State Systems of Early Childhood Intervention

Congratulations Minnesota CSPD Team!
MN Licensure: Notice of Adoption Published!
Developing a State Comprehensive System of Personnel Development
A system designed to address the challenges faced in the Early Childhood (EC) workforce, including:
- Shortages of personnel
- Need for additional training at both the pre-service and in-service levels
- Inconsistent alignment of state and national competencies and standards
- Challenges faced by EC personnel due to the diverse needs of young children and their families
- Inequities of preparation and compensation among those providing services

The ECPC collaborated with the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) to create an Early Childhood Systems Framework .pdf for Part C and Part B section 619 Coordinators to evaluate their current systems, identify potential areas for improvement, and develop more effective and efficient systems that support the implementation of evidence-based practices in each of six main areas. The ECPC’s work resides in the Personnel/Workforce (PN) component of this framework, which addresses the necessity of understanding workforce capacity in order to provide timely and consistent services by prepared personnel in early childhood. ECPC-CSPD Self-Assessment .pdf
Link to State CSPD Leadership Space – Login required
We support states to:
- Identify a leadership team to explore the opportunity to develop a Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD)
- Use the Readiness Tool to determine if your state is ready for strategic planning
Comprehensive Systems of Personnel Development (CSPD)
A CSPD is a framework to improve the quantity, quality, and effectiveness of the early childhood intervention workforce who provide services and interventions to facilitate the development and learning of infants and young children with disabilities and their families.
This is an interactive graphic, click on each component for specific resources.

Leadership, Coordination, & Sustainability
Infrastructure to support all ECI personnel development activities

In-Service Training
Ongoing learning activities to maintain and strengthen the competence of the ECI workforce
Plans for evaluating each subcomponent of the CSPD
Recruitment & Retention
Strategies to identify, hire, and maintain a qualified ECI workforce across sectors and disciplines

Pre-Service Training
Formal program of study at an IHE to prepare the ECI workforce

Personnel Standards
Discipline specific knowledge, skills, and competencies for the ECI workforce

