a muppet with autism from sesame workshop, Laura Anthony, a clinical psychologist describes three strategies to support children with autism. | Education Week | https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/video-three-ways-teachers-can-support-kids-with-autism/2017/04 | 4:18 | April 10, 2017 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.4: Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children’s early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 6.6: Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS1 Practitioners, with the family, identify each child's strengths, preferences, and interests to engage the child in active learning. | ||
Development/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | ThroughChildsEyes. (2011, February 5). Through Your Child's Eyes: American Sign Language [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV69iJuXwP4 | Through Your Child’s Eyes: American Sign Language: Parents and professionals discuss their use of American Sign Language with children beginning in infancy and the benefits of this alternative communication system. | California State University, Northridge & California Department of Education | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV69iJuXwP4&feature=emb_logo | 13:16 | Febuary 5, 2011 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS2 Practitioners, with the family, identify skills to target for instruction that help a child become adaptive, competent, socially connected, and engaged and that promote learning in natural and inclusive environments. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology. (n.d.). Tongue-tie in Infants and Young Children [Video]. HealthyChildren.org. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/oral-health/Pages/Tongue-Tie-Infants-Young-Children.aspx | Tongue-tie in Infants and Young Children: Up to 10% of the population has some form of tongue-tie (ankyloglossia, tight frenulum). Anna K. Meyer, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatric Otolaryngology at the University of California in San Francisco, explains why it is important to talk with your doctor if your child's feeding, speech development, or oral health are compromised due to tongue-tie. | HealthyChildren.org | https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/oral-health/Pages/Tongue-Tie-Infants-Young-Children.aspx | 4:16 | Febuary 7, 2017 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | |||
Development/ Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Disability Specific / Influences that Support or Constrain Learning and Development / Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Pathways.org. (2011). Torticollis: The Importance of Tummy Time [Video]. Pathways.org. https://pathways.org/watch/torticollis-and-the-importance-of-tummy-time-meet-jonathan/ | Torticollis: The Importance of Tummy Time: Illustrates Jonathan’s journey through pediatric physical therapy to help improve his positional torticollis. Signs such as a head tilt, not reaching his 3 month milestone of lifting his head up, and loose tone led to the early detection of positional torticollis in Jonathon. After physical therapy sessions and therapy done at home his posture, motor development and balance improved. | Pathways.org | https://pathways.org/watch/torticollis-and-the-importance-of-tummy-time-meet-jonathan/ | 4:23 | ©2011 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Other | Physical Therapist | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within an across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | A8 Practitioners use clinical reasoning in addition to assessment results to identify the child's current levels of functioning and to determine the child's eligibility and plan for instruction. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/Collaboration and Teaming with Others | EITP Illinois. (2016, February 8). Transition from Early Intervention to Early Childhood: What do I need to know? [Webinar]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/irrfIQTZGxk?list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | Transition from Early Intervention to Early Childhood: What do I need to know?: Webinar explores Part C and Part B of IDEA 2004 with emphasis on transition, evaluation, and eligibility; strategies that facilitate successful transitions; and strategies to support families through the transition from early intervention. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) | https://youtu.be/irrfIQTZGxk?list=PL7F9l-VZdRS8in345ayGuQ8pr6RDGT8L1 | 1:17:41 | Uploaded February 8, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 2.3 Candidate engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition process. 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and supports various transitions that occur for the young child and their family through the birth through 8 age span. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision making. | TR1 Practitioners in sending and receiving programs exchange information before, during, and after transition about practices most likely to support the child's successful adjustment and positive outcomes. TR2 Practitioners use a variety of planned and timely strategies with the child and family before, during, and after the transition to support successful adjustment and positive outcomes for both the child and family. | Begin at 5:55 | |
