Video Library – Topic: Teaming


Title/Description Suggested Citation Video Length EI/ECSE Standards DEC Recommended Practices
Using Coaching Strategies to Engage With Families in an Early Intervention Context

Overview of federal regulations, ECTA Center key principals, and ASHA guidelines in relation to service delivery. Review of coaching elements and strategies to support practitioners' teams with families and other individuals that are meaningful in children's lives. A home visit is shared where the practitioner implements some of the coaching strategies with the mom.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2016, October 6). Using Coaching Strategies to Engage With Families in an Early Intervention Context [Video]. YouTube. 33:01 3.2 INS13
Learning Lab

Coaching for Practice Change: Session 1 Part 2: Live Coaching with Denise Binder: Reviews key elements of the live coaching and practice-based coaching models. Highlights the importance of a  teacher-coach agreement.

Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. (2017, May-August). Learning Lab: Coaching for Practice Change: Session 1 Part 2: Live Coaching with Denise Binder[Webinar]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. 10:24 3.2 TC2
Learning Lab

Coaching for Practice Change: Session 1 Part 3: Home Visiting with Juliann Woods:  Review of three practice-based coaching approaches/strategies and how they fit together: Family Guided Routine Based Intervention (FGRBI), Distance Mentoring Model (DMM), and SS-OO-PP-RR (setting the stage, observation and opportunities to embed, problem solving and planning, reflection and review).

Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. (2017, May-August). Learning Lab: Coaching for Practice Change: Session 1 Part 3: Home Visiting with Juliann Woods[Webinar]. Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center. 11:47 3.2 TC2
Families Front and Center

The Power of Coaching: A developmental vision specialist describes how she used video recordings of her early intervention home visits as a foundation for self-reflection and refinement of her practice.

Edelman, L. & Montano, A. (Producers). (n.d.). Families Front and Center: The power of Coaching[Video]. University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability. 5:20 3.1 TC2
A Home Visit with Hailey's Family

Learning to Coach with FGRBI: An early interventionist describes her work with Hailey and her parents. She describes her transition to using a coaching approach called SS-OO-PP-RR and the benefits of coaching with Family Guided Routines Based Intervention.

Edelman, L. (2017). A Home Visit with Hailey's Family: Learning to Coach with FGRBI [Video]. Center for Development and Disability, University of New Mexico. 10:56 3.2 TC2
Using Video Technology To Enhance Coaching In Early Intervention 

Illustrates early intervention practitioners video record their home visits, post the videos to a private video sharing and collaboration platform, and receive coaching on their application of new practices.

Edelman, L. (2017). Using Video Technology to Enhance Coaching in Early Intervention [Video]. Center for Development and Disability, University of New Mexico. 6:37 3.2 TC2
Using Video Reflection and Coaching at SD27J Preschool

Description of how video is used for self-reflection and coaching at a Preschool in Brighton, CO.

Edelman, L. Brungard, T., Perez, C. & Ager, B. (Producers). (2011). Using Video Reflection and Coaching at SD27J [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. 5:48 3.2 TC1
Video #3 Using Instant Messaging and Video for Just-In-Time Support

Lauren, a parent, and Ginger, her daughter’s speech-language pathologist, illustrate how Lauren shares video with Ginger via text messaging for “just-in-time” feedback and coaching.

Edelman, L., Henry, BJ., Jones, S., Popich, B., Smith, Bev. & Weatherson, H. (Producers). (2016). Video #3: Using Instant Messaging and Video for Just-In-Time Support [Video]. Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. 4:30 3.1 INS3
Coaching Families of Young Children with Disabilities: What it is and How it Works - Part 1

In part one of this two-part webinar series, the importance of engaging families and the foundation for coaching families is discussed.  Key principles of early intervention, DEC family-recommended practices, and adult learning characteristics are reviewed.