A CSPD integrates multiple personnel activities that collaboratively address the recruitment, preparation, credentialing, ongoing training and evaluation of cross disciplinary practitioners and administrators for early intervention and early childhood special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Plans for evaluating each subcomponent of the CSPD
Leadership, Coordination, & Sustainability
Structures for ongoing support of all personnel development activities
Recruitment and Retention
Strategies to identify, hire, and maintain a qualified workforce across sectors and disciplines
Personnel Standards
Discipline specific knowledge, skills, and competencies for the EC workforce
Pre-Service Training
Formal program of study at an IHE to prepare for the EC workforce
In-Service Training
Ongoing learning activities to maintain and build the competence of the EC workforce
A CSPD integrates multiple personnel activities that collaboratively address the recruitment, preparation, credentialing, ongoing training and evaluation of cross disciplinary practitioners and administrators for early intervention and early childhood special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Intensive Technical Assistance
The Intensive Technical Assistance program of the Early Childhood Personnel Center is an 18-month program centered on the development and implementation of an integrated, comprehensive system of personnel development (CSPD) for the participating state. Each participating state will be assigned at least one Technical Assistance (TA) Consultant, who will assist in guiding the state participants through the phases of developing their CSPD
The goal of the Intensive TA State Partnership is to build state capacity to foster professional development of the early childhood workforce. Through this partnership, we hope to:
- Enhance knowledge and skills of practitioners and those who support them including administrators, TA providers, and faculty;
- Support the implementation and sustainability of evidence-based practices; and
- Increase the size of the workforce skilled in providing inclusive intervention practices.
Intensive TA states will follow a 4-phase process that allows them to recruit and develop a diverse team of professionals who will address all subcomponents of a CSPD, including: (a) leadership, coordination, and sustainability; (b) state personnel standards; (c) pre-service personnel development; (d) in-service personnel development; (e) recruitment and retention; and (f) evaluation. This graphic .pdf depicts an overview of our Intensive TA methodology, subcomponents and their quality indicators, and our currently participating states.
Four phases to develop a Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) are:
- Exploration
- Installation
- Implementation
- Standardization
The ECPC has recruited a cohort of states to receive Intensive Technical Assistance. Each of these states has (1) been assigned an ECPC-appointed TA provider, (2) completed our strategic planning process to created a personalized vision and mission for their CSPD, and (3) are working through action plans developed for each subcomponent.
Commonly Used Acronyms
Action Planning
Process and Evaluation Tools for Developing an Action Plan
This document is used to evaluate the quality of your action plan.
CSPD Orientation and Overview Materials
CSPD Orientation and Onboarding Powerpoint
Infographic on Involving Families in CSPD “The Basics”
Self-assessment for families to gauge their readiness to participate in an advisory capacity
Self-Assessment for State Administrators to measure family/stakeholder engagement
CSPD Sub-Component workgroup briefs:
An overview for each workgroup
CSPD Topic Specific Briefs
Leadership Brief
This Leadership Brief includes findings from a meta-analysis of leadership practices studies (Dunst et al., 2018) and descriptions of the implications of the results for leadership development (Brittain & Bernotavicz, 2014).
Recruitment and Retention Brief
The purpose of this brief is to share strategies to attract, prepare and retain qualified personnel in EI/ECSE.
The purpose of this brief is to share the findings, from the pre-service personnel preparation meta-analysis to early childhood personnel who have an interest, influence, and/or planning responsibilities related to preparing high-quality EC/EI professionals.
The purpose of this brief is to share the findings from the in-service meta-synthesis professional development research: Features Associated with Positive Educator and Student Outcomes.
CSPD Data Reports
ECPC CSPD 2017 and 2022 Comparative Analysis
A Comparative Analysis from 2017 and 2022 Self-Assessments: State Comprehensive Systems of Personnel Development for Part C and Part B (619) Programs
Follow up to National Landscape of Early Childhood Personnel Standards for Professionals Serving Infants and Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families under 619 and Part C
11 States have completed CSPD strategic planning and have developed individualized vision and mission statements, featured below, which frame their strategic planning objectives.
The TA Readiness tool is a self-assessment for state Part C and Part B/619 leaders to assess their state system and support prior to committing to participate in intensive TA to develop a Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD).
The purpose of this guide is to provide an implementation framework manual that describes the processes, procedures, and resources required to successfully implement a state CSPD.
This form is intended to be used in Phase One (exploration phase) of the CSPD process to document all the TA being provided within a state.
Infographic on Involving Families in CSPD “The Basics”
Involving Families in State Personnel Development: A Step-by-Step Guide
This form is a Memorandum of Agreement for Intensive TA with ECPC.
Adopting the EI/ECSE Standards with State Licensure
State Developed Tools
- CSPD Orientation and Overview: Onboarding Instructions
- Mission, Vision, Collaborators, and Workgroups Infographic
- Hawaii Recruitment and Retention Survey
- Hawaii CSPD Standards, Competencies, and DEC Recommended Practices “Talking Points”
- Hawaii’s Standards, Competencies, Practices Graphic
- Pre-Service Survey sample
- Hawaii In-service Survey sample
- AZ CSPD 2022 General Overview:
- AZ CSPD 2022 General Overview ASL:
- AZ CSPD Family Overview:
- AZ CSPD Family Overview ASL:
- CSPD PowerPoint Presentation (
- CSPD Recruitment Event Flyer
- 2022 General CSPD Overview
- CSPD Family Overview. pptx
- MN Licensure adoption of the ECSE Licensure Standards (R4745) March 25. 2023
- Minnesota Recruitment and Retention survey.
- Minnesota CSPD: Recruitment and Retention Workgroup Survey Results and Findings
- R-4745 Update: Notice of Adoption Published – Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
CSPD Briefs
CSPD Sub-Component workgroup briefs:
- CSPD Overview
- CSPD Leadership
- CSPD Recruitment and Retention
- CSPD State Personnel Standards
- CSPD Preservice
- CSPD Inservice
- CSPD Evaluation
CSPD Briefs by Topic
Leadership Brief
This Leadership Brief includes findings from a meta-analysis of leadership practices studies (Dunst et al., 2018) and descriptions of the implications of the results for leadership development (Brittain & Bernotavicz, 2014).
Recruitment and Retention Brief