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/Collaboration and Teaming with Others | The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. (Producer). (n.d.). Transitions: A Community Perspective on Transitioning into Kindergarten [Video]. Head Start Early Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/transitions-community-perspective-transitioning-kindergarten | Transitions: A Community Perspective on Transitioning into Kindergarten: Transition to kindergarten strategies by each collaborative partner are highlighted. Head Start educators work with receiving schools to understand school readiness and alignment between the program and kindergarten. The perspectives of parents, children, teachers, program coordinator, principal, and superintendent are presented. | Head Start - Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/video/transitions-community-perspective-transitioning-kindergarten | 12:56 | last updated March 19, 2019 | Childhood | Early Care Setting | n/a | 3.3 Candidates partner with families and other professionals to develop individualized plans and supports various transitions that occur for the young child and their family through the birth through 8 age span. | TR1 Practitioners in sending and receiving programs exchange information before, during, and after transition about practices most likely to support the child's successful adjustment and positive outcomes. TR2 Practitioners use a variety of planned and timely strategies with the child and family before, during, and after the transition to support successful adjustment and positive outcomes for both the child and family. | ||
Development/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Embler, D. (Director). (2008). Tune In: Responsiveness Interaction Style [Video]. The Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute. http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | Tune In: Responsiveness Interaction Style: Research tells us that an adult caregiver’s responsive interaction style benefits the early development of babies and young children, including children with disabilities or developmental delays. Three characteristics of a “tuned-in” adult-child interaction style are illustrated. | The Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute | http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | 6:42 | ©2008 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | |||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Center for Applied Special Technology. (2015). UDL to Change the World [Video]. Center for Applied Special Technology. https://www.cast.org/impact/universal-design-for-learning-udl#:~:text=UDL%20to%20Change%20the%20World%20CAST%20created%20the,in%20the%20implementation%20of%20Universal%20Design%20for%20Learning. | UDL to Change the World: UDL practitioners from across the world about briefly discuss how they use the Universal Design for Learning framework to empower all learners, including themselves. | Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) | https://www.cast.org/impact/universal-design-for-learning-udl#:~:text=UDL%20to%20Change%20the%20World%20CAST%20created%20the,in%20the%20implementation%20of%20Universal%20Design%20for%20Learning. | 1:03 | ©2015 | Childhood | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments | E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Development/Professionalism | Influences that Support or Constrain Development /Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | TEDx Talks. (2016 March 11). Under the Table - The Importance of Presuming Competence [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGptAXTV7m0 | Under the Table - The Importance of Presuming Competence: Shelley Moore shares a story of how our assumptions influence not only how we act, but how we treat others. Diversity is a strength, and to truly move inclusion forward, presuming competence is essential. Although, Shelley's story is of a school-aged child, her message is very relevant to individuals of all ages. | TEDx Talks | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGptAXTV7m0 | 15:11 | Uploaded March 11, 2016 | Lifespan | n/a | Teacher | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | A4 Practitioners conduct assessments that include all areas of development and behavior to learn about the child’s strengths, needs, preferences, and interests. INS1 Practitioners, with the family, identify each child's strengths, preferences, and interests to engage the child in active learning. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Early CHOICES. (2020 November 24). Understanding and Supporting Transitions: 4 Strategies to Try Today! [Webinar]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euEwVa8i5DY | Understanding and Supporting Transitions: 4 Strategies to Try Today!: Describes why everyday transitions can be challenging for young children and provides strategies to use to make them go more smoothly. | Early Choices | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euEwVa8i5DY | 4:18 | Uploaded November 24, 2020 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 6.3: Candidates engage in ongoing planning and use flexible and embedded instructional and environmental arrangements and appropriate materials to support the use of interactions, interventions, and instruction addressing developmental and academic content domains, which are adapted to meet the needs of each and every child and their family. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning / Toxic Stress | Office of Head Start. (n.d.). Understanding Stress and Resilience in Young Children [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/mental-health/article/understanding-stress-resilience-young-children-video-series | Understanding Stress and resilience in Young Children: Head Start Staff: Reviews the ACES study, importance of reducing the adversity that children are experiencing today, and the correlation between childhood adversity and behavior concerns. | Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) | https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/mental-health/article/understanding-stress-resilience-young-children-video-series | 7:54 | Page last updated July 20, 2020 | Birth-5 | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction.6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. 7.3 Candidates exhibit leadership skills in advocating for improved outcomes for young children, families, and the profession, including the promotion of and use of evidence-based practices and decision-making. | A6 Practitioners use a variety of methods, including observation and interviews, to gather assessment information from multiple sources, including the child's family and other significant individuals in the child's life. INS9 Practitioners use functional assessment and related prevention, promotion, and intervention strategies across environments to prevent and address challenging behavior. | ||