EITP Illinois.  (2017, July 17). Coaching Families of Young Children with Disabilities: What it is and How it Works - Part 1 [Webinar]. YouTube. 1:08:56 3.2 INS13
Coaching Families of Young Children with Disabilities

What it is and How it Works - Part 2: In part two of this two-part webinar series, strategies for coaching and collaborating with families in early intervention to support their children's development are discussed.  DEC family-recommended practices, the foundation of coaching, and the benefits of coaching are also reviewed.

EITP Illinois. (2017, July 17). Coaching Families of Young Children with Disabilities: What it is and How it Works - Part 2 [Webinar]. YouTube. 1:21:06 3.2 INS13
Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood

Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 2: Joint Planning: Showcases joint planning during early intervention visits with families and teachers.

Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood. (n.d.). Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 2: Joint Planning[Video]. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. 4:43 3.1 TC2
Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood

Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 3: Observation: Illustrates when observation happens and how it is used to support families and teachers.

Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood. (n.d.). Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 3: Observation [Video]. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. 1:53 3.1 A6
Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood

Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 4: Action/Practice: Describes the importance of action/practice and using new skills in real-life contexts.

Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood. (n.d.). Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 4: Action/ Practice [Video]. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. 3:17 3.1 F4
Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood

Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 5: Reflection: Describes the importance of facilitating the coachee to reflect. Identifies four different types of questions to promote reflection: awareness, analysis, alternatives, and action questions.

Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood. (n.d.). Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 5: Reflection [Video]. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. 3:51 3.1 INS1
Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood

Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 6: Feedback: Discusses four different types of feedback (affirmative, evaluative, informative, directive).

Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood. (n.d.). Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals: Chapter 6: Feedback [Video]. The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving. 3:28 3.1 TC1
Dathan and M'Lisa's Top Ten Misconceptions of Coaching

Highlights misconceptions practitioners have about coaching and provides research that supports coaching methods.

Fremuth, G. [Gabe Fremuth]. (2015, July 27). Dathan and M'Lisa Top Ten Misconceptions of Coaching [Video]. YouTube. 21:26 3.2 INS13
Practice-Based Coaching (PBC)

The Practice-Based Coaching (PBC) model starts with creating a strong partnership between the coach and education staff. Learn what collaborative coaching partnerships look like in action and what it takes to develop a strong partnership.

Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. (n.d.). Practice-Based Coaching (PBC)[Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. 3:38 3.1 TC2
Coaching with Intention

Making the Most of the PBC Cycle - Webinar: There are specific evidence-based practices for implementing Practice-Based Coaching (PBC). In addition, coaches must learn to provide different levels of support based on individual coachees’ needs.  For coaching to be effective, it must be delivered with fidelity. In this webinar, panelists discuss the tools you can use to ensure you are using PBC with fidelity.

Hemmeter, M.L. (2020, September 16). Coaching with Intention: Making the Most of the PBC Cycle [Webinar]. National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations. 55:00 3.2
Coaching a Family during an Early Intervention Visit

This video shows Yvonnie, an early interventionist, using coaching skills to support a mother during an early intervention visit.  Yvonnie reviews the mother’s joint plan for helping her son learn to self-feed and pull to stand. She uses reflective questions to explore the family’s experience since the last visit.

Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center. (n.d.).  Coaching a Family during an Early Intervention Visit [Video]. 4:45 3.2 INS13

Developing and Reviewing the IFSP

Title/Description Suggested Citation Video Length EI/ECSE Standards DEC Recommended Practices
Bri IFSP Video Chapter 1 Introductions & Family Priorities

Introduces the family and team members, reviews the purpose of the IFSP meeting, highlights the role of the service coordinator, and includes strategies to ensure families are at the center of the IFSP meeting.

Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 1 Introductions & Family Priorities [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. x 8:02 2.1 F4
Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.1 Levels of Development-Communication

Illustrates a discussion of Bri's development, beginning with her language and communication skills.  The practitioners highlight Bri's strengths and encourage the family's input, seating the family at the center of the development of the IFSP.

Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.1 Levels of Development- Communication [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. 9:10 2.1 F4
Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.2 Levels of Development-Cognitive and Self-Help

Illustrates a discussion about Bri's cognitive development and self-help skills. The practitioners highlight Bri's strengths and encourage the family's input, placing the family at the center of the development of the IFSP.

Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.2 Levels of Development-Cognitive and Self-Help [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. 9:03 2.1 F4
Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.3 Levels of Development-Motor and Social

Video 4 in a series of 10, illustrates a discussion about Bri's motor and social development. The practitioners highlight Bri's strengths and encourage the family's input, seating the family at the center of the development of the IFSP.

Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 2.3 Levels of Development- Motor and Social [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. 9:59 2.1 F4
Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.1 Child Outcomes

Illustrates the introduction of a discussion around child outcomes which include positive social-emotional skills, acquiring and using knowledge and skills, and taking appropriate actions to meet needs.

Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.1 Child Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. 8:21 2.3 F4
Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.2 Child Outcomes

Illustrates a discussion around the first two child outcomes - positive social-emotional skills and acquiring and using knowledge and skills. The use of collaborative strategies is highlighted.

Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.2 Child Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. 9:59 3.2 F4
Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.3 Child Outcomes

Illustrates a discussion around the third child outcome - taking appropriate actions to meet needs.

Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 3.3 Child Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. 7:12 3.2  


Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.1 Family-Centered Functional Outcomes

Illustrates a discussion identifying family-centered functional outcomes.

Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.1 Family Centered Functional Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. 5:29 2.3 F4
Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.2 Family-Centered Functional Outcomes

Illustrates a discussion identifying strategies for meeting family-centered functional outcomes taking into account the family's strengths and priorities.

Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.2 Family Centered Functional Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. 8:16 2.3 F4
Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.3 Family-Centered Functional Outcomes

Illustrates a discussion identifying strategies for meeting family-centered functional outcomes with a focus on accessing community resources.

Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 4.3 Family Centered Functional Outcomes [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. 9:31 2.2 F4
Bri IFSP Video Chapter 5 Service Plan

Illustrates a discussion surrounding the development of the IFSP.

Guillen, C. (Director). (2010). Bri IFSP Video Chapter 5 Service Plan [Video]. Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois. 9:55 2.3 F4

Family-Centered Early Intervention / Collaborating and Teaming with Families

Title/Description Suggested Citation Video Length EI/ECSE Standards DEC Recommended Practices
A Tale of Two Conversations

A two-part video showing actors playing a parent of a child with special needs and a school administrator. The meeting was requested by the parent and takes place in the administrator’s office. Take One shows the parent and administrator talking about the child’s special education program. They are talking, but not listening. Their communication is unproductive. Take-Two shows each person using more effective communication skills.

CADRE. (n.d.). A Tale of Two Conversations [Video]. The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education. Part 1, 6:09 Part 2, 7:29 2.3 F3
Janella's Story

A developmental therapist works with an interdisciplinary team and family to support Janella, a 27-month-old, in making choices and participating in daily routines. The primary service provider approach is modeled. Conversations among the team members exemplify what is entailed in developing partnerships between families and practitioners. Throughout the video, the mom expresses what it has meant to learn and share ideas relevant to her daughter and family life. speaks of the importance of early intervention.

Edelman, L. (Producer). (2001). Janella's Story [Video]. Colorado Department of Education. 11:34 2.3 F5
Collaboration and Teaming: Session 4

Building Effective Teams: Illustrates examples of four skills necessary for successful teaming. Participants consider the characteristics of effective teams and generate ideas for creating successful teams in their own work.

Hilton/ Early Head Start Training Program. (2007). Collaboration and Teaming: Session 4: Building Effective Teams [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. 10:45 3.2 TC1
Collaboration and Teaming: Session 2

Steps to Collaborative Services: Highlights the issues involved in building collaborative relationships among service providers and families

Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. (2007). Collaboration and Teaming: Session 2: Steps to Collaborative Series [Video].Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. 18:12 3.2 TC1
Transition from Early Intervention to Early Childhood

What do I need to know?: Webinar explores Part C and Part B of IDEA 2004 with emphasis on transition, evaluation, and eligibility;  strategies that facilitate successful transitions; and strategies to support families through the transition from early intervention.