The purpose of this brief is to share strategies to attract, prepare and retain qualified personnel in EI/ECSE.
The purpose of this brief is to share the findings, from the pre-service personnel preparation meta-analysis to early childhood personnel who have an interest, influence, and/or planning responsibilities related to preparing high-quality EC/EI professionals.
The purpose of this brief is to share the findings from the in-service meta-synthesis professional development research: Features Associated with Positive Educator and Student Outcomes.
Building a System to Support the Preparation of Workforce:
Sue Thomas from Minnesota shares the importance of involving families within the CSPD process.
Sue Thomas from Minnesota Department of Education 619 Coordinator shares the importance of involving families within the Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) process for early childhood.
Carlene Robles from Hawaii describes how ECPC helped the state plan to develop a CSPD.
CSPD vision and mission statements created for each state:
Cohort 1
Vision Statement: In three to five years, there will be a cross-sector sustainable personnel and professional development system for all programs serving young children birth to five to sustain a high quality workforce.
Mission Statement: To advocate, create, and implement a statewide, comprehensive early childhood professional development system to improve quality and services for all children and families.
Vision Statement: The Kansas early childhood CSPD will result in positive outcomes for young children and families.
Mission Statement: In order to accomplish our vision, the Kansas ECPC Strategic Planning Team will design a cohesive personnel development system that ensures high quality early childhood programs and services leading to positive outcomes for all children and families.
Vision Statement: Every child, beginning at birth, will be healthy and successful.
Mission Statement: Our Early Childhood Comprehensive System of Personnel Development will be a well-communicated system of integrated professional development supports for early childhood professionals across disciplines that directly impact infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with and without diverse abilities and their families.
Vision Statement: We believe that as early childhood practitioners we are collectively responsible for assuring that the young children we work with are ready for school and are building the emotional and developmental tools necessary to live a life of positive experiences. Oregon’s early intervention/early childhood special education (EI/ECSE) Comprehensive System of Professional Development (CSPD) will ensure that all EI/ECSE practitioners receive the appropriate training and support needed to provide effective services to infants, toddlers, and preschool children with special needs and their families, which will result in positive developmental and behavioral child outcomes.
Mission Statement: We will create an integrated professional development system for all practitioners who provide services to young children with special needs age birth to five that is linked to national and state standards and integrated within existing professional development systems in our state.
Cohort 2
Vision Statement: PA’s comprehensive system of personnel development creates an infrastructure that supports an interdisciplinary workforce who meets the needs and acknowledges the strengths of children and families with accessible, evidence-based education and supports that capitalize on their strengths, skills and dispositions.
Mission Statement: All children and families have access to knowledgeable, competent, responsive professionals who work effectively and creatively across disciplines, using sustainable practices that lead to better outcomes for all children and families.
Vision Statement: Vermont’s CCV-hosted system prepares and supports professionals to effectively engage with children, families and systems to realize the promise of every child.
Mission Statement: Vermont’s CCV-hosted system aligns, integrates and coordinates personnel development to equitably prepare, support and retain qualified personnel across settings and disciplines.
Cohort 3
Vision Statement: An equitable and accessible early childhood professional development system informed by evidence-based practices that strengthens all Arizona children and their families.
Mission Statement: Our early childhood comprehensive system of professional development will support a unified cross-disciplinary early childhood workforce in Arizona that serves children and families in the contexts of inclusion, access and equity through creative and collaborative system building.
Vision Statement: Each and every child gets the great start needed to succeed from their families, communities and early learning experiences.
Mission Statement: Because each and every child, prenatal to 5, and their families deserve high quality early care and education, Minnesota will integrate and align existing systems of personnel development in order to empower practitioners to implement and sustain the use of the evidence-based practices.
Puerto Rico
Vision Statement: Highly competent and committed team supported by an integrated and inclusive professional development system that results in positive outcomes for young children and their families.
Un equipo altamente competente y comprometido, apoyado por un sistema integrado e inclusivo para su desarrollo profesional, que alcance resultados positivos para la niñez en edad temprana y su familia.
Mission Statement: Design, develop and implement a formal based cross disciplinary, articulated and sustainable system with accessible professional development experiences and opportunities.
Diseñar, desarrollar e implantar un sistema formal, interdisciplinario, articulado y sostenible con experiencias y oportunidades de desarrollo profesional disponibles y accesibles.
Cohort 4
Vision Statement: Hawaii will have a highly qualified sustainable professional workforce that is culturally and linguistically responsive to Hawaii’s birth to five keiki and their ohana.
Mission Statement: Hawaii will create an integrated Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) that will result in a collaborative, knowledgeable, and highly qualified workforce. This workforce will provide culturally and linguistically responsive early learning services to keiki birth to five with special needs and their ohana that are linked to national standards and integrated within personnel systems in our State.
Vision Statement: Mississippi will have a highly qualified and skilled workforce that sustains and improves the functional outcomes and quality of life for all children who qualify for IDEA services from birth to age 5 years and their families.
Mission Statement: The Mississippi CSPD promotes policy to ensure early intervention and early childhood special education professionals are qualified and will advocate for and use of evidence-based practices (such as the DEC Recommended Practices, 2014) to provide high quality, coordinated child- and family-centered services for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers who qualify for IDEA services and their families through opportunities and activities in their natural learning environments and daily routines.