Development | Influences that Support or Constrain Development and Learning | EITP Illinois. (2018, March 20). Understanding the Neurocognitive Effects and Developmental Outcomes of Low-Level Lead Toxicity [Webinar]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/QGzgb6fz-i0 | Understanding the Neurocognitive Effects and Developmental Outcomes of Low-Level Lead Toxicity: Webinar reviews how lead exposure occurs and methods of prevention; the developmental implications and long term impact of lead exposure for children; and the role of Early Intervention and strategies to be implemented in improving outcomes for children who have been exposed to lead. | Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois (EITP Illinois) and The University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital | https://youtu.be/QGzgb6fz-i0 | 56:19 | Uploaded March 20, 2018 | Birth-5 Years | n/a | n/a | 1.3 Candidates apply knowledge of biological and environmental factors that may support or constrain children's early development and learning as they plan and implement early intervention and instruction. 1.4 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of characteristics, etiologies, and individual differences within and across the range of abilities, including developmental delays and disabilities, their potential impact on children's early development and learning, and implications for assessment, curriculum, instruction, and intervention. | A8 Practitioners use clinical reasoning in addition to assessment results to identify the child's current levels of functioning and to determine the child's eligibility and plan for instruction. | This webinar focuses on national data and data specific to Illinois; however, the content is pertinent to a broader audience. | |
Development | Early Learning and Development | Jankie695Corolla. (2014, March 12). Urie Brofenbrenner Ecological Theory [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5htRhvm4iyI | Urie Bronfenbrenner Ecological Theory: Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory is reviewed in the context of child development. Environmental and societal influences impacting child development are explained. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5htRhvm4iyI | 6:02 | Uploaded March 12, 2014 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact of different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. | ||||
Assessment | Authentic Assessment | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2016) Using Child Assessment Data to Achieve Positive Outcomes [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_UsingTechnology | Using Child Assessment Data to Achieve Positive Outcomes: Administrators and teachers illustrate how they use authentic child assessment data to: (1) inform funders, (2) inform classroom instruction (begins at 5:15), (3) meet the needs of individual children (begins at 7:15 and again at 12:18), (4) share with families (begins at 8:55), and (5) supports teachers (begins at 10:28). | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_UsingTechnology | 14:20 | ©2016 | Birth-5 | Early Care Setting | n/a | 4.4 Candidates in collaboration with families and other team members, use assessment data to determine eligibility, develop child and family-based outcomes/goals, plan for interventions and instruction, and monitor progress to determine efficacy of programming. 6.7 Candidates plan for adapt, and improve approaches to interaction, intervention, and instruction based on multiple sources of data across a range of natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS3 Practitioners gather and use data to inform decisions about individualized instruction. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/Collaboration and Teaming with Others | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2016, October 6). Using Coaching Strategies to Engage With Families in an Early Intervention Context [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJvriZEZfkI | Using Coaching Strategies to Engage With Families in an Early Intervention Context: Overview of federal regulations, ECTA Center key principals and ASHA guidelines in relation to service delivery. Review of coaching elements and strategies to support practitioners team with families and other individuals that are meaningful in children's lives. A home visit is shared where the practitioner implements some of the coaching strategies with a mom. | American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJvriZEZfkI | 33:01 | Uploaded October 6, 2016 | Birth-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | INS 13: Practitioners use coaching or consultation strategies with primary caregivers or other adults to facilitate positive adult-child interactions and instruction intentionally. | ||
Assessment | Authentic Assessment | Edelman, L. & Ager, B. (Producers). (2011). Using iPod Touch and Dragon Dictation to Record Observation Notes [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_UsingTechnology | Using iPod Touch and Dragon Dictation to Record Observation Notes: Illustrates how early care and education providers can use the free Dragon Dictation app on the iPod Touch to document observation notes. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_UsingTechnology | 3:15 | ©2011 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 4.2 Candidates develop and administer informal assessments and/or select and use valid, reliable formal assessments using evidence-based practices, including technology, in partnership with families, and other professionals. | A6 Practitioners use a variety of methods, including observation and interviews, to gather assessment information from multiple sources, including the child's family and other significant individuals in a child's life. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Accommodations and Adaptations | StepUpAT Project. (2019, August 21). Using Switches to Facilitate Environmental Access [Video].YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZg4FerUS_A | Using Switches to Facilitate Environmental Access: Children use switch adapted toys within an early childhood setting while the narrator discusses the importance of switch adapted toys in supporting children's play, play with peers, and skill building. | University of Miami - StepUpAT Project | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZg4FerUS_A | 1:05 | Uploaded August 21, 2019 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Other | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Assessment | Authentic Assessment | Colorado Department of Education. (2011). Using the iPod Touch and iPhone to Record Video and Photographic Documentation [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO-UZMif0j4 | Using the iPod Touch and iPhone to Record Video and Photographic Documentation: Three teachers discuss and illustrate how they use the iPhone and iPod Touch to record, watch, and share video and photographs as part of child observation. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO-UZMif0j4 | 3:53 | ©2011 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 4.2 Candidates develop and administer informal assessments and/or select and use valid, reliable formal assessments using evidence-based practices, including technology, in partnership with families, and other professionals. | A6 Practitioners use a variety of methods, including observation and interviews, to gather assessment information from multiple sources, including the child's family and other significant individuals in a child's life. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2020). Using the SSOOPPRR: Guiding Home Visiting During the COVID-19 Pandemic [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/402638736/2a3ad8b5af | Using the SSOOPPRR: Guiding Home Visiting During the COVID-19 Pandemic: In this video, mobile coaching using the SS-OO-PP-RR framework for guiding home visits is discussed. Led by Larry Edelman, Jenny Seuntjens and Juliann Woods address the importance of supporting families during the COVID-19 pandemic. | The Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center | https://vimeo.com/402638736/2a3ad8b5af | 13:29 | April 2, 2020 | Birth-3 | n/a | Other | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | |||
Families/Assessment | Family Centered-Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention/ Authentic Assessment | Edelman, L., Klish Fibbe, M., & and Johnson Eigsti, H. (Producers). (2009) Using Video for Really Watching [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | Using Video for Really Watching: Early Interventionist Megan Klish Fibbe demonstrates how the use of video can help providers observe infants and toddlers and observe family strengths. | Colorado Department of Education – Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | 1:52 | ©2009 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Physical Therapist | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes.4.2 Candidates develop and administer informal assessments and/or select and use valid, reliable formal assessments using evidence-based practices, including technology, in partnership with families, and other professionals. | F6 Practitioners engage the family in opportunities that support and strengthen parenting knowledge and skills and parenting competence and confidence in ways that are flexible, individualized, and tailored to the family’s preferences. A6 Practitioners use a variety of methods, including observation and interviews, to gather assessment information from multiple sources, including the child's family and other significant individuals in a child's life. | ||
Professionalism | Self-Reflection | Edelman, L., Klish Fibbe, M., & and Johnson Eigsti, H. (Producers). (2009) Using Video for Self-Reflection [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | Using Video for Self-Reflection: Megan Klish Fibbe, a physical therapist, shares her experience of using video to reflect on her interactions with a family during a home visit. Viewing the video was an opportunity for self-reflection and change. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | 1:41 | ©2009 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Physical Therapist | 7.2 Candidates engage in ongoing reflective practice and access evidence-based information to improve their own practice. | L9 Leaders develop and implement an evidence-based professional development system or approach that provides practitioners a variety of supports to ensure they have the knowledge and skills needed to implement the DEC Recommended Practices. | ||
Teaming/Professionalism | Collaborating and Teaming with Others/Self-Reflection | Edelman, L. Brungard, T., Perez, C. & Ager, B. (Producers). (2011). Using Video Reflection and Coaching at SD27J [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/usingvideoforreflectionandcoachingatsd27jpreschool-player | Using Video Reflection and Coaching at SD27J Preschool: Description of how video is used for self-reflection and coaching at a Preschool in Brighton, CO. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/usingvideoforreflectionandcoachingatsd27jpreschool-player | 5:48 | ©2011 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. 7.2 Candidates engage in ongoing reflective practice and access evidence-based information to improve their own practice. | TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. L9 Leaders develop and implement an evidence-based professional development system or approach that provides practitioners a variety of supports to ensure they have the knowledge and skills needed to implement the DEC Recommended Practices. | ||