EITP Illinois. (2016, February 8). Transition from Early Intervention to Early Childhood: What do I need to know? [Webinar].  YouTube. 1:17:41 Begin at 5:55 2.3 TR1
Collaboration and Teaming: Session 3

Building Collaborative Relationships: Illustrates (1) specific strategies for successful teaming and integration of services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families; (2) an activity on community mapping of both informal and formal resources that support young children with disabilities and their families in their communities; and (3) offers supporting materials on, learning about community partners and strengthening collaborative relationships.

Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. (2007). Collaboration and Teaming: Session 3: Building Collaborative Relationships [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. 10:08 3.2 TC1
Transitions: A Community Perspective on Transitioning into Kindergarten

Transition to kindergarten strategies by each collaborative partner are highlighted.  Head Start educators work with receiving schools to understand school readiness and alignment between the program and kindergarten.  The perspectives of parents, children, teachers, program coordinators, principal, and superintendent are presented.

The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning. (Producer). (n.d.). Transitions: A Community Perspective on Transitioning into Kindergarten [Video]. Head Start Early Learning and Knowledge Center. 12:56 3.3 TR1
Using Video, Self-Reflection, and Coaching to Enhance Early Intervention Services

This video illustrates how an early intervention program in New Mexico uses video, self-reflection, coaching of practitioners, and coaching of coaches to support their practitioners to use a more routines-based coaching approach to better support families.

Edelman, L. (Producer). (2016). Using Video, Self-Reflection, and Coaching to Enhance Early Intervention Services [Video]. University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability. 15:09 3.2 INS13
Positive Experiences with Interprofessional Collaborative Practice

A mom discusses her positive experience when individual providers connect with each other and collaborate on strategies. She also discusses her transition from early intervention to the school setting.

American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2015, February 12). Positive Experiences with Interprofessional Collaborative Practice [Video]. YouTube. 4:31 3.1 TC2
Finley's Parent-Teacher Conference

A parent-teacher conference for which the meeting occurred during the half hour before preschool began.  The mom brought two of her children, her preschooler and infant, along with her.  The video illustrates a variety of practices, including using engaging open-ended questions, active listening, positive ways to share information with families, having strengths-based discussions, and sharing photo and video documentation with families.

Colorado Department of Education. (2015, February 3). Finley's Parent-Teacher Conference [Video]. YouTube. 11:03 3.1 TC2
Early Intervention Home Visits

Illustrates what families can expect during a home visit, how children learn best, the primary provider model, parent coaching, and typical daily routines.

Connecticut Birth to Three System. [CT Birth 23]. (2010, October 7). Early Intervention Home Visits [Video]. YouTube. 11:45 3.2 TC5
A Home Visit with Kris and Kiyah

Special education teacher Peg joins Kiyah and her father, Kris on a home visit. Peg supports Kris to embed opportunities for Kiyah to learn and participate in the family's everyday activities such as getting ready for childcare and taking a walk.

Edelman, L. & Smith, P. (2014). A Home Visit with Kris and Kiyah [Video]. Florida State University Communication and Early Childhood Research and Practice Center. 10:52 2.3 F5
Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities

Session 9: Transition at Age 3: The families' experiences and feelings about transition and how they collaborate with providers, despite differences among systems (such as early intervention and preschool special education and Early Head Start and Head Start), are shared.

Hilton/Early Head Start Foundation Training Program & Gary Christian Film & Video. (Producers). (2007).  Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Session 9: Transition at Age 3 [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. 30:23 3.3 TR1
CONNECT Audio 3.6: Susan’s Perspective (David’s Mother)

The mother of David, a 4-year-old with language delays, shares her perspective on addressing her son’s goals.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Audio 3.6: Susan's Perspective (David's Mother) [Audio file]. Division for Early Childhood. 0:57 3.2 TC2
CONNECT Video 2.2: The Family's Viewpoint