Teaming | Collaborating and Teaming with Families | Edelman, L. (2017). Using Video Technology to Enhance Coaching in Early Intervention [Video]. Center for Development and Disability, University of New Mexico. http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.htmlhttp://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | Using Video Technology To Enhance Coaching In Early Intervention: lustrates early intervention practitioners video record their home visits, post the videos to a private video sharing and collaboration platform, and receive coaching on their application of new practices. | Center for Development and Disability, University of New Mexico | http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | 6:37 | January 9, 2018 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Other | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. | TC2 Practitioners and families work together as a team to systematically and regularly exchange expertise, knowledge, and information to build team capacity and jointly solve problems, plan, and implement intervention. | ||
Families/Assessment | Family Centered-Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention/ Authentic Assessment | Edelman, L., Klish Fibbe, M., & and Johnson Eigsti, H. (Producers). (2009) Using Video to Celebrate Progress [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | Using Video to Celebrate Progress: Physical Therapist Megan Klish Fibbe shows how video can support families by highlighting family strengths and child progress. | Colorado Department of Education - Results Matter Video Library | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | 2:09 | ©2009 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Physical Therapist | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes4.3 Candidates analyze, interpret, document and share assessment information using a strength-based approach with families and other professionals. | F6 Practitioners engage the family in opportunities that support and strengthen parenting knowledge and skills and parenting competence and confidence in ways that are flexible, individualized, and tailored to the family’s preferences. A10 Practitioners use assessment tools with sufficient sensitivity to detect child progress, especially for the child with significant support needs. | ||
Teaming/Professionalism | Collaboration and Teaming with Families/Reflective Practice/Self-Reflection | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2016). Using Video to Enhance Family Support and Reflective Practice [Video]. University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability. http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | Using Video to Enhance Family Support and Reflective Practice: An early intervention practitioner discusses how she used video to enhance services she provided to a family and reflect on her practices. | University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability | http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | 5:49 | April 12, 2016 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Other | Developmental Therapist | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. 7.2 Candidates engage in ongoing reflective practice and access evidence-based information to improve their own practice. | INS13 Practitioners use coaching or consultation strategies with primary caregivers or other adults to facilitate positive adult-child interactions and instruction intentionally designed to promote child learning and development. | ||
Families/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L., Klish Fibbe, M., & and Johnson Eigsti, H. (Producers). (2009) Using Video to Share with Family Members [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | Using Video to Share with Family Members: A physical therapist, mom, and child demonstrate how the use of video enhances the time that they have together in a session, as well as for sharing with other family members. The use of video is another way of demonstrating to parents their strengths in working with their child. | Results Matter, Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_EarlyIntervention | 3:26 | ©2009 | Birth-3 | Home Visit - Home | Physical Therapist | 2.1 Candidates apply their knowledge of family-centered practices, family systems theory, and the changing needs and priorities in families 'lives to develop trusting, respectful, affirming, and culturally responsive partnerships with all families that allow for the mutual exchange of knowledge and information. 6.7 Candidates plan for, adapt, and improve approaches to interaction, intervention, and instruction based on multiple sources of data across a range of natural environments and inclusive settings | |||
Teaming/Professionalism | Collaboration and Teaming with Others/Reflective Practice/Self-Reflection | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2016). Using Video, Self-Reflection, and Coaching to Enhance Early Intervention Services [Video]. University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability. http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | Using Video, Self-Reflection, and Coaching to Enhance Early Intervention Services: This video illustrates how an early intervention program in New Mexico uses video, self-reflection, coaching of practitioners, and coaching of coaches to support their practitioners to use a more routines-based and coaching approach to better support families. | University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability | http://www.cdd.unm.edu/early-childhood-programs/early-childhood-learning-network/family-infant-toddler-program-training/video-library.html | 15:09 | November 15, 2016 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | n/a | 3.2 Candidates use a variety of collaborative strategies when working with other adults that are evidence-based, appropriate to the task, culturally and linguistically responsive, and take into consideration the environment and service delivery approach. 7.2 Candidates engage in ongoing reflective practice and access evidence-based information to improve their own practice. | INS13 Practitioners use coaching or consultation strategies with primary caregivers or other adults to facilitate positive adult-child interactions and instruction intentionally designed to promote child learning and development. | ||
Families/Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention/Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L., Henry, BJ., Jones, S., Popich, B., Smith, Bev. & Weatherson, H. (Producers). (2016). Video #2: Using Video to Enhance Play, Communication, and Relationships [Video]. Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn9D3xnxSew | Video #2: Using Video to Enhance Play, Communication, and Relationships: Aimee, a developmental specialist, illustrates how she shares video that she recorded at a previous home visit with Amanda, Autumn’s mother, for reflection and planning. Both Aimee and Amanda describe the benefits of watching and reflecting on the videos. | Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn9D3xnxSew | 4:20 | May 11, 2016 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | Developmental Therapist | 2.3 Candidates engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child’s development and learning; and promote families’ competence and confidence during assessment, individualized planning, intervention, instruction, and transition processes. 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. 6.2 Candidates engage in reciprocal partnerships with families and other professionals to facilitate responsive adult-child interactions, interventions, and instruction in support of child learning and development. | F4 Practitioners and the family work together to create outcomes or goals, develop individualized plans, and implement practices that address the family's priorities and concerns and the child's strengths and needs. F5 Practitioners support family functioning, promote family confidence and competence, and strengthen family-child relationships by acting in ways that recognize and build on family strengths and capacities. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Edelman, L., Henry, BJ., Jones, S., Popich, B., Smith, Bev. & Weatherson, H. (Producers). (2016). Video #3: Using Instant Messaging and Video for Just-In-Time Support [Video]. Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q_Ts4fmCnk | Video #3 Using Instant Messaging and Video for Just-In-Time Support: Lauren, a parent, and Ginger, her daughter’s speech-language pathologist, illustrate how Lauren shares video with Ginger via text messaging for “just-in-time” feedback and coaching. | Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q_Ts4fmCnk | 4:30 | May 11, 2016 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | Speech & Language Therapist | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, an instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS3 Practitioners gather and use data to inform decisions about individualized instruction. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Others/Collaboration and Teaming with Families | Edelman, L., Henry, BJ., Jones, S., Popich, B., Smith, Bev. & Weatherson, H. (Producers). (2016). Video #4: Using Video and Video Conferencing to Enable Team Meetings over Distances [Video]. Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl7sCZG9F9M | Video #4: Using Video and Video Conferencing to Enable Team Meetings over Distances: This video illustrates several ways that video and video conferencing are being used to enhance supports for families and team functioning. | Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl7sCZG9F9M | 6:35 | May 11, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | Interdisciplinary Team | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. | ||
Teaming | Collaboration and Teaming with Others | Edelman, L., Henry, BJ., Jones, S., Popich, B., Smith, Bev. & Weatherson, H. (Producers). (2016). Video #5: Using FaceTime to Enhance Team Collaboration [Video]. Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP4Ysbbvt_E | Video #5: Using FaceTime to Enhance Team Collaboration: Kate, a physical therapist, and Lori, a developmental specialist, illustrate how video conferencing is being used to help practitioners who work in different locations better collaborate to support families. | Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP4Ysbbvt_E | 4:50 | February 12, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | Interdisciplinary Team | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. | TC1 Practitioners representing multiple disciplines and families work together as a team to plan and implement supports and services to meet the unique needs of each child and family. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2016). Video #6: A Virtual Co-visit with Liam's Family [Video]. Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd8FvvZnrVM | Video #6 A Virtual Home Visit with Liam’s Family: This video illustrates how Jaime, a speech-language pathologist, makes a virtual home visit from her office to join Beth, her son Liam, and Peggy, a developmental specialist. | Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zd8FvvZnrVM | 5:51 | February 12, 2016 | 3-5 Years | Home Setting | Speech and Language Pathologist | 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Edelman, L. (Producer). (2016). Video #7: A Virtual Co-visit with Straton's Family [Video]. Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK_Yw1cyJ-Q | Video #7 A Virtual Co-Visit with Straton’s Family: This video illustrates how Kate, a physical therapist, makes a virtual home visit from her office to join Tammy, her son Straton, and Peggy, a developmental specialist. | Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK_Yw1cyJ-Q | 18:24 | April 28, 2016 | Birth-3 | Home Setting | Developmental Therapist | 3.1 Candidates apply teaming models, skills, and processes, including appropriate uses of technology, when collaborating and communicating with families; professionals representing multiple disciplines, skills, expertise, and roles; and community partners and agencies. 6.6 Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. | ||