Rosemary, the mother of Tamiya, a two-year-old girl turning three with developmental delays, shares her view on the upcoming transition of her daughter into a childcare program.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Video 2.2: The Family's Viewpoint [Video]. Division for Early Childhood. 2:27 3.3 TR2
CONNECT Video 2.3: Highlights of a Home Visit

The preschool teacher makes a home visit before the child starts preschool to build rapport with the mom, gather information, and share information about what the first day of school will be like.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Video 2.3: Highlights of a Home Visit [Video]. Division for Early Childhood. 3:03 3.3 TR2
CONNECT Video 5.2: The Family’s Viewpoint

Holly, Sophie’s mother, shares her dilemma about sending Sophie to a family childcare provider who does not have experience working with children who use assistive technology.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Video 5.2: The Family's Viewpoint [Video]. Division for Early Childhood. 2:14 3.1 TC1
Home Visiting Practices for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities (Robin McWilliam, Ph.D.)

Describes the paradigm shift from practitioners working directly working with a child to working with the family during home visits. Misconceptions regarding home visits are reviewed.

UConn UCEDD. (2010, July 17). Home Visiting Practices for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities (Robin McWilliam, Ph.D.) [Video]. YouTube. 7:49 3.2 TC2
CONNECT Audio 1.4: Kathy's Perspective (Speech Therapist)

A speech therapist in a childcare program shares her perspective on serving Luke, a three-year-old boy with developmental delays who recently enrolled. She discusses the challenges of using embedded interventions in the classroom.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Audio 1.4: Kathy's Perspective (Speech Therapist)[Audio file].  Division for Early Childhood. 2:03 3.2 TC1
CONNECT Audio 1.5: Jackie's Perspective (Luke's Teacher)

Luke's teacher at the childcare program shares her perspective a few months after Luke, a three-year-old boy with developmental delays, joined her classroom.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Audio 1.5: Jackie's Perspective (Luke's Teacher)[Audio file]. Division for Early Childhood. 1:53 3.2 TC3
CONNECT Audio 3.4: Shawanda’s Perspective (Teacher)

A teacher in a childcare program shares her perspective on collaborating with other professionals in her classroom.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Audio 3.4: Shawanda's Perspective (Teacher) [Audio file]. Division for Early Childhood. 0.53 3.2 TC2
CONNECT Audio 3.5: Ashley’s perspective (speech therapist)

A speech therapist shares her perspective on working with children in classroom settings and collaborating with the teachers and families.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Audio 3.5: Ashley's perspective (speech therapist) [Audio file]. Division for Early Childhood. 0.47 3.2 TC2
CONNECT Audio 5.4: Ms. Mary’s Perspective (Family Child Care Provider)

A childcare provider of Sophie, a two-year-old with language and physical delays, discusses her feelings about using assistive technology and wanting to become more comfortable with using communication boards with Sophie.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Audio 5.4: Ms. Mary's Perspective (Family Child Care Provider) [Audio file]. Division for Early Childhood. 0:30 3.2 TC2
CONNECT Audio 5.6: Karen’s Perspective (Speech Therapist)

Sophie’s speech therapist shares her thoughts about working with Sophie and using assistive technology to help her communicate. She also talks about her willingness to work with Ms. Mary, Sophie’s childcare provider, to make her more comfortable with using assistive technology.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Audio 5.6: Karen's Perspective (Speech Therapist) [Audio file]. Division for Early Childhood. 1:06 3.1 TC2
CONNECT Video 1.1: The Teacher's Viewpoint

Jackie, a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares her concerns about including Luke, a 3-year-old boy with developmental delays, in her classroom

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Video 1.1: The Teacher's Viewpoint [Video].  Division for Early Childhood. 1:50 3.2 INS13
CONNECT Video 2.1: The Teacher’s Viewpoint

Melanie, a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares a dilemma about the transition of Tamiya, a two-year-old girl turning three with developmental delays, joining her classroom.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Video 2.1: The Teacher's Viewpoint [Video]. Division for Early Childhood. 1:55 3.3 TR1
CONNECT Video 3.1: The Teacher’s Viewpoint