Professionalism | Reflective Practice | Edelman, L., Henry, BJ., Jones, S., Popich, B., Smith, Bev. & Weatherson, H. (Producers). (2016). Video #8 Using Video as a Foundation for Reflective Supervision [Video]. Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JER__EAu-Vg | Video #8: Using Video as a Foundation for Reflective Supervision: Jaime, a speech-language pathologist, and BJ, her supervisor, illustrate how they use video as a foundation for reflective supervision. BJ and Jaime review and reflect on a video that Jaime shared of a virtual home visit to better support Jaime’s coaching practices. | Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JER__EAu-Vg | 5:50 | May 11, 2016 | Birth-3 | n/a | Speech & Language Therapist | 7.2 Candidates engage in ongoing reflective practice and access evidence-based information to improve their own practice. | L9 Leaders develop and implement an evidence-based professional development system or approach that provides practitioners a variety of supports to ensure they have the knowledge and skills needed to implement the DEC Recommended Practices. | ||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Esquenopuedo Contigo. (2016, January 15). Vygotsky vs Piaget [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMchQteVj98 | Vygotsky vs Piaget: “Vygotsky and Piaget” discuss some of the major differences in their theories of development. | xtranormal | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMchQteVj98 | 1:58 | Uploaded January 15, 2016 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact of different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Sprouts. (2020, February 28). Vygotsky's Theory of Cognitive Development: How Relationships Increase Learning[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I2hrSRbmHE | Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development: How Relationships Increase Learning: Vygotsky’s Theory of Social Development argues that community and language play a central part in learning. Vygotsky believed that children develop independently of specific stages because of social interactions. This video discusses and provides examples of social relationships impact development. | Sprouts | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I2hrSRbmHE | 5:08 | Uploaded February 28, 2020 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact of different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. | |||
Development | Early Learning and Development | Davidson Films, Inc. (2010, June 21). 2 Year Old Girl with Down Syndrome: The McClintic Family - Our Special Life-Episode 3[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InzmZtHuZPY | Vygotsky's Developmental Theory: An Introduction (Davidson Films, Inc.) This video introduces the life, vocabulary, and concepts of Lev Vygotsky. It illustrates four basic concepts integral to his work: children construct knowledge, learning can lead development, development cannot be separated from its social context, and language plays a central role in cognitive development. Elena Bodrova brings an easy familiarity to these concepts. Deborah Leong's commentary and the classroom examples enable the viewer to incorporate these concepts into their understanding of child development. | Davidson Films | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InzmZtHuZPY | 4:01 | Uploaded June 21, 2010 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 1.1 Candidates demonstrate an understanding of the impact of different theories and philosophies of early learning and development have on assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction decisions. | |||
Professionalism | Inclusion/Advocating for Improved Child Outcomes | Northwest Down Syndrome Association and ABI. (2012 April 2). We All Belong[Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFoLsYDQzzY | We All Belong: A documentary film exploring the issues of belonging and diversity in our classrooms. It profiles real parents and the dreams and fears they share. This film is a frank discussion of civil, human, and educational rights and offers a window into best practices and the struggle families face to achieve inclusion for their children. | Northwest Down Syndrome Association and ABI | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFoLsYDQzzY | 14:30 | April 2, 2012 | Childhood | n/a | n/a | 6.6: Candidates use responsive interactions, interventions, and instruction with sufficient intensity and types of support across activities, routines, and environments to promote child learning and development and facilitate access, participation, and engagement in natural environments and inclusive settings. 2.2 Candidates communicate clear, comprehensive, objective information about resources and supports that help families to make informed decisions and advocate for access, participation, and equity in natural and inclusive environments. | INS4 Practitioners plan for and provide the level of support, accommodations, and adaptations needed for the child to access, participate, and learn within and across activities and routines. F10. Practitioners inform families about leadership and advocacy skill-building opportunities and encourage those who are interested to participate. | ||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Responsive, Evidence-based, Systematic Practices | Embler, D. (Director). (2008). Weaving Wonderful Tale [Video]. The Center for Early Literacy Learning http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | Weaving Wonderful Tales: The shared reading of storybooks, an interactive style of adult-child reading, is portrayed with 2 to 3-year-olds. | The Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL) and The Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute | http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/ta_pract_videos1.php | 9:11 | ©2008 | Birth-5 | Home Setting | n/a | 6.1 Candidates, in partnership with families, identify systematic, responsive, and intentional evidence-based practices and use such practices with fidelity to support young children's learning and development across all developmental and academic content domains. | |||