Shawanda, a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares a dilemma about collaborating with a speech therapist to address the learning goals of David, a 4-year-old boy in her class.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Video 3.1: The Teacher's Viewpoint [Video]. Division for Early Childhood. 1:50 3.1 TC3
CONNECT Video 3.2: The Therapist’s Viewpoint

Ashley, a speech therapist shares her view on collaborating with a teacher in a community-based childcare program to address the goals of David, a 4-year-old boy with language delays

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Video 3.2: The Therapist's Viewpoint [Video]. Division for Early Childhood. 1:09 3.1 TC3
CONNECT Video 3.3: Conversation with Examples of Attending and Active Listening

Andi, a Head Start teacher, and LeeMarie, a speech therapist, have a conversation about collaborating to address the learning goals of a 4-year-old child in Andi’s classroom. This is part one of a three-part conversation highlighting examples of attending and active listening communication strategies.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Video 3.3: Conversations with Examples of Attending and Active Listening  [Video]. Division for Early Childhood. 2:37 3.2 TC3
CONNECT Video 3.4: Conversation with Examples of Seeking and Verifying Information

Andi, a Head Start teacher, and LeeMarie, a speech therapist, have a conversation about collaborating to address the learning goals of a 4-year-old child in Andi’s classroom. This is part two of a three-part conversation highlighting examples of seeking and verifying communication strategies.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Video 3.4: Conversation with Examples of Seeking and Verifying Information [Video]. Division for Early Childhood. 2:38 3.2 TC3
CONNECT Video 3.5: Conversation with Examples of Joining and Supporting

Andi, a Head Start teacher, and LeeMarie, a speech therapist, have a conversation about collaborating to address the learning goals of a 4-year-old child in Andi’s classroom. This is part three of a three-part conversation highlighting examples of joining and supporting communication strategies

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Video 3.5: Conversation with Examples of Joining and Supporting [Video]. Division for Early Childhood. 3:12 3.2 TC3
CONNECT Video 5.1: The Family Childcare Provider’s Viewpoint

Ms. Mary, a family childcare provider, shares a dilemma about her concerns about using communication boards with Sophie, a 2-year-old girl in her program.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). CONNECT Video 5.1: The Family Childcare Provider's Viewpoint [Video]. FPG Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1:50 3.1 TC2
From Home to Classroom

This video shows a simulation of the parent and practitioner interactions and assumptions from each.

Brown, A. Restivo, J. Vulovich, A. Vuong, A. Elenko, B. (Video). (2017) From Home to Classroom 8:58 2.1 INS5


Title/Description Suggested Citation Video Length EI/ECSE Standards DEC Recommended Practices
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics

Video 2: Setting Up for an IEP Meeting: Illustrates the facilitators of the IEP meeting as they plan and set up the environment.

Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 2: Setting Up for an IEP Meeting [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. 2:01 3.1 TC3
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics

Video 4: Beginning the Meeting: Observe the facilitator of the IEP meeting as she sets up the environment, reviews the to-do list, and informs participants of logistics.

Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 4: Beginning the Meeting [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. 0:45 3.1 TC3
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 5

Generating Goals: Illustrates the creation of goals for the IEP.

Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 5: Generating Goals [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. 4:23 3.3 TC1
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 6

Signing the Individual Education Program: Observe the facilitator recap the meeting highlights before passing around the Individualized Education Program.

Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 6: Signing the Individual Education Program [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. 1:28 3.2 TC2
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 7

Informal Wrap-Up: Observe the facilitator recap the meeting highlights before passing around the Individualized Education Program.

Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 7: Informal Wrap-Up [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. x 1:28 3.2 TC2
Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 3

Roundtable Introductions at the Meeting: Demonstrates the introduction of attendees at an IEP meeting.

Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.).Individualized Education Program (IEP) Basics: Video 3: Roundtable Introductions at the Meeting [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. x 1:14 3.1 TC3
Preschool Inclusion Series: Session 5: The Individualized Education Program: Partnering for Success

This video considers the IEP process from various perspectives and explores how teams work together to create inclusive experiences that are supported by the IEP process.