Assessment | Authentic Assessment | Edelman, L. & Herlinger, M. (Producers). (2009) What is Authentic Assessment? [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_GeneralInterest | What Is Authentic Assessment?: Practitioners and families share their perspective on authentic assessment. Illustrates the primary features and purposes of authentic assessment in a classroom setting. | Results Matter, Colorado Department of Education | https://www.cde.state.co.us/resultsmatter/RMVideoSeries_GeneralInterest | 3:02 | September 29, 2009 | Birth-5 Years | Home & Early Care Setting | Other | 4.1 Candidates understand the purpose of formal and informal assessment, including ethical and legal considerations, and use this information to choose developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate, valid, reliable tools and methods that are responsive to the characteristics of the young child, family, and program. 4.2 Candidates develop and administer informal assessments and/or select and use valid, reliable formal assessments using evidence-based practices, including technology, in partnership with families, and other professionals. 6.7 Candidates plan for, adapt, and improve approaches to interaction, intervention, and instruction based on multiple sources of data across a range of natural environments and inclusive settings. | A6: Practitioners use a variety of methods including observation and interviews to gather information from multiple sources including the child's family and other significant individuals in the child's life. INS3 Practitioners gather and use data to inform decisions about individualized instruction. | ||
Families | Family-Centered Practice/Family-Centered Early Intervention | Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. (n.d.). What is Early Intervention?[Video]. Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/what-is-early-intervention | What Is Early Intervention?:Parents and professionals describe early intervention specifically what it is, what it looks like, and why it works. The coming together of two experts, the family and the practitioner, is highlighted. | Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center (VEIPD) | https://sites.google.com/a/vcu.edu/early-intervention-video-library/what-is-early-intervention | 8:45 | September 10, 2014 | Birth-3 | n/a | n/a | 2.3 Candidate engage families in identifying their strengths, priorities, and concerns; support families to achieve the goals they have for their family and their young child's development and learning; and promote families' competence and confidence during assessment , individualized planning, intervention, instruction and transition process. | F1. Practitioners build trusting and respectful partnerships with the family through interactions that are sensitive and responsive to cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic diversity. F10 Practitioners inform families about leadership and advocacy skill-building opportunities and encourage those who are interested to participate. | ||
Professionalism | Diversity and Equity | TED. (2016, April 20). Joshua Bingwa: What Makes Us Different [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WKlaMJaE0g | What Makes Us Different: Thirteen-year-old Joshua Bingwa from Kenya uses nature, specifically a bee, to discuss similarities and differences of “humans” and other living things. | TEDx Talks | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WKlaMJaE0g | 6:09 | Uploaded April 20, 2016 | Lifespan | n/a | 5.1 Candidates collaborate with families and other professionals in identifying evidence-based curriculum addressing developmental and content domains to design and facilitate meaningful and culturally responsive learning experiences that support the unique abilities and needs of all children and families. | ||||
Interactions, Interventions and Instruction | Inclusion | Edelman, L. (2011). Win-Win: Inclusive Preschool Settings [Video]. Desired Results Access Project. https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/WinWinInclusivePreschoolSettings | Win-Win: Inclusive Preschool Settings: Illustrates an inclusive preschool program - footage of classroom activities and interviews describe the strong collaboration among children, staff, and parents and highlights the benefits of inclusive preschool settings for all involved. | Desired Results Access Project | https://www.draccess.org/videolibrary/WinWinInclusivePreschoolSettings | 5:39 | ©2011 | 3-5 Years | Early Care Setting | Teacher | 5.2 Candidates use their knowledge of early childhood curriculum frameworks, developmental and academic content knowledge, and related pedagogy to plan and ensure equitable access to universally designed, developmentally appropriate, and challenging learning experiences in natural and inclusive environments. | E1 Practitioners provide services and supports in natural and inclusive environments during daily routines and activities to promote the child's access to and participation in learning experiences. E2 Practitioners consider Universal Design for Learning principles to create accessible environments. | ||
Inclusion | Intersectionality | Learning for Justice. (2016, May 18). Intersectionality 101 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6dnj2IyYjE | Intersectionality 101: Reviews the basics of intersectionality. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6dnj2IyYjE | 3:03 | Uploaded May 18 2016 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | |||||
Inclusion | Intersectionality | Annie Elainey. (2016, March 25). Coming Out as Disabled - My Visible and Invisible Disability [CC] [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxNWV8Kg_GY | Coming Out as Disabled | My Visible and Invisible Disability [CC]: Annie Elainey, a woman with an undiagnosed disability, shares her experience of others' conscious and unconscious judgements. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxNWV8Kg_GY | Uploaded March 25, 2016 | Lifespan | n/a | n/a | ||||||
Development | Specific Disability | Stolen Childhood. (2020, March 25). Stolen Childhood (2019) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cprp-zhkDCM | Stolen Childhood (2019): What happens when familiar signs of mental illness- rapid-onset OCD, tics, generalized anxiety, hyperactivity - are misdiagnosed? This is the unfortunate reality for children living with the auto-immune disease known as PANDAS. | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cprp-zhkDCM | 52:13 | Uploaded March 25, 2020 | Childhood | n/a | n/a |