Porter, J. & Gary Christian Film & Video (Producers). (2009). Preschool Inclusion Series: Session 5: The Individualized Education Program: Partnering for Success [Video]. Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center. 46:48 2.3 TR2
Interprofessional Education/Interprofessional Practice (IPE/IPP)

Practitioners from varying disciplines demonstrate the competencies needed to develop an IEP. Benefits for both the child and professionals are discussed as are the challenges of working as a team.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (2023). Interprofessional Education/Interprofessional Practice (IPE/IPP) [Video]. YouTube. 3:25 3.1 TC2

Reflective Practice

Title/Description Suggested Citation Video Length EI/ECSE Standards DEC Recommended Practices
Using Video to Enhance Family Support and Reflective Practice

An early intervention practitioner discusses how she used video to enhance the services she provided to a family and reflects on her practices.

Edelman, L. (Producer). (2016). Using Video to Enhance Family Support and Reflective Practice [Video]. University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability. 5:49 3.2 INS13


Title/Description Suggested Citation Video Length EI/ECSE Standards DEC Recommended Practices
Foundations of Transition for Young Children

The importance of relationships among families and professionals, as well as among various agencies serving a child and family are discussed. Desirable outcomes of transition, research on effective transition strategies, and legal requirements of transition planning are also reviewed.

The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Education. (2010). Foundations of Transition for Young Children [Video]. Division for Early Childhood. 10:03 2.3 TR1

Service Providers

Title/Description Suggested Citation Video Length EI/ECSE Standards DEC Recommended Practices
Primary Service Provider Panel Discussion

A panel of physical therapists discusses the primary service provider teaming approach in early intervention.

Catalino, T. [Tricia Catalino]. (2013, January 15). Primary Service Provider Panel Discussion [Webinar]. YouTube. 41:16 3.1 TC5
Setting the Stage for FGRBI - The Role of the Service Coordinator

Service coordinators describe how they set the stage for families beginning intervention by describing FGRBI and by supporting families to identify key routines and priorities.

CEC-RAP. (2017). Setting the Stage for FGRBI- The Role of the Service Coordinator [Video]. Vimeo. 4:15 2.3 F5

Teaming with Families

Title/Description Suggested Citation Video Length EI/ECSE Standards DEC Recommended Practices
Practitioner Family-Centered Practices for Working with Families

Several brief vignettes with Early Interventionists, families, children interacting in the home setting as examples of family-centered practices

Puckett Institute. (2017, June 27). Practitioner Family-Centered Practices for Working with Families [Video]. YouTube. 3:32 2.1 F5

Tele-Practice and Video Conferencing

Title/Description Suggested Citation Video Length EI/ECSE Standards DEC Recommended Practices
Providing Early Intervention Services Through Distance Technology

Illustrates how practitioners can use tele-intervention while social distancing and includes an overview of system requirements, how to plan a visit, the three parts of a virtual visit, and what conducting a tele-intervention visit looks like in action.

Family, Infant and Preschool Program. (2020). Providing Early Intervention Services Through Distance Technology. North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. 19:59 3.1 TC2
Video #4: Using Video and Video Conferencing to Enable Team Meetings over Distances

This video illustrates several ways that video and video conferencing are being used to enhance support for families and team functioning.

Edelman, L., Henry, BJ., Jones, S., Popich, B., Smith, Bev. & Weatherson, H. (Producers). (2016). Video #4: Using Video and Video Conferencing to Enable Team Meetings over Distances [Video]. Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. 6:35 3.1 TC1
Video #5: Using FaceTime to Enhance Team Collaboration

Kate, a physical therapist, and Lori, a developmental specialist, illustrate how video conferencing is being used to help practitioners who work in different locations better collaborate to support families.

Edelman, L., Henry, BJ., Jones, S., Popich, B., Smith, Bev. & Weatherson, H. (Producers). (2016). Video #5: Using FaceTime to Enhance Team Collaboration [Video]. Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council. 4:50 3.1 TC1